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About Lewis

  • Birthday 24/11/1991

Lewis's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Hi all, I'll start off by saying that i know this is a long shot, but any means possible! I'm hoping to get up to Northern Norway early next week, to visit a friend who's recently gone through some bad times. Flying up is all well but once you hit Scandinavia, some form of magic takes place and everything costs around 3 times as much, this meaning getting up there always costs an eye watering amount. I'm basically wondering if by pure luck, anyone happens to be driving up towards Scandinavia around this time or knows someone who is. (Even cargo ship). Doesn't have to be Northern Norway, just anywhere closer to Norway. Money would obviously be paid for travel costs etc. As i say, i know it's a long shot but it would be truly epic if something came through. Any info/anything much appreciated Thanks, Lewis Apologies if this is in the wrong section.
  2. Hi all, I'll start off by saying that i know this is a long shot, but any means possible! I'm hoping to get up to Northern Norway early next week, to visit a friend who's recently gone through some bad times. Flying up is all well but once you hit Scandinavia, some form of magic takes place and everything costs around 3 times as much, this meaning getting up there always costs an eye watering amount. I'm basically wondering if by pure luck, anyone happens to be driving up towards Scandinavia around this time or knows someone who is. (Even cargo ship). Doesn't have to be Northern Norway, just anywhere closer to Norway. Money would obviously be paid for travel costs etc. As i say, i know it's a long shot but it would be truly epic if something came through. Any info/anything much appreciated Thanks, Lewis
  3. Hi all, Just acquired a new pair of cross country skis, but they have bindings that i have not come across before. Can anyone tell me the name/what type of bindings these are please? Thanks in advance. Lewis http://img641.imageshack.us/i/bindings1.jpg/ http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/7962/bindings2v.jpg
  4. Cheers for the advice/help. I chose against it in the end given the possibility of pollution and the likelihood of it being a invitation only type place Cheers again, Lewis
  5. Dam Flask reservoir is supposed to hold a fair few monster pike
  6. Hi, I was wondering if fishing was still allowed on the lakes at Hope Valley Cement Works, and in fact, if the lakes are still there? If anyone has any info, it would be great. Cheers, Lewis
  7. S.A.R.S. - Budjav lebac (Rotten Bread ) Well worth a watch through - can't get enough of this song
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