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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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Guest Mod_Man

Am I right in thinking that some people's way of demonstrating their grievances with the government is to emigrate? You could always sign a few online petitions or summat. Maybe even organise some sort of mass protest using the internet.

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I can't believe that the country is sitting there and taking it .... We're getting royally screwed to line the government's pockets so that asylum seekers can have tea parties, Ken Livingstone's aides can fund their sordid escapades and to run the speaker's wife shopping.


If this country wasn't full of an apathetic electorate then we'd get off our arses and do something about this disgusting level of taxation.

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To be fair though, your probably costing yourself more by driving to these stations to fill up. most variances are only by 1p and filling a tank is about 40p more. Yes 40p is still a saving but how many extra miles/petrol did you burn to save that 40p!!!

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The thing that's confusing me - yes oil has risen in its $/barrel price, but hang on a mo' - the $ is pretty weak against the £ - why hasn't one cancelled the other out and left us just as we were??


The price of oil has risen by about 75% in a year. I don't think the $/£ exchange rate has changed by that much in the same period.

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I'm quite surprised nothings been done. This foul and abusive government really has had its day, they've screwed people so hard that theres very little left to take. Surely they can't win another election? Surely nobody is stupid enough to vote for them again?

“I hate a good many things, but I suffer them all the same.”


Stannis Baratheon

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We've been here before, just a couple of years ago, when prices went just oer £1.00 and lots of action was taken, joe public made a stand and so did the hierarchy

What's happened to let fuel prices rise so high without a huge public objection?

Personally I'll be damned if I'll payBPs psycho prices nor anyone else who cares to play with the big boys and charge up to £1.09 per litre.

I use http://www.petrolprices.com to find out who is cheapest and I go to them. My nearest garage is charging 106.9 and the nearest BP is on 107.9. They're having a laugh!

Has anyone actually done anything to object?

I've stopped using the major petrol stations entirely, I still need fuel so I only use the cheaper places - I'm not in much of a position to stop using my car 15 miles out of the city but I have cut down on othe leisure trips to reduce consumption.

Is there anything more we can do?

I've had the email which is circulating to everyone but no one seems to be actually doing much.

Any other ideas how the nation can stamp the prices down again?


Thanks for the website. I've just put a tenner in at my local 106.9! Going to go to Asda tomorrow and fill up properly at 102.9!

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To be fair though, your probably costing yourself more by driving to these stations to fill up. most variances are only by 1p and filling a tank is about 40p more. Yes 40p is still a saving but how many extra miles/petrol did you burn to save that 40p!!!

It depends if you can box clever with it, my journey to work is about 15 miles so I pass a wide variety of stations en route with only minor diversions.

The one I went to today was just an alternative route to my Mums, no longer or shorter than my normal route but 3p per litre cheaper at the petrol station on the way.

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