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Compulsory Vaccination?

Compulsory Vaccination?  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it morally acceptable for a country to make covid vaccination compulsory for the general population?

    • Yes, in some countries the situation in sufficiently bad that this can reasonably be considered.
    • No, while compulsory mass vaccination is not morally wrong under all circumstances, it is wrong for covid at this time.
    • No, compulsory mass vaccination is always wrong.

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Carbuncle's signature


"Tens of thousands of people died who didn't need to die."


Is a meaningless thing to say.

For a start you should have said :

"Tens of thousands of people died earlier than they otherwise would who didn't need to die earlier than they otherwise would."


But more to the point, if you were talking about excessively fat people who died young  you could legitimately change that to


"Hundreds of thousands of people died earlier than they otherwise would who didn't need to die earlier than they otherwise would."

Edited by Chekhov
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37 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

By disagreeing with that statement you must believe the converse to be true, i.e. vaccines are effective (implication very effective) at stopping transmission.

That is misinformation.

I do believe the vaccine are very effective at stopping transmission. Thank you for not throwing up a strawman and correctly assessing my view. Every week the Health Security Agency (UK HSA) publishes a vaccine surveillance report in which, amongst other things, they update estimates of the effect of the vaccines on infection and transmission( https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccine-weekly-surveillance-reports ). And each week they conclude they are highly effective at reducing transmission.


It is also possible to look directly at the data and see something of the effectiveness of the vaccines at stopping transmission. For example, the alpha variant which was such a threat in the second wave has (virtually?) disappeared!. Further, delta (which is known to be more contagious than alpha which is more contagious than the classic variant which was originally such a threat) is being held roughly steady in terms of numbers. Absent the vaccine's impact on transmission it would have overwhelmed us.

30 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Carbuncle's signature


"Tens of thousands of people died who didn't need to die."


It's a quote from (the egregious) Dominic Cummings. The second wave was largely optional.

Edited by Carbuncle
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7 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Vaccines are not that effective at stopping transmission anyway, so it is doubly pointless.

They have given 90 million vaccines in England, has it worked? What would the death figures be like without those 90 million vaccinations, we dont know.

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5 minutes ago, El Cid said:
7 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Vaccines are not that effective at stopping transmission anyway, so it is doubly pointless.

They have given 90 million vaccines in England, has it worked? What would the death figures be like without those 90 million vaccinations, we dont know.

There are two parts to this:

(1) How has the vaccine changed the number of people who would have been infected to this point in time?

(2) How has the vaccine changed outcomes for those who are infected?


In both cases the effect of the vaccine has been positive and provided one is prepared be rough about ones calculations it is possible to see this from data we all have access to.


In regard to (1), the vaccine got us out of the lockdown of the early months of the year even though we have had to cope with the more transmissible delta variant. In regard to (2) the case fatality rate has gone from 2%, ie there was one death for every 50 cases, in the second wave to about 0.3 %, ie about one death per 350 cases, in the third wave.

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On 01/12/2021 at 11:04, Carbuncle said:

This is false.

I don't believe this is false, the only people I know of with covid at the moment are double or triple jabbed  and the vaccinated have spread the new variant around the world.


As for Germany they should be the last country that are mandating medical procedures.

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31 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I don't believe this is false, the only people I know of with covid at the moment are double or triple jabbed  and the vaccinated have spread the new variant around the world.


As for Germany they should be the last country that are mandating medical procedures.

What special powers do you have that enabled you to tell if someone has Covid or not?

What special powers do you have that enabled you  to tell if someone has been double or triple jabbed?

In any case, like everybody else, the vast majority of people you meet will have had double or triple jabs.

As for travel -again the vast majority of international travellers will have had vaccinations.

What is the issue with Germany?


Really struggling to find any substance to your Conspirancy Theory as you are struggling to find any coherent evidence.

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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

I don't believe this is false, the only people I know of with covid at the moment are double or triple jabbed  and the vaccinated have spread the new variant around the world.

I agree with the proposition that the virus is till capable of spreading in the UK's highly vaccinated populaton. It's not quite what the bit in bold says but perhaps it is something we can both agree on.


The point is that in the absence of any acquired immunity, delta daily case numbers would balloon by 500% (or 700% or 900%) each week given the recent relaxed attitude to non-pharmaceutical interventions. Having the numbers grow or fall by 10 or 20% per week is tremendous testimony to the vaccines' effectiveness in controlling transmission.

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