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Axe last won the day on April 17 2024

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  1. Agreed. The long term lazy unemployed should be subject to discipline and forced to pick fruit or lose their benefits.
  2. Agreed discipline needs reinstalling. Boot camps should be created in former RAF bases for the yobs who break the law. However for non law breaking young people compulsory community is a good way of installing discipline. There is a different form of discipline needed for the yobs as that is what needed for the bone idle.
  3. A sensible response more like. We are now in the year 2024 and not the 1950's. The modern day UK military rely more on technology than numbers of soldiers to fight conflicts. The UK is not Russia which is using soldiers (prisoners) as cannon fodder in their war against Ukraine. The UK military need the best and not unsuitable youths to fill positions.
  4. It worked very well when David Cameron was prime minister. It was a voluntary National Citizen Service for 16 and 17 year olds. What Rishi Sunak is proposing is a compulsory citizen program for 18 year olds.
  5. There will be 30 thousand places available for those wishing to opt for military service rather than doing work in the community. It is a well thought out affordable plan. It is a better idea than bringing back the old National Service because there is not enough barracks to house all the 18 years olds and not enough military available to train them. Limiting the number to 30 thousand places will ensure only the most suitable for the military get trained.
  6. Axe will not be putting his name forward. The Conservatives have not chosen those candidates yet because they expected the general election to be held much later this year. It was an own goal by Rishi Sunak because the election date caught his own party out by surprise while the Labour party has planned for an early general action have have most of their candidates chosen.
  7. It is compulsory community service for 18 years olds. A modern day replacement for National Service. Most will be working a few days a year within their own community. A good idea.
  8. I agree. The only justification for having a general election just a few weeks after those locals ones held in May would have been if the Tory party had lost their majority and were unable to get bills and legislation through parliament. They now have not got time to get legislation through parliament which has been approved. A bad decision by Rishi Sunak.
  9. Rishi Sunak scored a fatal own goal yesterday by announcing the general election to be held on 4th July. He has proved he has no conviction. The Rwanda plan still has not been implemented. He has not trusted his own judgement that the economy is on the right path and things will continue to move in the right direction which if is correct would have made the Autumn a better time to hold the general election. Boris Johnson had the conviction to back his beliefs when he did everything in his power to get Brexit done. It was an own goal by the Tory MPs to remove Boris Johnson from office when there was never a replacement waiting in the wings who could match his popularity. All was still not lost until yesterday. Rishi Sunak has effectively handed the keys of Downing Street to Keir Starmer on a plate. It is not good for our country that the election will be won by default and not because the Labour party is offering any viable alternatives.
  10. You obviously have a chip on your shoulder and are jealous of the great achievements that the boy from Baghdad has made in our country.
  11. He was judged to have made an honest mistake with his tax return and paid what was owed plus a penalty sum. The gentleman has paid millions in tax over the years making a huge contribution to the treasury. You should be grateful for him.
  12. Correct. As long as the ruling party has a good working majority then there should be a full 5 year term.
  13. Agree he did good as a footballer.
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