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Most ridiculous injury you have ever had in your life?

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Dancing to hardcore house, I kicked the corner of a wooden bench by accident. Couldn't walk for weeks as I broke two metatarsals. Another favourite is the failed 'kerb-jump' with my BMX, where my bike planted itself firmly into the kerb instead and I went flying over the handlebars and into a shop window. Had a concussion that took me out of school for three weeks and into hospital for three days.

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Fracture dislocation of my right ankle while playing Tennis. I was running to get to the ball when I stood on a stray ball that rolled onto our court from another. I heard and felt a crack and a pop and hit the deck. Looked down and thought “That’s not right...” when the pain hit. 


And the person who’s ball it was told me off about my language! She then went white when she realised that my foot was not pointing the way it should.  She forgot to get her ball back. 



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Happy to see I'm not the only klutz, though some of your injuries sound awful. 😬


Me. Aged 14. Riding my bike to swim practice. I decided to take a shortcut through a supermarket parking lot. Yes it was early in the morning, and yes it was dark, but I somehow managed to run full speed into the back of the only car there.


Only damage done was to my pride. Thank God no one was around to see me.

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I've got a scar on my wrist from where I caught it on a protruding screw when getting something out of an under-the-sink kitchen cupboard!


I've also (I think) broken two toes - one when walking across a room and catching it on the sole of a boot I'd left lying there, one when bodyboarding in Cornwall at high tide on a rocky beach...

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When I was 10 years old I was having my morning wash in the bowl of water stood in the stone sink ( no bathroom) and I turned to dry my face on the hand towel that our mothers use to hang on a screw  hook on the wall. As I finished drying my face I turned to walk away and unknown to me the hook had got up my nose and it ripped at my nostril.  Strange but true, it bled and didn't  half make my eyes water, still got a slite scar. 

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About 15 years ago.  Changing a light bulb in the house.  Came down the steps, overbalnced slightly & missed the second to last step.  Only about 2ft from the floor so came down on my left foot, an almighty crack as the left Achilles tendon went.  Operation, leg in pot, 9 weeks off work. 

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