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Brussels airport bombing 22/03/2016

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and people against immigration and the EU are using yet again the terrible events in Belgium as a tool in their quest to get what they want


The Islamic terrorists are using the stupidity that is the EU`s free movement of people to enter europe and move around at will to commit mass murder.


Yes, i blame the EU for Europe being infested with Islamic nutjobs.

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whats none sensible about it? indeed whats lefty about it?


its the complete truth, historical fact, most of us wouldnt be on this island if it wasnt for invasion and immigration get over it.


We're talking about terrorist attacks on European soil and depending on your viewpoint the immigrants/descendants of immigrants that cause these terrorist acts. We're not talking about the Roman invasion.


---------- Post added 22-03-2016 at 22:17 ----------


and people against immigration and the EU are using yet again the terrible events in Belgium as a tool in their quest to get what they want


And quite rightly so before anymore terrorist attacks happen ! Live and learn from your mistakes and stop letting more and more Muslims walk into Europe. Help these people at source where possible.

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The global media stage is here to stay.


perhaps but that doesn't mean the endless roadshow of news about these sorts of things is a necessary part of that.


Shame the 'moderate' muslims never bother to get up on it and unequivically condemn these barstools en masse.


they do, but the media for whatever reason tend not to report on it.

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they do, but the media for whatever reason tend not to report on it.


The tiresome charade usually goes like this:


  • “Ask yourself, why don’t Muslim organisations just come out and publicly denounce these terrorist acts, eh?
  • “Oh, they have? Well, they would do that wouldn’t they, to cover for all the terrorist in their midst.”


This sums it up best for me.

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The EU's schengen zone is set up for the benefit of big business. Instead of having to tiresomely stop at borders and produce documentation a lorry can now drive right across most the EU without stopping. Time is money, and all that.


Unfortunately this also means that once you get into the Schengen zone there are a lot less checks on cars which may be carrying guns or explosives. Not good.


are there a lot less checks?


even if there wasn't a Schengen zone, you could never expect to check every vehicle and person coming through a border checkpoint in any great detail without causing a massive queue or severely limiting international travel.

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Its funny,but i was not shocked by all this today,it is starting to become part of life.Some community leader was saying on the radio that we must refuse to accept this as normal and we must remain in a state of solidarity.My faith in the human race is severely dented and i am now getting to the position of not caring anymore.I listened on the radio today at all the usual world leaders reading out the same speeches time and again saying,solidarity,they will not win,we all stand together,etc.I was that tired of it i turned the radio off.Well they are starting to win because there seems to be no end in sight and our world leaders seem to have no idea how to stop it.I am not going to watch it on tv because this will be happening time and time again for decades and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.I have no anger anymore just a feeling of defeat and despair.:sad:Good night,i have nothing left to say.I have decided to leave this forum,this will be my last post.I need to get away from hate and unfortunately this forum is full of it.Bye.

Edited by ghost rider
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(I'm just quoting people who quoted me, I'm not actively reading this thread)




The global media stage is here to stay.

Shame the 'moderate' muslims never bother to get up on it and unequivically condemn these barstools en masse.


Yes, I know, and I don't like it, but that's my own problem Quik, others will have to continue to watch things like this, and in a 'circular fashion' based on their own habits - i.e. social media / 24 hours news / SHOCKING FOOTAGE etc,. >> encourage more people to blow things/themselves up.


I watched a documentary the other day which was about the Dunblane incident. I remember how shocking I found it at the time, though I only saw it in the papers (long before 24 hour news, www and phones). And the programme made me realise how trivial these events have become now since 24 coverage. I was horrified watching it.


These days, people can get themselves worldwide 'fame' in an instant, and that's what concerns me.


It wouldn't surprise me if I logged into facebook that people will have changed their picture to a Belgian flag, and it won't long on the news before people have started lighting thousands of candles - and just like I said before the Paris attacks, people who have been brainwashed will be licking their lips at this kind of fame (even though they'll be dead and NOT have virgins queuing up for them)


I agree with you, but I think what they want goes far deeper. They also want the anti immigrant/Muslim reaction to split European society further.


Of course they do... you know it and so do I, and most of the posters on here that have something worth reading, say. I wrote this on this site one day before the Paris attacks, that this modern media frenzy is encouraging more of this.


I agree with you, but I think what they want goes far deeper. They also want the anti immigrant/Muslim reaction to split European society further.


It does, it's modern warfare, used by people who know how stupid people are, and how much coverage they can get their new recruits - and the media / 24 hours news / mobile / social media is what is fuelling it!

Edited by *_ash_*
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The Islamic terrorists are using the stupidity that is the EU`s free movement of people to enter europe and move around at will to commit mass murder.


Yes, i blame the EU for Europe being infested with Islamic nutjobs.


I suppose you blame the UK for the 7/7 bombings?


So far almost all of the, if not all of the terrorists involved in France and Belgium have been locally born and bred, just as the 7/7 bombers were, just as most terrorists are. Pointing at migration and the free movement of people is idiotic - especially when most of these terrorists were born well before Schengen and thus invalidating the argument.


The only thing the EU can be blamed for in all this is for not taking steps to set up a joint, federal, intelligence agency with teeth, a direct consequence of the UK continuously fighting it tooth and nail.


And what about the Brits that blow themselves up in Syria and Iraq? Seems to me that there are more deaths over there at the hands of these nutcases than there are of Middle-eastern terrorists in Europe.


Migration and terrorism are nothing to do with each other, people feeling alienated with society is.

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Political Correctness has led to this. Parisian banlieues , ditto Germany , ditto Malmo in Sweden. Contempt for the native inhabitants . Police too scared to act and clamp down on the behaviour of newcomers.Never heard there was a word for mass rape until Cologne last New Years Eve.


Saw this coming years ago , exit strategy sorted.

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Political Correctness has led to this.


no it hasn't


the people behind this are the most politically incorrect people you could come across. they peddle a warped apocalyptic version of islam, which has been around for centuries in one form or another, wrapped up in a modern glossy youtube and social media shell.

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