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Disgusted With PIP Decision

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Daughter got middle rate DLA Care and lower rate mobility. Had to apply for pip instead of DLA letter received today turned down completely. They say its because she failed to attend an Atos meeting. this being only places they offered her was Stockport, Leeds, Dinnington all being to far to travel to alone. She had medical back up stating that she's not fit to travel those distances. They have totally disregarded the information she as sent to them. They've already stopped her DLA. Anyway any help or advice would be most welcome.

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Daughter got middle rate DLA Care and lower rate mobility. Had to apply for pip instead of DLA letter received today turned down completely. They say its because she failed to attend an Atos meeting. this being only places they offered her was Stockport, Leeds, Dinnington all being to far to travel to alone. She had medical back up stating that she's not fit to travel those distances. They have totally disregarded the information she as sent to them. They've already stopped her DLA. Anyway any help or advice would be most welcome.


Keep all your evidence, and, acquire more- photocopy all correspondance, record all phone calls, and put those in the evidence file. Presumably you've been offered the 'mandetory reconsideration' period of a month, necessary to go through before you're able to appeal.


Get advice from the CAB if you can get an appointment. She should have been offered an assessment in Sheffield- they do have an assessment location in the city center.


If you do get another assessment, you will not be permitted to openly record the session (ATOS are crooks in that regard), so make sure that your recording device is not known to them, or they will terminate the assessment on the spot.

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Contact Fightback asap, dont ring them and ask for reconsideration yet, because they will just use the same evidence.


I and a lot of others have been through Fightback with fantastic results, and the lady who runs it is often in Sheffield and will come out, do the forms for you, and if required, will attend the appeal with your daughter x

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