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What is equality to you?

Message added by Vaati

The bickering and insults can cease. You were warned by another mod only a few hours ago. Any further and accounts will be suspended.

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Oooow, full frontal, with enormous erections? Do tell....


I hope you don't mean the pictures of hunky firemen stripped off etc, which, nice as they are, are not really in the same league. A bare chested man is acceptable, you see them everywhere, even walking down the street, but a bare chested woman in this context would get arrested.


That's why I specified the nether regions on display, and the size (you don't get many flat chested female pin ups I'm afraid.) That's a more equal example I think. And I don't think many men would like the comparison to be honest.


Nether regions or not - women still objectify men in the same way men objectify women. The difference is, men don't seem to have much of a problem with it, only in the sense of the hypocrisy of the feminists.


At work, if I mention that I fancy Nigella Lawson, I get eye rolls off the women because I don't like her for her cooking. Yet, the women then start to talk about Tom Hardy, and the first words out of their mouths aren't about how good his acting is.


'Objectification' of women = bad!


Objectification of men = meh! So what?

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You reckon a picture of a topless woman and a naked full frontal man are the same..? Is a naked man and a topless woman both sunbathing in Spain the same thing? One would probably be arrested and the other not..


But on fargate both would be arrested, whereas a topless man wouldn't...

So it's as close a comparison as possible.


---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 16:47 ----------


Nether regions or not - women still objectify men in the same way men objectify women. The difference is, men don't seem to have much of a problem with it, only in the sense of the hypocrisy of the feminists.


At work, if I mention that I fancy Nigella Lawson, I get eye rolls off the women because I don't like her for her cooking. Yet, the women then start to talk about Tom Hardy, and the first words out of their mouths aren't about how good his acting is.


'Objectification' of women = bad!


Objectification of men = meh! So what?


Objectification of group with less power = bad.


Male privilege, we can shrug and go, meh, because men are far less likely to be the victims of sexual violence, or sexism, or abuse.


---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 16:49 ----------


Are you saying that women don't put titillating pictures up Anna? I think you'd be surprised if you reckon that's the case.


Any workplace that banned topless female calendars would most likely ban sexually explicit male calendars as well, thus equality is preserved.

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But on fargate both would be arrested, whereas a topless man wouldn't...

So it's as close a comparison as possible.


---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 16:47 ----------



Objectification of group with less power = bad.


Male privilege, we can shrug and go, meh, because men are far less likely to be the victims of sexual violence, or sexism, or abuse.


---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 16:49 ----------



Any workplace that banned topless female calendars would most likely ban sexually explicit male calendars as well, thus equality is preserved.


I would say, in the glamour industry, women hold much of the power. Like when Kim Kardashian 'broke' the internet with her backside... i can't envisage that happening if it were a male celebrity.


And you're saying there's a hierarchy? So white male objectifying white women is bad; white women objectifying white men is OK because of supposed privilege... what about a black male objectifying white women? Are they on the same power level?


What about white women objectifying white women? Where do we stand on white women objectifying black women?


When it comes to finding a partner, women hold most of the power - it's often men competing for a woman's attention and it's her choice to be as selective as she desires.


And you can bet your bottom dollar that if a woman walked around topless, it wouldn't be men filing indecency claims... it'd be feminists, who would also be claiming that the men looking at her are all sexually assaulting her with their minds, such is the thought-crime orientated world in which we're moving to.

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I would say, in the glamour industry, women hold much of the power.


If by glamour you mean porn then I think you're demonstrably wrong.


And you're saying there's a hierarchy? So white male objectifying white women is bad; white women objectifying white men is OK because of supposed privilege... what about a black male objectifying white women? Are they on the same power level?


I don't think you can be as definite as you seem to want things to be but I do think there are differing degrees to which the objectification of people for sexual gratification is harmful. Women, for example suffer disproportionally to men in this regard.


When it comes to finding a partner, women hold most of the power - it's often men competing for a woman's attention and it's her choice to be as selective as she desires.


Asked many women about that?



And you can bet your bottom dollar that if a woman walked around topless, it wouldn't be men filing indecency claims... it'd be feminists, who would also be claiming that the men looking at her are all sexually assaulting her with their minds, such is the thought-crime orientated world in which we're moving to.


Completely hatstand.

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If by glamour you mean porn then I think you're demonstrably wrong.




I don't think you can be as definite as you seem to want things to be but I do think there are differing degrees to which the objectification of people for sexual gratification is harmful. Women, for example suffer disproportionally to men in this regard.




Asked many women about that?





Completely hatstand.


Ah, the old SJW tactic of 'so what you're saying is...'. You mentioned porn, not me.


Cyclone started on the route of 'only the less powerful can be objectified' - so, with that, if black people don't have as much power as white people, does that mean white women have more privilege than black people? If so, where does this stand on the objectification scale?


I've discussed it with a few female friends and colleagues who say that they would never approach a man, it's the man's responsibility to approach them. I think it's a pretty accepted societal norm.


And hatstand, you may say, but in a time when just smiling at a girl might be classed as harassment, i'll play it cautiously around the feminists.

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I didn't say that at all, you can see my words, they're quite clear.


It wouldn't be "indecency claims", it would be the police, male most likely, arresting her. Unlike the topless man, who would most likely just be given a wide birth, unless it was sunny in which case no-one would really care.


The rest of your post sounds like supposition, fantasy and misogyny to be honest. Perhaps it's an age thing, are you say, 60+? Do your grandchildren think you're a little sexist and a little racist?

Edited by Cyclone
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Not really, as I've mentioned before, gender pay gap in porn is hugely in favor of women.


I'm not just talking about money* - research some of the exploitation and abuse of women in porn.


* Read this, you may be wrong anyway - https://www.refinery29.com/porn-industry-gender-pay-gap

Edited by Halibut
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  • 2 weeks later...
Brought about by the BBC Editor who has quit saying that she didn't want a pay rise just equality.



Broadening out the meaning of equality, a friend of mine has taken her special needs daughter to vote today.

She has just turned 18, but I don't believe she has the mental capacity to decide who to vote for.


Around 10% of school children have SEN, mental or physical disabilities.

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7 of top 10 celebrity calenders are male.


I was once arrested for stealing a calendar...I got twelve months.

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