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Everything posted by Jack_Russell

  1. Best tip ever.. Don't vote! It only encourages them Cheers
  2. If traffic is delayed for a few seconds so we can help kids get across the road safely I'm all for it. However at Woodseats the lolypop lady wasn't replaced. So you've nowt to worry about here. Cheers
  3. What is the problem...would rather have a lolypop lady who is only there for no more than an hour, to help the kids across the road. We used to have one at Woodseats (Tina) who was fantastic with the kids, knew most of them by name as well. They are there to make sure traffic is held back to make sure the kids can get across the road safely...what is wrong with that. Cheers
  4. Hi folks suggest any one with any problems attend the meeting on 23rd September linky http://www.swfc.co.uk/page/ClubNews/0,,10304~1801023,00.html hope this helps Cheers
  5. mmm perhaps if we had an airport in Sheffield it would be even quicker..now there's a thought.....grabs coat and ducks for cover. Cheers
  6. six45ive and pininsho..just thought I'd compliment you on your pics, some great images of Sheffield. Sheffield like most places in the UK has its good and bad points. You've made some vaild points here ...well done. Cheers
  7. I can recommend her as well..she sorted me out...I'm like a spring lamb once again. Cheers
  8. I don't have a problem with the Baby on board sign at all....What I do have a problem with is, is parents who don't make sure their kids are wearing seatbelts. How many times do we see kids on the back seat not wearing a seatbelt.? That should be of bigger concern. Cheers
  9. Try Crystal Peaks indoor market...there is a stall which sells uniforms for most if not all the schools in Sheffield. Much cheaper than buying direct from the school as well. Can't remember what its called but you should find it easily. Cheers
  10. I came past the fountains last Saturday around 6.30pm and noticed lots of foam etc overflowing from one of them. Perhaps one of the local tramps decided to have a bath whilst at the same time pinching some money for the next bottle of white lightning. Cheers
  11. Blimey they don't what a shame.... I suppose next thing you'll be telling me they don't have silent films anymore. Cheers
  12. I hope its not the same annoying rattle I get...it always comes from the front passenger seat...and always when the wife is sat there. Cheers
  13. Yes Honestly, Wednesday played a home Intertoto cup tie at Rotherham I remember going...as for what year and who we played I haven't got a clue. I think it was the first year when the Intertoto cup was introduced. Cheers Jack
  14. What about the Intertoto cup? does that count as playing in Europe ?..remember seeing the Owls play at Millmoor can't remember who against though. Cheers UTO's
  15. Would it be unacceptable if they were injecting heroin..or smoking a crack pipe in a public park? Thoughts on in this please Cheers Jack
  16. I agree 100%...myself and other residents have been asking for something similar on Hackthorn, Broxholme, Aisthorpe and Nettleham roads, all used to avoid the Scarsdale Road/Chesterfield road junction. We have cars parked on both sides here, and you get the usual idiots who just can't get there quick enough and decide to drive like its the grand prix. Any help from planner1 as to who we need to contact to get something done would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Jack
  17. Contact the Methodist church on Derbyshire Lane, I'm sure they have a toddler group. They may be able to point you in the right direction. Cheers
  18. Hey thanks fame at last...some one tell the wife that please. Cheers
  19. Hands free kits don't cost much either, if you really must use it whilst driving...why not buy one ? Cheers
  20. 33 people die 46 injured in a car bomb attack in Baghdad, no mention of this by the protesters. I wonder if the British and Americans planted this car bomb. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7934615.stm Cheers
  21. Same here received e-mail notification yesterday morning 1st thing. Cheers
  22. You might expect vehicle speeds to be low..but thats not the case. If you have time come and see for yourself. Cheers
  23. Another example is the roads Hackthorn,Broxholme,Aisthorpe and Nettleham. All used to avoid the Scarsdale Road junction, we,ve been asking for years for some form of traffic calming on these roads, requests that have fallen on deaf ears. The Dale is another example which needs sorting out. Cheers
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