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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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there is a lot of sense in that, but mainly in the sense that its more likely a cyclist will be flattened in heavier traffic. What cyclists fail to realise is that whilst their chosen mode of transport IS very eco friendly and quite healthy, its also worth noting that vehicle types and quantity has changed considerably over the years. More traffic, bigger vehicles etc. Yes, ban the sodding things from the road, but give them a better cycle lane system to travel safer, and not get in the way of progress of the motor vehicle. While my view on cyclists is very grim, they are here to stay, and its true there is good and bad in all road users but surely the cyclist is most vunerable, and should be avoided/ignored/insulted at all costs until both can live together in perfect harmony;)



I have a social conscience too and feel that I would not like to have to deal with a death on my hands because some misguided cyclist has a huge ECO chip on his/her shoulder.

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Cyclist like car drivers, motor bike riders, hgv drivers all use the PUBLIC roads. Everyone has to learn to get on with everyone else on the road so if this is a problem please rip up your driving licence.


This doesn't happen very often as riders generally go out in groups of no more than ten. The larger clubs break their rides into group of similar capability but then all meet up together at a predetermined cafe like in Bakewell or Blyth.


They then all ride back together helping the newer weaker riders back home as they probably never cycled that far before. Some riders need help and grouping helps the inner weaker riders to cut through the wind and be offered a hand on the back if needed.

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I did say earlier that nobody ever comes out top on this debate. I am a truck driver, and can honestly say that cyclists are the biggest pain in the arse, but that is just my perception of the whole cycling thing. A poster claimed he had a trucker cautioned for driving too close to him, well that sounds a little like cycley propaganda to me. A lorry driver, whilst ensuring he conforms with the rules of the road, has a duty to drive in a safe and couteous manner at all times that is usually above and beyond how a normal motorist would operate. This statement will probably be questioned, but HGV drivers are trained in a different way to non HGV motorists,. That can be a little difficult when a cyclist holds him up, as there is no safe way to pass unless the cyclist pulls over. In my experience they dont/wont. I have taken out a cyclist when I went round a corner. He had two witnesses who said it was my fault. 60 foot of truck indicating and turning left, and a cyclist tear-arsing down my inside in broad daylight. I couldnt believe the clown tried to blame me. The cyclist was given a warning from the police when he got out of hospital for riding without due care. I got sod all, not even an apology from the arrogant little twit. Sorry to all you half decent cyclists out there, but if you ride like a clown, you deserve everthing you get, and as I said many many posts ago, arrogance is not a defence when using the public highway. Cyclists should take more care of themselves and stop this "im immortal" attitude, and be more thoughtful if they are holding up traffic, and by the same token, cyclists should be given the full car width of space when you pass, but if passing isnt possible, do the decent thing and pull in.

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I did say earlier that nobody ever comes out top on this debate. I am a truck driver, and can honestly say that cyclists are the biggest pain in the arse, but that is just my perception of the whole cycling thing. A poster claimed he had a trucker cautioned for driving too close to him, well that sounds a little like cycley propaganda to me. A lorry driver, whilst ensuring he conforms with the rules of the road, has a duty to drive in a safe and couteous manner at all times that is usually above and beyond how a normal motorist would operate. This statement will probably be questioned, but HGV drivers are trained in a different way to non HGV motorists,. That can be a little difficult when a cyclist holds him up, as there is no safe way to pass unless the cyclist pulls over. In my experience they dont/wont. I have taken out a cyclist when I went round a corner. He had two witnesses who said it was my fault. 60 foot of truck indicating and turning left, and a cyclist tear-arsing down my inside in broad daylight. I couldnt believe the clown tried to blame me. The cyclist was given a warning from the police when he got out of hospital for riding without due care. I got sod all, not even an apology from the arrogant little twit. Sorry to all you half decent cyclists out there, but if you ride like a clown, you deserve everthing you get, and as I said many many posts ago, arrogance is not a defence when using the public highway. Cyclists should take more care of themselves and stop this "im immortal" attitude, and be more thoughtful if they are holding up traffic, and by the same token, cyclists should be given the full car width of space when you pass, but if passing isnt possible, do the decent thing and pull in.




Awww....that is a long winded way of saying that busy roads are too dangerous for cyclists. Motorists would really rather not harm them.

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I did say earlier that nobody ever comes out top on this debate. I am a truck driver, and can honestly say that cyclists are the biggest pain in the arse, but that is just my perception of the whole cycling thing. A poster claimed he had a trucker cautioned for driving too close to him, well that sounds a little like cycley propaganda to me. A lorry driver, whilst ensuring he conforms with the rules of the road, has a duty to drive in a safe and couteous manner at all times that is usually above and beyond how a normal motorist would operate. This statement will probably be questioned, but HGV drivers are trained in a different way to non HGV motorists,. That can be a little difficult when a cyclist holds him up, as there is no safe way to pass unless the cyclist pulls over. In my experience they dont/wont. I have taken out a cyclist when I went round a corner. He had two witnesses who said it was my fault. 60 foot of truck indicating and turning left, and a cyclist tear-arsing down my inside in broad daylight. I couldnt believe the clown tried to blame me. The cyclist was given a warning from the police when he got out of hospital for riding without due care. I got sod all, not even an apology from the arrogant little twit. Sorry to all you half decent cyclists out there, but if you ride like a clown, you deserve everthing you get, and as I said many many posts ago, arrogance is not a defence when using the public highway. Cyclists should take more care of themselves and stop this "im immortal" attitude, and be more thoughtful if they are holding up traffic, and by the same token, cyclists should be given the full car width of space when you pass, but if passing isnt possible, do the decent thing and pull in.[/QU


what propaganda ?. you mean you have a huge chip on your shoulder because of your own experience, look at the link i posted, that what i do and every cyclist should

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what propaganda ?. you mean you have a huge chip on your shoulder because of your own experience, look at the link i posted, that what i do and every cyclist should


Yep, a massive oven chip;). My personal view was what I said. Each should look out for each other. That wasnt an invitation for you to question why im not too keen on cyclists. Ive even said that a better cycle lane network should be provided. If a truck was passing you and came a bit close, do you have the knowledge to say why it came too close to you? Would your witness know why, or would you both claim the trucker did so on purpose because you assumed he just hated cyclists? What if the wind had blown him to the left/right? Would that still be the truck drivers fault? Unless you can state, without any doubt that this happened on purpose, it is propaganda to suggest otherwise. Until you have experienced driving such a vehicle, it may be wise to assume that the driver didnt intend the truck to come too close to you.

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The theory that appears to be emerging here is that cyclists should be allowed to take lots of room up as they could have been a tractor. I don't get it!:loopy:


Get out on the roads on a road bike.


Ride several thousands of miles a year.


Then come back and see if you've reconsidered how much room a cyclist likes to have between himself and a vehicle overtaking at speed. Not to mention the kerb.


Go on. Enlighten yourself.

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As a cyclist I find it really annoying when other cyclists ride 2 abreast or more holding up traffic,it is simply unreasonable and selfish,although motorists should understand that riding very close to the pavement can be difficult with the condition of our roads.

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