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Have The French Got The Right Idea?

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The French don't muck about do they?


Over a  million of them went on the march because the government had the temerity to try and raise the pension age from 62 to 64.

 It all ended in tears with rioting and disorder which I don't approve of, but the French now have a better standard of living and services than we do because the French government know the French people en masse are a force to be reckoned with, and they have to take notice or they start chopping heads off.


Our government by contrast is constantly riding roughshod over the people and clamping down on our rights to protest about it, 


Is it time we took a leaf out of the French  book?

Edited by Anna B
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17 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The French don't muck about do they?


Over a  million of them went on the march because the government had the temerity to try and raise the pension age from 62 to 64.

 It all ended in tears with rioting and disorder which I don't approve of, but the French now have a better standard of living and services that we do because the French government know the French people en masse are a force to be reckoned with, and they have to take notice or they start chopping heads off.


Our government by contrast is constantly riding roughshod over the people and clamping down on our rights to protest about it, 


Is it time we took a leaf out of the French  book?

Yes , let’s riot and cause damage and hurt people.

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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

The French don't muck about do they?


Over a  million of them went on the march because the government had the temerity to try and raise the pension age from 62 to 64.

 It all ended in tears with rioting and disorder which I don't approve of, but the French now have a better standard of living and services that we do because the French government know the French people en masse are a force to be reckoned with, and they have to take notice or they start chopping heads off.


Our government by contrast is constantly riding roughshod over the people and clamping down on our rights to protest about it, 


Is it time we took a leaf out of the French  book?

It's just a question of time.


Inevitably reality bites, and the borrowing and the unsustainable National Debt gets to the point where the promises made by politicians to get elected, can't be paid for. not even by borrowing against future generations and printing more money.


Once you give out the free lunch to everybody, it cannot be taken back, without riots in the street.


Of course there has never been a truly "free lunch", and never can be.


Economics is a zero sum game!


Human nature is intrinsically capitalistic. All over the world. 


You want to tell these folks what a "fair" price is for their own hard labor, in  your New Liberal World Order?  :)


Good luck!


These are the folks who make the world turn, while a lot of you are home on your couch in front of the telly,  whining about your fair share! They are happier, for sure!














Edited by trastrick
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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

The French don't muck about do they?


Over a  million of them went on the march because the government had the temerity to try and raise the pension age from 62 to 64.

 It all ended in tears with rioting and disorder which I don't approve of, but the French now have a better standard of living and services that we do because the French government know the French people en masse are a force to be reckoned with, and they have to take notice or they start chopping heads off.


Our government by contrast is constantly riding roughshod over the people and clamping down on our rights to protest about it, 


Is it time we took a leaf out of the French  book?


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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

The French don't muck about do they?


Over a  million of them went on the march because the government had the temerity to try and raise the pension age from 62 to 64.

 It all ended in tears with rioting and disorder which I don't approve of, but the French now have a better standard of living and services that we do because the French government know the French people en masse are a force to be reckoned with, and they have to take notice or they start chopping heads off.


Our government by contrast is constantly riding roughshod over the people and clamping down on our rights to protest about it, 


Is it time we took a leaf out of the French  book?

I do admire the french that the silent majority will stand up and fight for what they believe in


However i think that they are wrong on this one


With people living healthier lifestyles and for so much longer now they cant expect any government to pay a pension to someone for over 30% of their lifetime


Its just not viable


I think the retirement age should be around 65-70 years old


The french are lazy anyway....they take long lunch breaks, they finish at 4pm and they never work sundays

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The French got it right with the Revolution,  they got rid of the Greedy Aristocrats whom were starving them, hence leaving them without scrounging leaching Royals and a Goverment run by out of touch ex Eton and Bullingdon Toffs types who have never done a days graft in their lives but us Clowns in this Country are still standing for the crap and thats why we are in such a mess caused by the said mentioned over the last thirteen years.   :rant:  

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7 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

The French got it right with the Revolution,  they got rid of the Greedy Aristocrats whom were starving them, hence leaving them without scrounging leaching Royals and a Goverment run by out of touch ex Eton and Bullingdon Toffs types who have never done a days graft in their lives but us Clowns in this Country are still standing for the crap and thats why we are in such a mess caused by the said mentioned over the last thirteen years.   :rant:  

The French were also paying an inordinate amount of tax but getting no benefit from it because it was all going to fund a war in America. Remind you of anything? 

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