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Why I'm a conservative!

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But surely 2008 was also a year of hope in America - wasn't Barack Obama elected as the first black President on a ticket promising change?


Well, yes he was, but any such hope was terribly misplaced.


Obama was inaugurated on 20 January 2009, but in an astonishing move he set about appointing the very people who had crashed the economy and pocketed millions in salaries, bonuses and options. Those who had committed fraud on a vast scale and then arranged for the taxpayers to rescue the markets were rewarded with lucrative posts back at the top of the very financial system they had so ruthlessly exploited.


In August Obama reappointed Ben Bernanke to serve a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve, a position he had previously used to arrange the scandalous bailout of Goldman Sachs and the other major players in the financial scandal. The corrupt and serially inept Timothy Geithner was made Treasury Secretary. Former chief economist at Goldman Sachs, Gary Genzler, was appointed Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the independent agency that is supposed to regulate the futures market and seek to prevent fraud. And Larry Summers, one of America's most aggressive and successful opponents of regulating the financial sector, became Obama's chief economic advisor.


Meanwhile no legal action was taken against any of the figures behind the financial scandal that exploded in 2008.


It was business as usual in the USA! Sleaze, corruption, fraud and big bonuses for billionaires, whilst ordinary people lost jobs, homes, savings, pensions, hope!

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Labour are weak, pathetic, a political joke.


Oh my word, you could not be more wrong. Maybe you are trying to convince yourself of something but it won't wash with the rest of us. Labour are on the ascension while the Torys are teetering on the edge of decline once more. Its as if they do not learn from their mistakes.

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The Class division in society is mirrored in the political parties.


The Tories appeal to the selfish and greedy who wish to see themselves elevated to higher standards usually through material wealth. People vote for what they want; for what directly benefits them. Hence, parties renage on promises made to garner votes. But the masses do not learn and self will always come first. That in effect explains the base of the Tory vote.


The Labour mandate seeks a redistribution of wealth reducing the powerful 5% who monopolise wealth and land ownership. Their focus is on the poor, underpriviledged and deprived in society. A philosophy that the strong can help the weak. It is a moral view. A compassionate one.


Contrast that with priviledge, sefishness and greed.


That is the choice. Thatcher delivered greed. Harry Enfield satarised it. Loadsamoney is the objective. The reality is abject poverty and an underclass along with the homeless, job less, sink estates and insecure employment.


The Tories always talk fear, threat, doom, collapse if Labour get in.


Labour always warns of tax breaks for the wealthy, worse working conditions, longer hours, poorer housing and general continued austerity.


It is a simple choice. However, selfishness for some people will over ride any concern for society or the needs of others. Hence, the Tory vote.


We have arrived at a troubled time in our history. We are in danger of becoming an isolated country. There is a lack of housing. There is unaffordable housing. There are zero hours contracts, work insecurity, a failing NHS, an equally failing educational system, an unaffordable university system and the average household is in massive debt staying afloat thanks to gredit cards.


A change needs to be made.


The Tories are not in touch with ordinary people. Teresa May seems odd, remote, alien, out of touch and in capable of compassion or humanity.


Labour cares for ordinary people first. Jeremy Corbyn is a career politician who has empthathy, can communicate and identify with the public. He is in touch, quite friendly and clearly moved by what he has to deal with. The Grenfell fire being a recent example. He was welcomed by the victims and teresa May was booed and vilified.


I'd much rather have him in charge and his policies in place.


I don't identify myself with the unemployed or low paid, the poor or accomodation renting, credit card existing, struggling masses but I do wish to see their lot vastly improved.


But then I'm not Tory.


And I'm not selfish.

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But surely 2008 was also a year of hope in America - wasn't Barack Obama elected as the first black President on a ticket promising change?


Well, yes he was, but any such hope was terribly misplaced.


Obama was inaugurated on 20 January 2009, but in an astonishing move he set about appointing the very people who had crashed the economy and pocketed millions in salaries, bonuses and options. Those who had committed fraud on a vast scale and then arranged for the taxpayers to rescue the markets were rewarded with lucrative posts back at the top of the very financial system they had so ruthlessly exploited.


In August Obama reappointed Ben Bernanke to serve a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve, a position he had previously used to arrange the scandalous bailout of Goldman Sachs and the other major players in the financial scandal. The corrupt and serially inept Timothy Geithner was made Treasury Secretary. Former chief economist at Goldman Sachs, Gary Genzler, was appointed Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the independent agency that is supposed to regulate the futures market and seek to prevent fraud. And Larry Summers, one of America's most aggressive and successful opponents of regulating the financial sector, became Obama's chief economic advisor.


Meanwhile no legal action was taken against any of the figures behind the financial scandal that exploded in 2008.


It was business as usual in the USA! Sleaze, corruption, fraud and big bonuses for billionaires, whilst ordinary people lost jobs, homes, savings, pensions, hope!


Why do you keep copying and posting stuff and not attributing the author?

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Why do you keep copying and posting stuff and not attributing the author?

I thought Staunton himself was the author but now I realise my mistake. It seems Supertramp was the author. Staunton is voicing his opinion so what's the problem? Is it an administrative point?

Edited by woolyhead
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