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NOT about Asylum seekers...well...

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Originally posted by Yodameister

If you have nothing to add other than dismissing someone's arguments without giving any reason for it and thinking that you can just say "well, you obviously don't know what you are talking about" and thing that proves it, yes, I would say that is fairly arrogant.


Where is your argument? I haven't heard one yet

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Originally posted by Greybeard

I don't understand why the moderators on this forum allow so much personal insult to be posted. :(


MOD: If people report posts as offensive we will do something about it. If we edit posts or move or delete them using our own judgement we get accused of censorship.

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Originally posted by Greybeard

I don't understand why the moderators on this forum allow so much personal insult to be posted. :(

Mod: Well if we removed every post that might disagree with someone there would be no Sheffield Forum worth reading. I'm sure that people can fend for themselves and it usually makes for good debate. In extreme circumstances we do remove posts and / or ban offenders.


In the post you cite I don't see anything to even think about taking action for - other moderators may have a different opinion.

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3 Mods all at once! its like Mainline Buses ;)


Ive yet to see anyone report a post on this thread, we cant be everywhere hence why the report a post system is in place.


I havent seen anything which warrents an report on this thread yet.

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Originally posted by mojoworking

However, what I do know is this: comparing immigration into the UK (illegal or otherwise) with Scots moving to England is simply asinine.



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So noseyrosie your story to us about racism/xenophobia is a 3rd hand account (of a girl beating up two boys no less.....xena eat your heart out!). Probably about the same as if I'd read it in the newspaper. Apart from your belief that everyone should believe you because you have no reason to lie (apart from having a heart rending story to tell to support your disgust), why should I take your word over that of the newspapers if I have never witnessed any such act against an asylum seeker?.


Let me tell it you from another angle. Two iranian boys act like jerks because they have no conception on how to treat women like human beings and then quite justly get their asses kicked. If I were presenting an arguement for the BNP then the same story of an attack AGAINST asylum seekers just became a story about the attack against a white girl by two unholy savages who should never have been let in the country in the first place. After all, in their country of origin they stone women to death don't they?. Even worse, they then cry racism and conspire to blame it on the poor innocent white girl!!. (followed by lots of gasps! and shock horrors!!)


Now, even to the fairly un-xenophobic average brit....which do you think is more likely to be believed?. Which angle is true?. I don't know, I wasn't there. Your 3rd hand account just turned into a 4th hand account and totally changed perspective.


That's propaganda baby!!.


Anyway....how many asylum seekers does each person here plan on inviting over from their country of persecution directly into their very homes?. Not many I take it. Idea seems a bit odd I suppose, having a 12year old kid from somalia,who used to wander round with an AK47, moving into your spare room. How about playing with your kids?, oh s**t whats he gonna do if he doesn't win at football? after all he could have killed people for less in the past!!. Well some people feel like that....not just about their own home, but about their country. If you're not willing to invite asylum seekers directly into your own home, don't automatically villify those that feel equally uncomfortable about it happening in their counties, city's or streets. They're just worried how things are going to turn out, trying to do their best to protect their families and their futures. Educate them, don't throw your disgust in their faces.


Not many people like being called racist, the BNP doesn't call the average brit a racist, calling someone a racist because they are concerned/opposed to immigration is just driving them into the hands of the real racists and making them feel justified about it!!!!

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This idea has been suggested on Nick @ Night before, that is, council tenants taking an asylum seeker into their homes in order to give something back to the country. I think this is a splendid idea.


I never said I wouldn't take in a refugee, I think this is also a splendid idea (although it's my mum who owns the rights to the house!), even though, as a homeowner, I would have less obligation to. If our house was big enough (it isn't even big enough for us, however!) then sure, why not?

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Originally posted by t020

Glossed over the whole propaganda issue smoothly there, rosie. :rolleyes:


Actually, I'm more than fed up of repeating myself. If people think I'm as untrustworthy as the Daily Mail then they can go...well i'll get banned for saying what I was going to say. ;)

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