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Thinking of Starting a business

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Basically, I finish my three year College education this summer, but looking at jobs there's not a whole lot out there, I'm not the kind of person that wants to sit around doing nothing so I'm considering going into self employment. I have looking into it a few years back but never went through with anything. Now my main question is, how easy would it be for someone straight out of college to go into business (Please be aware I'm not the generic student, I've never stepped foot in a nightclub and have 7,000 in savings that may help)


Also would I be eligible for any government grants?

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In these difficult economic times I would recommend self employment to anybody who has a bit of nous and is prepared to work hard. You will need to put the hours in and will see little reward for the first year or two but when things get going you will really enjoy being your own boss and having total flexibility with your time.


I am not aware of any general grants unless you are doing research and development type of work.


Good luck!

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I, too, would definitely recommend going self employed in this climate. It is hard to keep yourself going when you have only just started but it is truly worth it. Everyone I know is unhappy being employed because of the way they are treated by their employers and I think employers are like this because there are so many people needing jobs these days they don't care about staff turnover. (just my opinion)


Have you thought about selling reptiles and things needed for that. Noticed your signature and people like to buy from experts and people who are experinced in that kind of thing and I think there may be a gap in the market there for you (as long as you find the right location).


Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

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how easy or hard it is depends on you as a person and what you want to do. Just getting out of college is neither here nor there really as it's not like you're applying for a job. However, if you want any help with funding though experience or knowledge in your choice of field will help.


good luck if you decide to go ahead

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Apply yourself and know what you want to do and it's easier than having no plan and no idea.


If you are going to do it you need to know what you will specialise in.


I started my business on £500, without really researching it and pretty much overnight. A year down the line and we are now searching for that investment to take us to the next level. It can be done, but you need to know what you want to do and have a plan in your head of how you will do it.



I wouldnt personally recommend doing it the way I did it by the way!!!!!!!

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You do not mention what you want to be self employed in? I have been self employed for 30 years and if I had my time again I wouldn't do it. Hard when you set up and if you are young there is the age prejudice and if you employ then no matter how good a boss you are you are still a person born out of wedlock! You are a bad customers punch bag.


I would put being happy in my job before wealth.

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I wish I had sent my own business up years ago. I have been in this industry for thirty years and I'm commercially aware so it was easier for me. I had to plough my profits back in to the business for the first year.


Do you know the market you are intending to trade in?

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