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Everything posted by ASPGuru

  1. That brings it all back! Exactly why I don't do web sites anymore. Actually, I was prepared to make changes all day long, as long as the client was prepared to pay for that time, which oddly they never were!
  2. Yes, there are red deer on Blackamoor (at the top of the hill, sort of, before you drop down to the Foxhouse), and probably other types on the Longshaw estate too.
  3. Changing DNS servers will not help with this problem. DNS finds the server, not pages on a server. That message means you have asked a server for a page it does not have.
  4. Amazon have an app to front their mp3 store. Don't know if they do movies too. Otherwise just download them onto a PC from where ever you like, and then transfer them across to watch on the phone at your leisure.
  5. What octomancer & alchresearch said plus... There have been reports of dodgy apps being uploaded to Android Market, which was inevitable given the openess of the thing, so consider some kind of anti-malware to check whatever you download to try. Personally I use Lookout (http://www.mylookout.com), but plenty to choose from. If keeping track of dates etc is important then the default android Calender is pretty rubbish, so get a better one. I use Touch Calendar. Integrates with the standard one, and Google Calendar so you can easily update things using a PC/Mac, and if you want to move to another calendar app you don't have to re-input everything. For downtime, got to be Angry Birds!
  6. Yes. Save two copies of the document. Delete worksheets 51-100 from the first document file, and delete worksheets 1-50 from the second.
  7. Tesco broadband is provided by BT Internet (or used to be), while the mobile phone service is provided by O2 if that helps. I have a Tesco mobile and it's fine.
  8. I assume you have access to another PC to get on the web with? As such go to Ultimate Boot CD site - http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ - and download a copy of the boot disk and burn it to a CD. Then try booting the laptop off that. I'd go for the Parted Magic option first as that loads up a full desktop OS (a version of Linux actually) rather than just a command line OS like DOS. Do NOT run the partitioning software that this option is actually intended to give you access to! You run this from a desktop icon, or Start menu list, so not likely to run it by accident. The OS gives you access to various system tools which could be useful. If it boots up ok then that pretty much confirms the hardware is ok, or at least not totally goosed, so it's just the OS or driver that needs sorting. If it still fails to boot then there are various diagnostic tools on there that might help narrow it down, albeit there is not a lot the average person can do with a laptop, compared with a desktop.
  9. The latest model Range Rover has 8 forward gears (without considering high/low ratio) in an automatic gear box.
  10. Presumably it must have a battery in it if it is alarming to tell you the power has gone off?
  11. You also need to make sure you have a suitable CPU to run 64bit http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows-vista/32-bit-and-64-bit-Windows-frequently-asked-questions
  12. And it's in Barnsley, not Rotherham btw. Postcode is S75, not S62. And Rachel is still there Ying Yang, as is the squash court!
  13. Have you got a 3.5mm stereo cable in the package anywhere? Not familier with that model but I'd expect some kind of cable to go between the base unit and the monitor, either built into the VGA cable, or supplied seperately.
  14. Ghozer does have a point - my failed StorE unit is barely 18 months old, but not a hint of a warranty to claim against. A bare drive would have plenty of warranty left. dormiles also has a point! Some external caddies are dog ugly! But it's not just about looks. My StorE uses the WD Cavier Green unit, so it's one designed to be low energy, which means low heat (and noise). I've just put a standard WD (that I happened to have lying around spare, not bought for the job) in the Toshiba case, and it is certainly noisier, and it may be me, but it feels like the aluminium case is getting warmer. Not an issue I suppose if the external caddy has cooling fans (the StorE doesn't), albeit that will mean more noise.
  15. I've just had my Toshiba StorE Alu 1TB (has a Western Digital Cavier Green disk in it) fail. Normally very happy with WD drives so very surprised. It is used only for weekly back-ups, and only just over a year old, so hardly stressed. I've got the disk stripped out and will be running some more in-depth diagnostics when I mount it in the desktop itself (hopefully quicker than going via the USB interface), but have a Fujitsu external drive on order. Sorry, no experience of Samsung drives, but thought I'd share my WD experience if it helps.
  16. A full system anti-virus scan can be quite intensive, and so I would suspect over heating to be the cause of the reboots. Have you opened the case up simple as and checked to make sure it is not full of muck, especially the fans. If it is, clean it out (google for advice on how to do this safely, or search on here where it has been discussed before) and try again. If it is clean, are all the fans working ok? Always possible one has failed.
  17. Yep, you need to set the PC to the static address you set for it on the router. Do you know how to get there? I'm guessing you do judging by your response! If not, let us know and we'll talk you through it.
  18. I think that Adobe may have just released an update for the Flash Player -could that have been what it was saying, that it wanted to update itself? I doubt very much that it would warn you that it would slow your computer down - unless you have some kind of monitoring software running. Maybe try removing FireFox completely, and re-installing. Or try another browser - plenty out there.
  19. The static IP address from the ISP would only be issued to the router. The router will still be issuing dynamic addresses to the PC. Ghozer means to set the router so the PC has a static address, if you can. I could do that with my old SMC Barricade, but sadly it is not an option with my new Linksys. If that is not an option within your NetGear why not try amending the lease from the PC? Assuming Windows, open up a command prompt and type ipconfig /release followed by ipconfig /renew Do this at a more suitable time than 7am!
  20. Don't confuse network locking with IMEI blocking. One is where the phone is locked to a specific network - this can be unlocked and I suspect is what has been done here. The other is where the phone's individual identify (IMEI) has been blocked, possibly if it has been reported stolen. This should prevent it working on any network.
  21. Can recommend Nationwide Caravan Services - have PM'd you the details! They do have a workshop, but for servicing they can come to you. As well as the gas check, I'd also recommend a check over the running gear - brakes, coupling, lights. I assume that you haven't bought from a dealer? If so, and I'm guessing there is no proof of servicing, then I'd recommend having Rik do a full service. That way he will check over everything for you - all the running gear, plumbing, damp check etc.
  22. On a lot of cars it says what type of fluid is required on the fluid reservoir cap. Look for something like DOT4, or DOT5.
  23. Also is it possible that the person receiving the email is set to view it as text only, rather than rich text or html? I view all incoming emails initially as text only, and only switch to enhanced view when I know it is safe to do so.
  24. It is usually enabled by default, so unless you have turned it off then it is on! I can imagine one installation of Word getting corrupted, but not a bunch of them the same way. My money is on a recent update that has caused this! Assuming you have XP then you can run it manually from Start, Programs then the link at the top of the next list, probably Microsoft Update. One of the menu options when that loads I think is your update history. You can cancel actually running an update unless you really want to. Stuck at work with locked down machines so limited diagnostics I'm afraid - reliant on a dodgy memory!
  25. As more than one machine of yours, or that you have access to, has had this problem I'm wondering if maybe there has been an update issued by MS for Word that has caused this problem. Have you run Windows/Microsoft Update recently? Or do you have auto updates enabled?
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