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Everything posted by peakma

  1. It's high time Julie Dore resigned, but if she hasn't the inclination, it's time we kicked her and rest of her cronies out. Sheffield could be so much better with a better council, this lot are not fit for purpose, and cannot be trusted or relied on to make good decisions for the future of this city. The way she behaves in council meetings is quite shocking.
  2. Hi, "the fun branch" of STAG Sheffield trees action group, are hosting a fun filled fundraiser at Yellow Arch Studios on April 15th to raise fun , funds and awareness as to what has and is happening with Sheffield's street trees, the PFI contract with AMEY, the council, the police and our established at risk healthy urban forest. Loads of local bands playing in support, local food stalls and a little market area, and information about the campaign. Tickets available from party for the people, via this link. Children under 14 free, and there will be kids activities in the afternoon 3-7pm. Over 18's only after 7pm. 9 hours of fun and music! We are also calling out to local people and businesses for raffle prize donations. If anyone has anything to offer please get in touch. Thanks.https://www.facebook.com/events/1438455709498438/?ti=cl
  3. Hello we (STAG, Sheffield trees action group) are holding a fundraiser " Roots of Steel" on 15th of April at Yellow Arch Studios. 3-7pm family fun and music 7pm-12am over 18's only. We will be running a raffle, if any local companies or residents would like to donate any prizes in support of the event. Please get in touch. It will be a fun packed day, early bird tickets still available, please come along and find out more about what's going on with the street trees, the council, Amey and the campaign. Thanks in advance. https://www.facebook.com/events/1438455709498438/?ti=cl
  4. Have you seen how many York stone slabs have been removed in Greystones by Amey? Thousands and thousands of pounds worth.. I get the feeling someone or a few Amey workers have some nice new rather valuble fresh patios... They have killed the look of Greystones..
  5. Please come show your support. For more information join the STAG Sheffield trees action group Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/events/1761916857466965/?ti=cl
  6. Please come, especially if you are not sure about ins and outs of this situation. Come and inform yourselves! Please also share this link far and wide on any other social media you may use. Thanks.https://www.facebook.com/events/1761916857466965/?ti=cl
  7. https://www.facebook.com/events/1761916857466965/?ti=cl
  8. ---------- Post added 19-11-2016 at 13:24 ---------- https://www.facebook.com/events/1021047788017879/?ti=cl
  9. A relative in bolsover videoed one in their garden a few weeks back..
  10. Please keep signing and sharing this petition, before its too late. https://www.change.org/p/david-wain-sheffield-city-council-streetsahead-sheffield-gov-uk-save-the-12-trees-on-rustlings-road-sheffield?just_created=true ---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 14:06 ---------- For those wanting to take more action, there is now a template letter, and some email addresses to send it to, lower down on the petition, at the top of the comments. Good to see the petition numbers going up, please keep signing and sharing.
  11. I only found about about the doomed trees on Rustlings Rd recently, and from that realise this is happening city wide to many, how many, I'm unsure, mature trees in Sheffield, as Amey improve the high ways they are cost cutting sabataging our trees. Please sign petition, and protect Sheffield from unscrupulous contractors. It was clear from attending the meeting yesterday, that proper consultation between residents, hasn't been considered, they ate doing this on mass scale, and we have to stop this, Sheffield mature trees that line the pavements are one of its great charms, it also saddened me to hear the old gas lamps are due to go too! Improve the pathways, but preserve our nature, history, beauty and heritage. Rather than let greedy contractors just get on with it!! https://www.change.org/p/david-wain-sheffield-city-council-streetsahead-sheffield-gov-uk-save-the-12-trees-on-rustlings-road-sheffield?just_created=true
  12. I like osamans on London road, cheap, good variety, decent quality, and their own fresh bread at back. Also 24hr! Excellent shop!
  13. http://www.namitnangia.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/rockrider52.gif Same as this but with turquoise grips..
  14. STOLEN BIKE My silver rock rider 5.5 , with black front shocks, Michelin front tyre, and turquoise blue handle grips, has been stolen today from outside waitrose locked up with the other bikes. If anyone sees it about, or is offered it for sale, please get in touch.. Gutted, my only possession of any financial value... Took over 8 years to save after replacing last robbed one.. Please look out, bike thieves are scum.
  15. I noticed Groupon were doing vouchers for Parties at the alapaca farm at Ringinglow, not sure if vouchers still available, but its a nice different idea. ---------- Post added 03-03-2015 at 09:43 ---------- https://www.groupon.co.uk/deals/dealbank_en_gb/mayfield-alpacas-4/41873641
  16. There's a place just off division street where you can find out about different volunteering opportunities, just round corner from costa coffee. Job centre pointed me there, but I never went, do can't tell you what it's like.
  17. I live nearby,they are still there. I could be wrong,but I've got a feeling at least some of them are polluted.Could be wrong though.
  18. I was born in Sheffield,but live in Hope valley now.Although I do kind of think of our village as a Sheffield suburb!
  19. I was there,went with school,pretty boring really,I remember it to be fairly disappointing.As was when we saw Diana at St.Lukes,waited for ages in the rain,she was late and just drove past,I was only little and expected it to be almost magical to meet a real princess!
  20. I live out in the peak district and occasionaly see very fast and loud low flying militry/fighter? planes zooming through.I was in Hathersage last week sometime and saw them, that will of been around 4.30. Only a guess but I think they might practice out here.
  21. Is it any good for kids party bits and bobs ? or any good toys for 3yr old girls b'day present ?
  22. I was at home with my partner and two pre-school sons,we were building duplo towers when the tv progaramme stopped for a news break,it was really captivating news even to such young children who regrettably do see awful news footage fairly often.It was kind of unreal at the time ,a feeling of watching a movie of history in the making rather than considering the actual people and the devestaion caused to so many lives.It was - it sounds a bit sick now- but it was exciting television piecing all the different bits together and watching the second plane fly in to the towers live.Again it sounds a little sick and heartless,but we promptly built a duplo aeroplane and knocked down our towers,then did it again with taller towers,and watched the news for the rest of the day.A very deffinate feeling of something seriosly significant is happening here right before our eyes.I can't help feeling Bush had something to do with it,but thats just a gut feeling I've had from that day(no idea about all the conspiracy theorys that have been aired on tv.) A very sad day for so many ,and it did seem to make the whole world a bit more wary of other races,and since then I admit I have felt more wary of people who "look" like terrorists!(stereo typically-asian toned skin,black beard and rucksack full of exposives-apparantly!)Just the other day I was in town on a bus and a guy answering this description was sat a couple of seats behind me ,talking on his mobile"and I heard him say"I'm in Sheffield now,what do you want me to do" and even this made me a bit nervous,for a few moments expecting the bus to get blown up any sec!Obviosly all was fine and (like I knew anyway,at the time) was just being ridiculously paranoid,but thats what events like this do to us.
  23. I don't remember this place but my partner has mentioned what a great cafe it was,and how fantastic the pies were.According to him,Piccasso ate there once in the fifties!
  24. I think I was thinking of this one, is it Hunter Hill Road ?Pretty steep anyway.
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