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Everything posted by Gleadly

  1. I've got some nice parrots and they do enjoy lobworms. But they must be nice and tasty.
  2. I doubt if you can use the same solicitors as that might result in a conflict of interest. Other than that you could change solicitors but that might result in additional charges for the work the current solicitor has carried out. You might be able to hire a surveyor if he is able to sort out the paperwork for all required certificates. I'm not doubting what the vendor's estate agent has told you but bear in mind that he's acting for the vendor and not you. I certainly would not trust any EA. Have you spoken to the council?
  3. Glad you found somewhere. There's a good Notary down St James Row, by the side of the cathedral. Can't recall the price but very reasonable.
  4. We're all going on a Summer holiday - but - We are Travelling Light. He has had a hit in the top 10 for 6 decades (1950-2000) How many pop stars can achieve that?
  5. Some agencies do have brains. They can clearly see whether the landlord, or anyone else, is living within the property as most agents view the property prior to letting. They can also see from the landlord's address whether he is living within the UK or not. If the L is non-resident, then he has to apply to the HMRC to waive the 20% tax deduction. (This does not exclude the L from declaring their rental income in their yearly tax return.)
  6. From the HMRC website This is deemed as 6 months or more per year.
  7. Apparently they are being removed to make way for a new bridge, according to someone from the Canal and River Trust.
  8. Not disputing what you say but it seems crazy to give you a new pass if it's only valid for short period unless there's an underlying reason.
  9. When you scan the OAP pass, it clearly states the expiry date. Is this the same as with other passes?
  10. Went there Monday. First class treatment. They even print off an exercise sheet if you need it.
  11. Strolling down the River Don last week, a short distance past its convergence with the Tinsley Canal, and it looks like a few trees have been marked for removal. http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x349/dehiworld/2014-03-05/DSC01697_zps6f322f80.jpg Either this has some connection to EON, for a new bridge, or it's early work for the HS2, which I extremely doubt. EON 14 November 2011 09:22 E.ON announces construction plans for biomass energy plant in Sheffield Has anyone any info?
  12. Whilst I'm not disagreeing with you then surely it's the responsibility of the parents to teach heir kids some discipline. Those who withhold the rod hate their children, but the one who loves them applies discipline.
  13. I'm no lover of agents, and I do have bad experiences with them however (1) They do need to advertise. I can see nothing wrong with them contacting you. You could, of course, ask them to remove you from their mailing list. (2) The do, hopefully, have their Terms and Conditions which you need to sign before they handle your property. (3) Well, I do think some of them need brain surgery. My new agent has asked me to sign their Terms. Some of the charges specified are incomplete as they neither state whether the values are monetary (£) or percentage, although it's not difficult to work out. They ask if I want to add or change anything in the Tenants agreement, although they have not supplied a draft copy. I'm not sure if all agents deduct 20% on behalf of HMRC, for residential landlords. however my agent has stated there is an additional charge, although has not stated what this charge is. Non-residential do not have to pay this but still have to declare their income to HMRC. A residential landlord is one who is permanently resident (6 months or more/year) within the UK. I would hazard a guess that the majority of landlords are resident.
  14. Getting page not found. Part of the original link got truncated, for some reason or another. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-25749015
  15. I can see no problems with members seeking business advice on the forum. Some users seek advice about their website and they are not accused of advertising. If you are not happy re any post then use the Report Post link, bottom left of each post, and Admin can decide whether it infringes the rules or not.
  16. It certainly is in some cases, where the tenant has no respect for looking after the property. There are zillions of good tenants and it's just the bad ones who ruin it for everyone else , both Ts and Ls. If tenants were to look after the property they were renting, then the landlord's overheads would be less, and he would be able to charge a lower rent. Of course, that would not stop the very few unscrupulous landlords. Ideally, both Ts and Ls should use a letting agent, provided there was a good registration system for them. Quite a few of them have no code of conduct.
  17. And what about the 1,000's of SMEs? I'm sure they don't have unhappy customers and don't have bosses on vast salaries/bonuses?
  18. As long as the agent gets their commission then they are happy. I don't think they care 2 hoots about the L or T, and I'm talking through experience. Once they get a property on their books then that's the end of customer services. The only interest they have in the T is to collect the rent.
  19. They don't make a profit unless they have happy customers! They have to work damn hard to give good service.
  20. According to this Top 10 greenest cities/ then Reykjavik indeed wins 1st prize. No mention of Sheffield.
  21. Who was panicking? Surely not the Labour administration?
  22. Just a query on the legalities of having email address on websites. Currently I have some hearing difficulties which makes any phone conversation quite difficult. I have tried to contact a few large organisations and can find no way of contacting them by email. They don't even have a Contact form. Is there any point of having email legislation if it's not enforced?
  23. Well stated, Hippo. Could not have explained it better myself. And I am speaking as both a T and a LL.
  24. Who on earth has stated that??? Anything could happen to the tenants at anytime, no matter how long they have been there. I have just "lost" a tenant and, out of the "vast" profits, I have had to spend thousands on repairs and have no rental income for at least 2 months. My agent has failed to ensure the property is kept in good condition.
  25. I have been both a tenant and a landlord so I'm talking through experience on both sides. I have had a property sublet without my knowledge. The inspection visits are arranged by both sides and the tenant is usually there unless he has told the LL or letting agent that they could enter whilst he was away. It's in the interest of both parties that both are present. The LL/agent can't enter the property without the tenant's permission. If the tenant has some bad experience, such as being made redundant or getting divorced, then he may no longer be concerned with keeping the property in ideal condition. Having regular visits keeps the tenant on their toes no matter how reliable they may be. Do bear in mind that not all properties may be rented for lengthy periods. An inspection by a LL may be more thorough than that of an agent.
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