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David Bowie has died

Ms Macbeth

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One of those artists you don't realise how much you liked until something like their death reminds you. Having listened to a lot of his music this morning on Spotify, I've discovered so many tracks of his I liked. Like others, feeling quite sad at the news.

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The 'Chameleon' is dead,

Long Live The King.


The man's being has passed from this world, his spirit will remain all our days in his music.

Music that has been a big part in my life, and I am so glad that the last time I saw him on tour he was on such fantastic form. Thank You Mr. Jones.

I feel a hurt deep within myself today.


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A very sad day.

Bowie certainly helped shape my life as, I'm sure, many others. As a kid I'd sit in my bedroom and draw/paint pictures of him. This helped shape my interest in art which resulted in me going to art college, and hence, all that was to come. He was not just a person, but an enigma. A special

. :cry: Edited by Alcoblog
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I bought my first Bowie album when I was twelve.I have been a fan all my adult life.I was priviliged to be a fan, and now I'm crying like I am still twelve.

Love to all my Sheffield Bowie brothers and sisters out there who used to frequent the Daizy and Limit, it really was quite something. xx

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I was never a great Bowie fan, for me his Berlin period when he was collaborating with Eno and Cluster on albums like Low was his most interesting, whereas all the Ziggy Stardust business was just a bit too much about the image. But he was certainly a major player and it's sad news that he's gone.

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