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  1. Resident, I don't think it's wrong to feel aggrieved or resentful to have to pay for services which others are receiving for free. It's probably pretty normal, human nature being what it is and all. Should prescriptions be free or low cost for people who are essentially already paying for it? Depends on the prescription. When I'm in a similar situation, I ask myself if I'd want to trade places with that person. The answer is usually hell NO. One good thing about the US system, as bad as it sometimes is, is that it forces people to be very involved and proactive about their health care. Does the pharmacy offer deals or discounts? Are there any places like GoodRx where you are? Do they give discounts if you buy a certain amount or set up mail order? I hope you feel better soon.
  2. Yes! I want to say Colin Pitchfork worked in a bakery? He somehow bamboozled a coworker into taking the test for him with a sad story about how he had helped out a mate and couldn't take the test twice. Amazing how guys like this are such slick talkers. Wasn't he also married with children? I wonder what happened to his former wife and kids?
  3. There was something about that in the book. In fact, another young man had been arrested for the murders but DNA evidence pointed to Colin Pitchfork.
  4. Who thinks it's a good idea to let this dude out of jail?! I remember reading this book when it came out and can't imagine the terror those girls felt and what they went through. Life means LIFE. Lock this monster up once and for all and throw away the key! No more chances, he's already demonstrated he can't be trusted.
  5. Chicago style hot dogs are the best! I also made homemade brownies and it's a good thing I snatched one early, because they didn't last long. We got to meet our neighbor's new English daughter in law, and between all the food, noise and new people telling her they love her accent, she looks a bit dazed. 🤣 She seems like a lovely girl though and you can tell, she's so in love with her husband. God bless them. The fireworks are not stopping yet, may as well go watch them.
  6. Thank you once again Phan! My old friend, you never forget. I hope you and your family are doing well. It feels like my country is going to Hell in a handbasket. 😢 But for today, we can forget our troubles, eat too much, blow things up and enjoy ourselves. The weather here is incredibly hot. We're all accustomed to hot weather this time of year, but this is ridiculous. And some of my neighbors and their guests really, really love fireworks. Still, it was a great day! Thanks again!
  7. There is something going on with young people, teenagers specifically. I don't see this with younger children. Occasionally I drive past a high school (ages 14-18 or so) there are several in my town. The kids look so miserable. Trudging along on their way to or from school like they are heading to the gallows. Many are visibly out of shape, which was unheard of in my day. They are lacking that spark and vitality of youth, like something has been taken from them. I believe part of it is losing their innocence at such young ages. There is no anticipation or mystery about life, nothing to look forward to. They are exposed to the seedier, more mercenary aspects of the world far too soon. All this online stuff. It's not healthy to constantly compare yourself to others. Now they can compare themselves with people all over the world. And a lot of the time, the people posting this stuff are total scammers but they don't know that. It's very sad.
  8. The problem is that many young women lack the emotional maturity to see how this type of behavior can impact their futures. There are women who feel zero shame at going out in public or disrupting a social event with inappropriate dress or behavior. So long as every man in the place is looking at them, they feel important. if they could earn a weeks pay in a couple hours of behaving in a manner that gets them ostracized in real life, some can't take their clothes off fast enough. They don't realize how valuable a good reputation is until it's been ruined.
  9. Wow. How in the hell does he sleep at night?! No wonder he was in jail.
  10. I saw this earlier today on the news. One of my uncles had lots of old 45's that he collected for years and I remember this song . RIP Mr. Frogman. You will live forever though your music.
  11. Wow, 94! For some reason, I thought he'd died. Glad to see I was wrong. My favorite Gene Hackman movie is Zandy's Bride. Not many people are familiar with this particular movie, but it's worth watching,
  12. I agree, it isn't simple. Losing weight is not easy. If you want to quit smoking for instance, then you just stop. But you need to eat. The situation is similar with children. A seriously underweight child at the doctor's office or school would be investigated. Are the parents not feeding them enough? Do they have some sort of metabolic problem? But a lot of people don't look twice at a very overweight kid who lives on fast food and soda and is similarly malnourished. Soda is one of my pet peeves! I've seen a parent put Coca Cola in a babies bottle. Terrific. Not only is it full of sugar and caffeine, it'll rot their teeth. I used to tell my kids if they wanted soda they could go buy it themselves! When they got older and got jobs, I noticed they didn't often spend their hard earned wages on junk food. I just feel that while larger folks should not be publicly shamed, Southwest making it ok to continue their destructive bad habits is just wrong. It's not fair at all. Southwest can afford to virtue signal because there are way more people of normal weight who fly that can be used to fund this nonsense.
  13. I'm fond of Delta myself. They have the nicest flight attendants. I believe they started in Georgia, so must be that Southern hospitality. 😊
  14. I can't help but feel there is something inherently evil about encouraging another person to destroy their body and make themselves sick and miserable before they die an early death. 😞 The shocking part is there are enough "passengers of size" that the airline even has this policy.
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