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Is Sheffield a friendly city?

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Who stands and has a chat with their neighbors nowadays?


Hold on, let's turn back the clocks even further... Who leaves their doors unlocked so your neighbors can let themselves in for a cuppa?


I ask, because of all the hysteria surrounding cultural integration.


Is it really a problem, or are people just busier these days?


What's the demise of chatting to your neighbour or leaving your backdoor open got to do with 'cultural integration' specifically?


When I lived in Nether Edge in the 80's, I'd regularly chat to my Asian neighbours often at their instigation and often left my back door open and our kids would run in and out of each others houses. Thirty years later my nearest neighbours are a lovely retired white couple who proudly gave me the tour (including wine) of their rejuvenated garden on Saturday afternoon.


Plus ca change..

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What's the demise of chatting to your neighbour or leaving your backdoor open got to do with 'cultural integration' specifically?


When I lived in Nether Edge in the 80's, I'd regularly chat to my Asian neighbours often at their instigation and often left my back door open and our kids would run in and out of each others houses. Thirty years later my nearest neighbours are a lovely retired white couple who proudly gave me the tour (including wine) of their rejuvenated garden on Saturday afternoon.


Plus ca change..


our neighbourhood watch are always chatting and enjoying keeping the area spick and spam....they do a lot of tidying up...:hihi:

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our neighbourhood watch are always chatting and enjoying keeping the area spick and spam....they do a lot of tidying up...:hihi:


Or perhaps they're just noseying ;)


I used to think sheffield was a friendly place to live, then i joined sheffield forum and saw all the stereo typing and b******g, makes me ashamed to be from sheffield


Ignore them, the ones that do that have multiple accounts (and they're probably not from Sheffield) :hihi:

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I have to agree, some people prefer to be quiet I like to get to know neighbours and make friends, you never know when you could need each other.


People aren't as open as they were years ago, and attitudes have changed but good neighbours are a godsend. That does not mean I've always had them; but where we live we have been lucky, as we are like a little community, so to speak.


I also feel that if you are rude to someone, don't complain if they're rude back.

TBH i'm finding the opposite, after moving back to sheffield after 12/13 years away i find Abbeydale a much friendlier area. We often had trouble (we had and still have a shop) from youngsters, mainly 2nd generation immigrants. those same folk now seem older and wiser and i have to say that their kids, whilst some can be as cheekey as any kids, have much more respect for their, ahem, elders :hihi::hihi:

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I think the neighbours thing is what you give is what you get. I made an effort to talk to mine and we all get on great. Sheffield is, I would say, a friendly place...if you are prepared to put the same effort in.

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As a southern I can tell you Sheffield is far friendlier than anywhere I have ever lived (Brighton, Bath, Bristol).


I speak with my neighbours all the time, though most are far older than me. We have the house we are connected to who are a lovely retired couple over for tea every now and then and also chat about gardening (Im sort of learning so appriciate the help!).


All my neighbours are lovely and I live in S5, so not always about the poshest area (sometimes the opposite as Bath was a very unfriendly place to live is one of the most expensive areas outside of London).

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Next time you move,can you move next door to me.:)




Having lived in 7 different places in the last 7 years, unfortunately I'm staying put for a while. :D


I am not from Sheffield either, from North Yorkshire, but have found Sheffield much more friendly than other places that I've lived.

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Rose tinted glasses spring to mind.

I lived in Sheffield for 60 years and mostly had good neighbours.

People tend to be friendly when they know each other...Especially neighbours.

That happens in most places.


Now leave your street and try just saying hello as you pass in the street.

In my experience it no longer happens. People are more likely to pass each other without even making eye contact with a stranger.

It's a sign of the times I'm afraid. People are wary of strangers.


Now read this forum any day and count the number of "some scum bag has stolen this or that"...."

Today for example.......

Armed police/ helicopter in Halfway.

Sheffield low lifes: thieving from kiddies.

Cowper cordoned off.


Don't get me wrong....it's no worse or better than any other city living but it's no longer for me.

The last straw for me was being house burgled shortly after a bereavement.


So no......it's not the friendly city it once was.

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I wouldn't say its a friendly city, no! Your local Sheffielder can appear friendly but is very often nosey and two faced.


Yes I agree as an outsider to sheffield who has now lived here a considerable amount of time this is what I think too. There are a few genuine people but its working out the ones that are. Quite a difficult task at times

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