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Everything posted by vmam

  1. That goes back to the captured Africans then sold in the Americas as slaves, their way of having a symbolic wedding was to put a broom on the floor then both bride and groom jumped over it, such a sad time in history.
  2. I remember Lenny Henry being on it but now he's a "Sir " he's against the old show, he enjoyed the money he made but now he's climbed on the bandwagon by writing a series about the Windrush and his family but he spit his dummy out after the series was cancelled because nobody watched it. My family had a worse life in Ireland during the 1800s but it's only interesting to my family.
  3. I'd love to see The Battle of Rourke's Drift with the Zulus played by white actors, what an uproar that would cause.
  4. They were our family doctors, no telephone consultations then, no receptionist trying to act like doctor's.
  5. Desperate ! They're as desperate as I am when I can't change TV channels, free housing, cash is their driving force.
  6. Each and every sport to me is boring, especially tennis, football.
  7. I'd like to see some of the people who object to comedy shows or is it some executive who thinks they may offend without actually doing just that.
  8. That said it seems more of the drug crimes are controlled by immigrants, also look at the grooming gangs, it's been going on for years but again our police don't want to be classed as racist, let people call them whatever they want, just arrest the detestable Asian men. If Cleveland has a violent crime rate and you quote it's 96% white but who's committing the crimes, it's easy money that generates crime not just poverty as people just don't want to work.
  9. When will someone realise it's the immigrants that's causing most of the problems but as usual people are afraid to classed as racist even though it's 100% true.
  10. I can't decide what the Victorian builders had in mind but it was given an arch for a reason.
  11. I'm afraid it does, it's shelter for the horses head while it's drinking.
  12. I agree wholeheartedly, why can't they just dress normal and stand before a microphone and just sing? why all the cavorting around like someone possessed
  13. chrishobbs.com http://www.chrishobbs.com › sheffi... The Sheffield Boiler Disaster - 1st November 1899 - Chris Hobbs
  14. Further to my previous post, look at photos u10411 & u10412 on picture Sheffield. Southern and Richardson were cutlery manufacturers. The power for driving the grinding wheels and other machinery in the works was provided by a large Lancashire boiler, built between two blocks of shops. The boiler was due to be dispensed with and a powerful gas engine had been purchased to replace it. A leakage into one of the flues, however, was followed by an explosion, the effects being felt in two directions. Seven men and boys were killed in the explosion: - Harry Dickinson, caretaker to the firm, aged 55 William Ward, aged 27, 8 court, 1 house, Bath Street Herbert Arthur Lickfold, aged 24, until recently in the employ of Messrs Hattersley and Davidson Albert Wharton, aged 15, 71 Burnt Tree Lane John Whitehead, aged 54, 26 Shepherd Street Frank Anderson, aged 15, 4 court, 3 house, Burnt Tree Lane John Ellis, aged 40, carter, in the employ of Messrs Doncaster and Sons. An inquest was held, the result being a verdict of accidental death in relation to all the victims, who had all died as a result of the injuries caused by the explosion, which itself was caused by a defective water gauge. No person was blamed for it.
  15. Research the old cutlery factory just across and read about the terrible accident that occurred there when a second hand boiler exploded.
  16. I would have thought a horse trough may have been there at one time.
  17. 93 ran from Pond Street to Stradbroke via Wybourn and Manor Park in the fifties and sixties.
  18. The 71 route ran from Manor Top via Prince of Wales road to Darnall, Attercliffe and on to town in the fifties and sixties. The 92 route ran from Manor Park centre in the fifties and on to Pond Street later it was extended to a new terminus at the Crossways on the Manor Estate.
  19. Possible heart attack suffered by driver.
  20. Sorry but you have to blame the parents, our two children were out of nappies at seven months old apart from at night when they wore one for another month, it's not hard to train children they are not stupid, at three months old we held ours on a potty making the usual sounds and they got the idea.
  21. The column is now part of a play area at Upperthorpe and has been for years, the mythical animals outside the Poundland crossing on High Street were cast from the originals from the Crimea monument, I don't know what happened to the cannons that were there, Victoria ended up in Endcliffe park. The council don't give a toss about the history and heritage of Sheffield, all they can say is " knock it down and build student flats "
  22. I'm sure horse riders are not allowed to ride on grass verges - hence - on the road.
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