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Should the first news item ever be sports results on the BBC news?

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No, sport is not news.


Definition of news



[mass noun]newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent events:


I’ve got some good news for you(the news) a broadcast or published report of news:


he was back in the news again(news to) informal information not previously known to (someone):


this was hardly news to hera person or thing considered interesting enough to be reported in the news:


Chanel became the hottest news in fashion.


Using the above definition, I would say the reporting of a great sporting achievement is news

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Definition of news



[mass noun]newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent events:


I’ve got some good news for you(the news) a broadcast or published report of news:


he was back in the news again(news to) informal information not previously known to (someone):


this was hardly news to hera person or thing considered interesting enough to be reported in the news:


Chanel became the hottest news in fashion.


Using the above definition, I would say the reporting of a great sporting achievement is news


Who decides what is noteworthy though?

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There is a difference between everyday sports coverage and newsworthy, great sporting achievements. I'd say Bradley's win comes in the second category.


You might as well say that when Edmund Hilary conquered Everest, it wasn't newsworthy, as Mountaineering is only a sport. Or Roger Bannister's 4-minute-mile didn't deserve to be in the news proper (assuming it was of course, I wasn't around at the time).

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Who decides what is noteworthy though?


The programme producers have that task. By and large, they take "noteworthy" to be whatever is of interest to a large chunk of the populace.


Perhaps your complaint should be against the umpty-umpt millions of people who say that sport is noteworthy.. if they all dropped dead of a heart attack, you would get your wish.

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Your opinion would be relevant if you had offered an opinion. All you did was ask a question.


Even then, though, given that Metro has a target audience of about eight million people, your opinion carries almost no weight at all, unless at least four million people share it. The editors clearly believe that most people consider sport to be "real news."


it wasn't a question and I wasn't claiming that my opinion carries much weight but collectively each of our opinions count. The editors aren't always right are they!


I didn't mind that being front page news, although I don't care. I was annoyed that sport carried on for the next four pages even though the latter half of the paper is a sports section.

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I'm getting increasingly hacked off by the dominance of sport over real news on the BBC. Last night was a prime example when almost the entire evening news was given over to sport and the first item was about the cyclist who had won the Tour de France.


There was some other stuff between this item, something or other happening in Syria and some people shot in an American cinema, but after this brief interlude of real news it was back to the the sports report at the end of the news.


Sports should be confined to the sports report at the end and never intrude on real news in my opinion. It always used to be like that, but more and more the sports results are taking over the news, like a couple of weeks ago when a British tennis player lost at Wimbledon. It's not news, it's sport!


Take a look at last night's news. I've already made a complaint to the BBC, but we're going to be inundated with sports as news over the next three weeks with the Olympics I fear.




There's just 4 1/2 minutes of real news in that "news" broadcast. They should rename it 'Sports at Ten'.


I agree with you before it starts all we hear is the Olimpics for me it is London that will benifit from the games not me in Inverness even though I as a tax payer have paid the cost of it.

The BBC are well out of order using 75% of air time for the Olimpics.

It is all London 2012 not the rest of the UK.

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