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About Swan_Vesta

  • Birthday 12/01/1977

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  1. About 5' 6", black hair and a shrill voice ... I keep trying to lose her but she finds her way back soon enough
  2. A sad loss to Sheffield. Never met in person but remember some splendid banter on here - A real gent and evidently very much respected.
  3. It's far easier to feel superior to those lower down the ladder than it is to get angry at those further up and feel powerless.
  4. Gotta be lower than a snake's todger to steal from the emergency services. With any luck the gear they buy will be cut with arse tumours.
  5. The EDL and the UAF are cheeks of the same arse as far as I'm concerned. If they were really serious about their pet topics then they can both meet on opposing sides of some moorland, somewhere nice and remote, and proceed to batter the living bejesus out of each other ..... Well out of sight and earshot of decent folk who want nothing to do with them or their crackpot views.
  6. My wife was in labour for 4 days and as a consequence was on 4 different wards of Jessops.When our boy was finally born and the opportunity arose between feeds, I went round with a big box of biscuits to each ward to thank them for their faultless care of my wife and their safe ushering in of our boy. These wonderful people did it not because they need to earn a few quid and it's the easiest way, but because it's a vocation. They are so wildly passionate and dedicated to their role that it shames other professions. Let them have the occasional biccie because whilst the government crap all over them, extremely grateful Fathers want them to know how much they are appreciated.
  7. Next time go and see SY Auto diagnostics behind Swann Morton's building ..... Far better in my experience.
  8. Wouldn't be the local dealer letting the bag heads know that the gear has landed?
  9. £45 for a family of 3. We plan meals, waste nothing and only ever buy what we need.
  10. Ruby's in Hillsborough. Used to be my ritual after coming off a set of nights. Shower, full English, kip for 5 hours
  11. Erection of Cottages Act? Didn't George Michael get charged under this?
  12. Moral guidance is a parental responsibility imo, but surely it doesn't matter who the messenger is, only the message?
  13. Look, what happened whilst you were a child is not your fault. You should never feel that it is your fault and you should never be made to feel like it is. Now, the problem is that that stuff will affect you regardless ... Whilst it may not feel like your current therapy isn't working, keep at it. Don't suffer in silence but don't let history stop your future.
  14. Looking forward to going there if I'm honest. Probably far more use to me than the Co-Op.
  15. I've had stuff like this in the past. Proper bacofoil millinery territory.
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