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Walter Scott shooting

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Walter Scott's murderer has been brought to justice at last!


It begs the question though, would he have been found guilty of murder if the incident wasn't caught on camera? I doubt it very much!


Filming the police has become a trend in the US, and rightly so!


How long until the government try to make filming the police illegal? Would it be possible for a court to dismiss amateur video footage as evidence?

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They can't make it illegal, not anymore anyway.

With the number of smart phones and stuff around there's always going to be someone recording something.


No point in trying to block it from the court either - the video would leak online, the public would make their decision before any verdict was released.

If they tried to block the evidence it would only lead to an increase in vigilante justice.

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While there's no question of guilt, what happened before to lead to this terrible outcome? The news report just says that they tried to stop Scott because of a broken light.


Regardless of what he did before the filming started, he was running away and he was unarmed. Even if he was trying to take the officers gun, even if the officer was scared witless, Scott was running away, therefore there was no need for the 6 or 7 shots to be fired. The officer is a murderer.

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White cop has shot dead an unarmed black man who was running away from him. 8 shots fired. He then cuffs the lifeless body and plants a stun gun beside him. Cop shouts "Shots fired, Assailent down, He stole my stun gun"


The shots would be in his back, would this be ok in the USA?

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Regardless of what he did before the filming started, he was running away and he was unarmed. Even if he was trying to take the officers gun, even if the officer was scared witless, Scott was running away, therefore there was no need for the 6 or 7 shots to be fired. The officer is a murderer.


Very true.

People shouild watch the whole video. Its shocking and clearly murder. The fact the other police let him die on the grass rather than let the medics in means they help murder this man.

Have a look online folks. Do a search for Cop kills unarmed black man or Cops beat unarmed blackman. They seem like a bunch or racist fascist thugs and make me glad we have our police despite their faults.

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