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  1. only a matter of time before the establishments on the wicker hear about this lol
  2. first & stage coach etc need to both use the same system this is what i pay Sheffield council executives £250,000 per year to sort out
  3. it looks naff why does this local artist get a canvas instead of the multitude of other people Then again your probably 60 years old or your delighted by very basic artistic expressionism....lol
  4. Everyone i speak with in my daily life agrees with me you've not answered anything i've mentioned? it needs privatisation
  5. Uk citizens earn on average substantially less than than our American allies with the excuse that we get better health care? yet for example i'm still waiting to see a specialist doctor 4 months after being told a march appointment would be the earliest A&E is a minimum 2hours to be seen x-ray is still preferred over MRI Its pathetic, your hours here on earth are diminishing and the NHS puts cost before your wellbeing Should i complain once i'm dead?
  6. your existence bothers me no need to post if its not relevant to the operation starters question
  7. Its 2024, third world countries have better facilities oh no lets spend £500million on the heart of the city instead of things people actually want
  8. Why should i have to go out of my way to a consultation for this waste of money ? Maybe they should have to collect the council tax money from my hand I’m not paying for this, it was fine before
  9. Why are these projects being installed? bollards everywhere? Are they anticipating future trouble from all the immigrants? Fair enough pedestrian zones but bollards completely blocking ambulance routes? why? I never wanted or needed this ?
  10. Not far? Its 1/4 mile maybe more Disabled people struggle as its uphill
  11. whatvis going on in the city centre fargate? All the steel bollards? near surrey street why? Barriers all over near M&S why? this council's incompetence is laughable it all was good a few years ago now its a complete disgrace
  12. We should open up the underground tunnels Sheffield was famous far back inthe earlier epocs The one from chesterfield road to manor castle should be opened up again On the corner just down from homebase is a bricked up entrance that leads to manor castle Back in the early 90's we walked through about 2miles in but heavy rain forced us to re-treat
  13. they could install large magnification glass screens sounds ludicrous eh? chinas already done it Google is your friend
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