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Everything posted by Jack_Russell

  1. Monday 22nd October 1962, 7.15pm kick off. I've got the programme. UTO's
  2. Sack Julie Bore...vote for Jim Graham. Gets my vote
  3. My Grandfather used to live on Alderson place, the house he lived in is now the 1st house on the right. Have you noticed the gap where the houses used to be all the way to the junction with Bramall Lane. These were knocked down sometime during the 70's to make way for a road widening scheme which never happened. When my father inherited this house after my grandfather died he was informed about the road widening scheme by his solicitor and as a consequence then sold it at much less than market value. Although as an Owls fan I feel they should have flattenend the buildings on the other side of the road. Cheers
  4. Now if these terrorists get jobs as bus drivers they could wreak havoc accross the city...don't bother blowing em up..just leave em in the middle of the road.
  5. I've had a few of these calls, on the caller ID on my phone it says international out Area or more recently the number displayed is 011 Try sayng "bonjour monsieur vous etes d'ou" always does the trick for me, then await any response.
  6. I was walking the dog early this morning (7.30 ish) in Graves park and noticed a tent pitched alongside the tree line down past the football pitches, also noticed what looked like an open fire alongside.This could have been a bbq..but not sure. I've never seen this before and perhaps some one more qualified than myself can say whether camping is allowed in Graves or any other park. Thoughts please
  7. 12 of em... I don't fancy their chances against one Spitfire.... I was walking the dog in Graves Park when I saw it what a fantastic sight. Off to buy an Airfix kit now. Cheers
  8. If it's true about the fortnightly bin collections, what will the bin men be doing during the week when there are no collections. I take it they are paid an hourly rate and are not salaried, so they will still be getting paid. What other tasks will they perform if they are not emptying the bins, or will they be told to stay at home.
  9. Thank you Paul Scriven for stopping a part of Graves Park being handed over to St Lukes.
  10. Had an A4 sized leaflet through from the Labour Pary yesterday, the candidate is a chap called Bob Pemberton.
  11. Mmm if I remember the Labour council weren't going to sell off parts of Graves Park they were going to give it away for free.
  12. Receievd today some info from the Lib Dems, nothing as yet from Labour,Conservative or the Greens.
  13. I thought the headteacher at Woodseats at the time of the ofsted report was Mr Bierton and he left because of ill health. Not because of the ofsted report.
  14. Hi folks the only election literature received at Russell towers is from the Socialist party, have had the vote yes and vote no info for the AV vote. Usually get some stuff through from the Greens and the Lib Dems...very surprised not to see anything from the Labour Party and as for the Tories can't ever remember seeing anything from them.
  15. I used to work at Tool and Steel products in the early 80's, the building was a single story with a long flat roof which you access from a flight of stairs near the storeroom. You could walk accross the flat roof to gain access to the entrance on woodseats road, where the roller shutter doors were. I've never had this confirmed but the story was that the building used to be 2 floors and was bombed during the war. I remember the building well it was a dark eerie place at the best of times and also remember it flooding a few times as well. Some of the stories about seeing a ghost of some one on the stair landing washing their hands and also footsteps on the roof when no was around, I remember well. Not sure if this is any help, as far as I can remember there wasn't any buildings where the business park is located.
  16. How's it going Phil?...get in touch it would be great to hear from you. Still at Williams Cheers Jack
  17. Failing that just fill a flask with hot water. Cheers
  18. Here in Woodseats have just received the first election literature, from The Socialist Party.
  19. With the local elections now a month away..how hard are the parties trying for your vote. What election literature have you received through the post What areas of Sheffield are the parties trying hard to get your vote. Just let us know who has been to your door. So far here in Woodseats nothing as yet, if anything changes I'll let you know. Cheers
  20. I once had tickets for a Clairvoyant evening..however it was cancelled due to unforseen circumstances. Gets Coat Cheers
  21. Travelled over the snake yesterday, I use this road once sometimes twice a week and have done so for the last 10 years. I was expecting some delays at some stage, had no trouble over the pass itself and sailed through Glossop and Mottram Moor which is unusual. Traffic was also light on the M67 and also the M60.
  22. Oooh Ruby darling...please call me love next time I'm in your shop.
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