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Police clampdown on inconsiderate parking


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The start of ellsemere road junction of tower street, has double yellows both sides and a bus stop with double thick yellow line and stripes on the kerb, they re surfaced recently and re painted the lines, before the lines were dry locals including taxis were parked both sides blocking fragile and bus routes, they even park on the little roundabout. The whole lower burngreave and spital hill area is the same, people think double yellow lines mean no parking except for them.

I would question why nothing is done on a regular basis, I've seen the parking enforcement cars drive through many times and never stop even being held up by said inconsiderate parking. Is this more of the same turning a blind eye to certain communities like we recently had in Rotherham or is this just lazy parking management.

I challenge anyone to drive round that area at any time and not see at least 3 cars parked not just illegally but in a lot of cases dangerously.


No blind eyes are turned. If you don't believe that write in and ask them how many penalties are issued at these locations.


The problem in a lot of these places is that when the enforcement officers arrive, the drivers come running out and move the vehicles. On most yellow lines the enforcement officers have to carry out a 10 minute observation period to check for loading activity, so, often no ticket is issued. The drivers return as soon as the enforcement officers have gone away.


There are far fewer enforcement officers than many people think. There are less than 40 of them covering 3 shifts, 7 days a week, so there are not that many on duty at any one time. They have to cover the whole city, so main routes, city centre and permit zones are normally the priorities.

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Where i work i see several vehicles during the day that park in front of driveways,on the pavements,in front of somebodys garage,on yellows and what i noticed was that they were all carers that were doing it.Do carers have the right to do this,they do it all the time on my mum and dads road.


You can't tell from observation who is blocking a drive or garage. I often park blocking my own, because it leaves more space for other people to park.

I'm also happy for guests visiting me to block the drive and garage, it's not like I'm going somewhere whilst they're here.

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Where i work i see several vehicles during the day that park in front of driveways,on the pavements,in front of somebodys garage,on yellows and what i noticed was that they were all carers that were doing it.Do carers have the right to do this,they do it all the time on my mum and dads road.


No, Carers certainly don't have the right to park across an entrance to a driveway - unless it's the drive belonging to the house which they're visiting. Carers are bound by exactly the same rules as everybody else. I used to have an issue with Carers regularly blocking my driveway when visiting a house 4 doors up the street (despite the availability of ample parking a little further up or down the road); polite requests for them to move because I needed to go out were usually met with an extremely rude refusal & a response that I'd just have to wait until they'd finished - frequently meaning a wait for me of over 30 minutes.


After putting up with this for about 18 months - & having to get a taxi to a job interview on one occasion because a Carer had blocked my drive & refused to move - I ran out of patience & rang the Council (who manage the contract with the Care Agencies) - to their credit, they very quickly sorted the situation out once & for all.


I have occasionally had ambulances blocking my drive - but that emergency situation's very different of course so when this has happened & I've needed to go out I've always politely waited until the ambulance has gone.

Edited by GleadlessLad
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Who do you think gets the revenue?


And why do you think it being only temporary will prove your opinion?


Sorry I missed this.


Right. So initially the fines go to a government 'consolidated' fund which then the government gives back to the forces to fund the very operations that create the original revenue.


More fines = more money that doesn't come from the normal policing budgets.


As forces are cash-strapped because normal funding isn't in their words adequate then they focus on these revenue generating operations.


As for the temporary nature. When the operation is conceived there is a revenue target to be achieved. Once it's achieved then the operation closes to avoid spending more than is necessary.


Mobile scameras are also just about revenue, just to catch the odd speeder. If there was a consistent issue then a permanent camera would be used.

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