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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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The British love to not grumble, unlike the French we like to lay on the floor with 'walk on me' written on our arses.


My 'walk on me' gene must have got lost in the post. I don't like to stand for rubbish.

Currently holding out complaints with Rotherham Council regarding fortnightly bin collection, flipping hypocritical idiots.

If I knew how to do something about fuel I would but it appears there isn't anything..... which is annoying. Or is there a solution which no one is prepared to try?

Like, everyone who can abandons using their car for a week.

If I knew it would work even I would do it with twins and 15 mile commute and all :D

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The British love to not grumble, unlike the French we like to lay on the floor with 'walk on me' written on our arses.


It is best summed up by the Fawlty Towers scene where the family complain about the rotten food until Basil walks up and asks how everything is and they reply that its lovely. Pathetic people deserve to suffer.


Erm.. Have you not seen the emigration figures under New Labour? We're suffering the biggest brain drain in a century.


Protests are basically outlawed, and every tax increase is justified with the word green. So the best and brightest are protesting in the most powerful way possible, they are walking out :)


I'm so glad I wont be here in 20 years time :D

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If I knew how to do something about fuel I would but it appears there isn't anything..... which is annoying. Or is there a solution which no one is prepared to try?


There was a scheme where drivers effectively formed their own fuel buying group, and there were significant savings. You could go electric, hybrid or LPG. Really depends on the sort of journeys you make.


Or you could part-x for a diesel and run it on chipfat.

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The British love to not grumble, unlike the French we like to lay on the floor with 'walk on me' written on our arses.


It is best summed up by the Fawlty Towers scene where the family complain about the rotten food until Basil walks up and asks how everything is and they reply that its lovely. Pathetic people deserve to suffer.


You'd rather be like the french? they might grumble, but they do it by having national strikes at the drop of a hat. Which isn't really proportionate. Maybe what you think is worth grumbling about just isn't really that important to a lot of people?

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There was a scheme where drivers effectively formed their own fuel buying group, and there were significant savings. You could go electric, hybrid or LPG. Really depends on the sort of journeys you make.


Or you could part-x for a diesel and run it on chipfat.

I remember reading about that but didn't it eventually collapse?

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Following the other thread about high level objection to fuel prices - or rather that there hasn't been one - I got an e-mail from petrolprices.com today regarding the chance to object in format which will hopefully be noticed.... though I shan't hold my breath.

Anyway, make your feelings known here : http://www.petrolprices.com/blog/the-chancellor-must-scrap-the-p-fuel-duty-rise-93.html

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Zebra, I'm gonna be blunt!


Short of wrecking out Main Streets and torching Parliament with our elected incumbents inside (which I don't, personally approve of doing :)) protesting and Internet Petitioning is a complete waste of one's time.


So, thanks for the link, but no thanks.


ps I'm saving the Planet by not taking up unnecessary bandwidth in voting on facile Polls.


No offence to you intended, of course.

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Zebra, I'm gonna be blunt!


Short of wrecking out Main Streets and torching Parliament with our elected incumbents inside (which I don't, personally approve of doing :))

Awww Shoey, you're just no fun!

I realise the link might not get us all anywhere closer to the prices we want but frankly I'm struggling with doing nothing. I hate just sitting back and being so bloody English about it all (saying and doing nothing), it's just not in my nature.

If I could think of doing something else, hell I gave it a shot with the last thread, then I really would but all I can do is hope that the website gives people the impetus to vote with their feet and stop buying at the higer priced places if they have access to the info of where has lower prices.

But look, if you ever change your mind and fancy going and showing them loonies in London what's what, let me know:)

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