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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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That’s what I understood.

Thought I heard there was a 10 day period for investigations,analysis etc.

I’m not pretending to know any details but the whole incident seems to have been handled poorly from a diplomatic stance.

Boris shot from the hip,seemed to have been silenced and then May issues a 24 hour ultimatum.

They have given every excuse for Putin to play his game.


Our government wading into treaties and going in half cocked?


That's never happened before!

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He's from that section of the Labour movement that always admired the authoritarian, centrally planned economy approach of the old Soviet and Mao time.


Even the if that was true it’s irrelevant


Especially at a time when the party he opposes has bank accounts brim full of Russian cash

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but has adopted the philosophy of 'my enemy's enemy is my friend'

Thats whats always happened on the far left (support for IRA, Russia, Cuba admiration for communism etc) it must be quite confusing for em in these times

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He was right on Iraq wasn’t he?


Could be this time as well.


Most of the country was right on Iraq, it wasn't very hard.


---------- Post added 14-03-2018 at 22:46 ----------


He's from that section of the Labour movement that always admired the authoritarian, centrally planned economy approach of the old Soviet and Mao time.


Not true, Alan. Corbyn was one of only about 4 MPs to sign a motion calling for Parliament to support protests against authoritarian regimes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia in 1989 and calling for the end of one-party dictatorships in the Eastern Bloc. He had previously called for the complete rehabilitation of Leon Trotsky in the Soviet Union - Trotsky stood against everything the Stalinist dictatorships of the USSR did and stood for, which is why Stalin had him killed.

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I notice that Comrade Corbyn thinks we should give a sample of the agent found to the Russians. Presumably he thinks that the scientists at Porton Down are inept and cannot use a GC or MS machine.


We had a similar PM called Chamberlain who tried appeasing people. Looks like Comrade Corbyn is going the same way.


Political ,point scoring cowardice of the highest order . That's all anyone needs to know about Jeremy

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You're probably right.


He's certainly a dictator; with a tight grip on Russia. I'd still be researching ways that grip can be loosened, even just a little, and any opportunity to foster instability, isolate, unbalance him. etc. etc.


Sadly I'm not working in the government department responsible for these things, so my ideas count for not much in any case.


Why pussyfoot around?


Just take Putin out. Make it look like a carefully targeted assassination by a 'state actor' by executing a carefully targeted assassination using 'state assets'. The UK wouldn't exactly make a lot of enemies by doing it.


We have a multibillion pound defence budget. Let's actually use it for defence of the realm, for once.


---------- Post added 14-03-2018 at 23:49 ----------


Trotsky stood against everything the Stalinist dictatorships of the USSR did and stood for, which is why Stalin had him killed.


Indeed, momentum were derided as Trotskyite entryists only a year or two ago.


If you had to paint Corbyn with a brush of characters from the Russian revolution, then a) Trotsky would be your best choice, and b) you should probably stop painting and take up play-doh instead.

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Political ,point scoring cowardice of the highest order . That's all anyone needs to know about Jeremy


And yet, Corbyn was the first person in the debate to ask for the expulsion of the incredibly wealthy friends of Putin and the seizing of their assets. That’s one policy that will hit his regime hard.


You really should have a look at everything he said. A bit of his speech was dodgy, but mostly it made perfect sense. The Tories were the ones point scoring.

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Apparently, these three publications tell you everything you need to know about creating one of the novichok agents, A-230:

You'll need to be a talented organic chemist with a flair for synthesis and fluency in at least three languages.


Synthesis of A-230:

Fluorination of dioxa- and oxazaphospholanes. Lindemann, D.; Riesel, L. Fachbereich Chem., Humboldt-Univ., Berlin, Germany. Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (1992), 615 66-72. Journal written in German.


Condensation of acid fluorides of glycol phosphites with diene hydrocarbons. Petrov, A. A.; Razumova, N. A.; Evtikhov, Zh. L. Leningr. Tekhnol. Inst., im. Lensoveta, Leningrad, USSR. Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii (1967), 37(6), 1410-11. Journal written in Russian.


Nuclear magnetic resonance study of derivatives with a dioxaphospholane ring. Gagnaire, Didier; Robert, Jean B.; Verrier, Jean. Lab. Chim. Org. Phys., C.E.N., Grenoble, Fr. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (1966), (12), 3719-25. Journal written in French.

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