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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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Truman, you know my feelings on cyclists, and it pains me to say this, but unfortunately rule 66 clearly states that its a "should" and not a "must not" and some of the crazy cyclists will bend over backwards to point that out/


Im sure there will be a cyclist on here soon telling us all what they can and cant do, and I got barred last time for telling one of them what I think. Mr peddle power can do what he wants for me, because if they ride like donkeys, then they ask for all they get. No sympathy from this camp! :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


Don't misunderstand me I am not anti cyclist. I like cyclists , especially when they fall off and scuff their knees , or when the heavens open up and it rains very heavily. They can be entertaining.:D

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Single file all the way. Why hold the traffic up for no good reason ? when I go on the push iron with the kids we stay in single file and it hurts us not. It's uncomfortable any way peddling along knowing that there is a line of traffic waiting behind you waiting to take a risk by swinging out into the middle of the road to get by you. Pull over people let them pass !

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Don't misunderstand me I am not anti cyclist. I like cyclists , especially when they fall off and scuff their knees , or when the heavens open up and it rains very heavily. They can be entertaining.:D


count yourselfs lucky ,i was driving on penistone road the other day with a cyclist on one side which i was trying to give enough room to wobble about as usual and then another decided to come down the other side of my car, i couldnt give them both enough room to wobble about.

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And why do they not pay tax to use the roads ? - I'm not talking about kids here but fully-grown adults cycling to and from work :rant:


Ok, look at it this way. A car producing C02 emissions of less than 100 g/km pays no " road tax " so using the same taxing bands for bikes as you would for vehicles, a bike would be exempt from been taxed anyway.


In fact a vehicle registered from April 1st 2010 and producing less the 130g/km of C02 pays no road tax.


Oddly you never hear rants as to why they are not taxed.

Edited by speedbirdone
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count yourselfs lucky ,i was driving on penistone road the other day with a cyclist on one side which i was trying to give enough room to wobble about as usual and then another decided to come down the other side of my car, i couldnt give them both enough room to wobble about.


Ha ha haa that's where the windscreen washers come in handy ;)

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Single file all the way. Why hold the traffic up for no good reason ? when I go on the push iron with the kids we stay in single file and it hurts us not. It's uncomfortable any way peddling along knowing that there is a line of traffic waiting behind you waiting to take a risk by swinging out into the middle of the road to get by you. Pull over people let them pass !


well said, and a very sensible approach to cycling. There are a lot of us who literally hate cyclists, but this is mainly due to the bigots who ride in clumps and will not pull over to let trapped traffic past. The last time I pointed out that it may be courteous to pull over, I was met with a "Why should we" attitude, and then a huge row. Each to his own if its done safely without making motorists lives harder.:|

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Single file all the way. Why hold the traffic up for no good reason ? when I go on the push iron with the kids we stay in single file and it hurts us not. It's uncomfortable any way peddling along knowing that there is a line of traffic waiting behind you waiting to take a risk by swinging out into the middle of the road to get by you. Pull over people let them pass !


If all the cyclists had your attitude there would not be a problem. Unfortunately many appear to take pride in holding motorists up! Yet if I was to overtake a "clump" of cyclists and knock one or two off their bikes, they would claim that it was my fault!

SORRY....but it is NOT!

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count yourselfs lucky ,i was driving on penistone road the other day with a cyclist on one side which i was trying to give enough room to wobble about as usual and then another decided to come down the other side of my car, i couldnt give them both enough room to wobble about.


was the cyclist wearing a florescent top saying the low emission option?, if so it was me, mind you though i dont wobble,( only when i break the wing mirrors! Opps)

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