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  1. Given his attitude to civilian targets in Ukraine Theatres, libraries, schools, hospitals, train stations etc and the death toll of Russian soldiers I doubt this attack would have raised his pulse rate. There will be an investigation that will end as always denials of any fault from the kremlin
  2. no cure for psychopathy https://modlab.yale.edu/news/can-psychopaths-be-cured
  3. Lighter fluid works a treat
  4. Gold has always been seen as a good investment maybe it was his future pension pot. Personally, I've not worn jewellery since the 90s since a curb chain unfortunately fell down the back of a friends sofa whilst I was decorating for her, her girlfriend found it attached to a bra 🤣 cue the fireworks between them 🤣
  5. I can see Blue cards helping out referees bottling out giving Red cards at the Bigger Clubs.
  6. Despite the watered down 2017 charter. Unfortunately the 1988 charter has yet to be revoked by Hamas and they know they wont. I Should really have said cant, due to its popularity amongst Hamas hardliners.
  7. I went yesterday, only noticed one person wearing a mask in MSK dept and Physiotherapy
  8. We have the ability to change, their beliefs do not allow this, therefore only one side has that conscience to change , those 3 leaders of Hamas that have a 11 billion fortune, living up in Dubai, but the world has to fund Gaza with aid, as you say strange world, the more lives lost is seen as a victory by the elected Hamas leaders, but then they are indoctrinated that the next world is paradise. Hitlers party took 14 years 1924 to 1938 backed by thier population Hamas are following the Nazi blueprint.
  9. Which is exactly what it reads for Jews. And, They make no bones about it.
  10. Unsurprising. I posted this link earlier, its the Hamass charter, they've an identical ideology to Naxi Germany, who were also cheered by the homeland masses. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp
  11. A lot of western virtues being applied here, has anyone read the Hamas Covenant 1988 it's probably a long read for some, but it's enlightening on how religious this is. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp
  12. Pretty much if you discount a 100 others https://geneva-academy.ch/galleries/today-s-armed-conflicts
  13. I'm guessing you're one out so D...hekhov maybe put the trolling up so we can see it, otherwise you look like a dickov as for your fertile imagination, I spent many years photographing local and national events, you have to respect what photography policy the venues, associations and schools have in place, so no wriggle room just OBEY them and sit your arse down.
  14. We've all done it in our time, either upset Chekov or photographed a few hundred kids
  15. if you gamble responsible you're on a winner, they also do Kids Eat Free every Tuesday and Friday 3 course meal I personally wouldn't bet on the racing not my thing but people do enjoy it.
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