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Everything posted by geared

  1. Well you could try to tell them they are signatories to the UN convention on Refugees, but when there's a couple of million of them looking to leave Gaza I don't think it'll change the Egyptians minds.
  2. I'm fairly sure the Egyptians were pretty clear that they don't want them, can't afford to look after them, and really shouldn't have to shoulder the burden of a problem that Israel is in control of.
  3. Is that because the vast majority is produced in Downing Street?
  4. That prat has done rather well for himself over the who mess though, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he's made a Lord at the end of Parliament. As always, this represented no benefit for us, but big gains by those orchestrating it.
  5. oh look at what it is, the same people promised better times out protesting when things actually got worse. You were warned, you ignored, you suffer the consequences. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-68655661
  6. Some officers have alluded to that. 80-90% of their work is catching the same criminals doing the same crimes, usually with someone saying "See you next month". As ever, the problem is with the Government. Slashed funding, no capacity in the prisons so only the really serious offenders get sent down.
  7. Police are run off their feet with people thieving cars, thieving vans, thieving from trucks, drug and drug driving. You can see how far down the list anti-social behaviour becomes.
  8. It looks like the house next door has appropriated the garden for 481, doesn't seem to be a fence down the middle
  9. Their business model has effectively been tested and set by court and Government. You might not like it, but it's been set in an official sense.
  10. And there is the problem, this is coming out of council tax money, it's a risky bet that eventually will have to be covered by us, the tax payers. Who fancies a 10%+ rise in council tax soon to cover this?
  11. 138 million quid is a hell of a gamble. Let's hope we're not back here in a year or two wondering what to do when it goes belly up again?
  12. Bit of a waste of time when the vast majority of the really oud bikes and quad-bikes are off-roaders with no numberplates
  13. and they're lit 24/7. Some junctions need this as it can never be safe without, but there's an awful lot that have no need for lights at 3am in the morning and would be perfectly safe to operate like any other non-lit junction.
  14. If the advertising space can be used by local businesses, then sure that's great. of course that's so long as they can afford it, and they don't fall into the same category of exclusion.
  15. She's still pulling in a half decent income (for a celeb) so they just hammer out a deal. Obviously if they sling her inside she won't earn, so the tax man won't get paid. The mucky mansion is being seized and sold isn't it? Didn't Channel 5 pay to do it up not long back, for another gaudy reality show about her?
  16. Aye and don't forget, with the current retirement age, those Grandparents could well be working a solid 9-5 themselves.
  17. How much do you think they are paid to do the advert? Some of them might do it for nowt, you can bet others will want their usual rate.
  18. Do we have an above average number of injuries and deaths from road collisions in the city?
  19. WPS not WiFi, your new router might have WPS disabled by default.
  20. You might need to enable WPS in the router as some can disable the button, it's inherently unsecure.
  21. How have we managed that? We don't actually produce any do we?
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