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BBC overusing 'R'

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a bit like the affected way the newscasters pronounce foreign names, so PC over the top its untrue but what do we excpect from the Guardianista BBC??


Didn't the BBC move to Salford? Mind you I don't suppose the BBC recruited from the locals. Cleaners and admin staff, perhaps. But newsreaders & executive level - doubt it.


---------- Post added 29-06-2015 at 12:33 ----------


Three other words mispronounced all the time are :


We're.............. pronounced as where.


Vegetables......... pronounced as vegtables.


Medicine........... pronounced as medcine.


Makes me cringe.


Yes & the way they pronounce Hamas gets on my goat, They do that harsh 'ck' at the beginning....

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Why has the BBC and other announcers gone 'R' crazy?


Drawring book

Drawring pin

I sore it

One even said that the snow was thawring

It's nothing to do with the BBC it's southern trait in the way they speak.

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Yea, like all southerners have the same accent, just like all northerners sound the same!

Thank you for that.It depends where in the south one comes from doncher no

The following:



I and my great granny who lived there pronounced it:Grin idj

The BBC Gren idg

I was told that my pronunciation showed I was working class.

Plaistow in East London. Me and my East End relatives. Plarstow.

BBC, play stow.

Katherine Road East Ham

Me and relies who come from there " Kather ryn Road not Kather in

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Three other words mispronounced all the time are :


We're.............. pronounced as where.


Vegetables......... pronounced as vegtables.


Medicine........... pronounced as medcine.


Makes me cringe.


Interesting, that.

At school, I remember being taught that there was a difference regarding the word 'medicine' - I think the spelling was the same, but the 'study of', and the stuff you were prescribed, were pronounced differently.....


---------- Post added 30-06-2015 at 00:00 ----------


BBC = Brrritish Brrroadcasting Corrrporrration


British Broadcorping Castration, according to Spike Milligna, well-known typing error...

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