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Fuel prices MEGATHREAD

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Why not just sup water out of the tap..its safe in this country


Indeed, water in Sheffield is wonderful, here I have to buy every drop consumed because the water is so bad.


My standard water bill is $43 per month, the stuff from the supermarket is currently running at about $120 per month, and my fuel is about $285 per month (and rising).

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Exactly,we have the highest fuel tax in europe i think,i can't understand anyone saying they thing fuel is cheap,i just don't get it.

I went to egypt the other year..petrol 10p a litre and they were moaning cos it had just gone up..bugger the fag runs I think I'll start bringing petrol back in my suitcase:D:D

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Is it buggery. I pay for water on the rateable system and I now pay £1.15 for a litre of diesel - I'm getting screwed on a monumental basis for the means to be able to get to work in order to pay even more tax.


It's halfwit taxation like this which is paying for a bunch of cardigan wearing do gooders to be paid 45K a year so they can means test the best way to hold a tea party for one legged lesbians fleeing Iraq - Meanwhile I'm paying for every other bugger but getting the grand sum of sweet FA in return.

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Guest sibon
Well done, you googled some cheap bottled water.


My point was that you can still pay MORE for water than you do for fuel, yet there isn't a national uproar about it like there is about the fuel "crisis".


Yes, but I don't need water as lager is readily available. I do need fuel for my car, or I can't get to work to earn money to buy lager with.

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Guest sibon
And lets not forget that water isn't taxed heavily by the government. Take off the tax and petrol is very cheap.



So, did the government just put 10p per litre on fuel this week? Or was it the oil companies hiking the price because a few blokes in Scotland are threatening to go on strike to protect their pensions? Profiteering... I think so.

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Is it buggery. I pay for water on the rateable system and I now pay £1.15 for a litre of diesel - I'm getting screwed on a monumental basis for the means to be able to get to work in order to pay even more tax.


It's halfwit taxation like this which is paying for a bunch of cardigan wearing do gooders to be paid 45K a year so they can means test the best way to hold a tea party for one legged lesbians fleeing Iraq - Meanwhile I'm paying for every other bugger but getting the grand sum of sweet FA in return.

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Guest sibon
Pssst I dont want to say ought but without water you wouldnt have lager;)


Yes, but I do recycle the lager back into water.:hihi:

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