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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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We've been here before, just a couple of years ago, when prices went just oer £1.00 and lots of action was taken, joe public made a stand and so did the hierarchy

What's happened to let fuel prices rise so high without a huge public objection?

Personally I'll be damned if I'll payBPs psycho prices nor anyone else who cares to play with the big boys and charge up to £1.09 per litre.

I use http://www.petrolprices.com to find out who is cheapest and I go to them. My nearest garage is charging 106.9 and the nearest BP is on 107.9. They're having a laugh!

Has anyone actually done anything to object?

I've stopped using the major petrol stations entirely, I still need fuel so I only use the cheaper places - I'm not in much of a position to stop using my car 15 miles out of the city but I have cut down on othe leisure trips to reduce consumption.

Is there anything more we can do?

I've had the email which is circulating to everyone but no one seems to be actually doing much.

Any other ideas how the nation can stamp the prices down again?

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It seems to be the same all across the board, weather its smoking in public, the price of booze, ID cards, everything that any other country would be up in arms about. The British public seem to be afflicted with lassitude.


We`re becoming doormats.

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We've been here before, just a couple of years ago, when prices went just oer £1.00 and lots of action was taken, joe public made a stand and so did the hierarchy

What's happened to let fuel prices rise so high without a huge public objection?


A huge rise in oil prices, largely driven by increasing demand from developing countries such as China and India. The current price of oil is around $105 per barrel, compared to just over $60 a year ago.






Is there anything more we can do?


Probably not.

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We've been here before, just a couple of years ago, when prices went just oer £1.00 and lots of action was taken, joe public made a stand and so did the hierarchy

What's happened to let fuel prices rise so high without a huge public objection?


Its not high oil prices that are the problem, its the massive tax levied on fuel.


There is a huge public objection going on, every day about 700 people vote with their feet and move abroad to escape crazy taxation and stupid government schemes. We have the biggest brain drain in over a century going on.


These aren't the knife wielding chavs or drug addict single mums, these people are the lifeblood of the country.


Last one to leave switch off the lights..

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I'd like to see this present regime try to hike fuel prices any more.... I really would, it would mean them out of power at the next election for sure.

I'm betting there will be a pew pence increase per litre as a result of the next budget. And I also bet Labour will still win the next general election.

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It drives me crazy, I found my nearest cheapest and went there to fill up and I made very sure to tell them why I had chosen their petrol station over others.

I brought up the subject of emmigration yesterday as it's now reached a point where I feel abused by the government and the pending tax banding hike soon to come after the current council tax hike which is in progress of happening.

Frankly I'm sick of being taken for a fool.

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