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Events at Niche on 27th November.

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Hundreds of police in nightclub drugs raid

HUNDREDS of police officers stormed a Sheffield nightclub and arrested 12 people in drugs raid in the early hours of yesterday.

As clubbers partied at Niche on Sidney Street, in the city centre, over 300 officers and specialist sniffer dogs burst inside and executed a search warrant under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

So many officers were used in the operation they were taken to the club on buses.

The club was sealed off to prevent revellers leaving and the street outside was cordoned off while the premises and people were searched.

The police helicopter was also used to monitor activity from the air.

Police said a "quantity" of substances were recovered in and around the club, which have all been sent for analysis. Of the 12 people arrested, three were from Manchester, two were from Leeds and the rest were from Sheffield.

They were arrested on suspicion of a number of offences, including possession of Class A drugs and public order offences.

A meeting is due to be held between police and Sheffield's licensing authority to discuss the raid and the future of the club.

A police spokeswoman said: "Twelve people have been arrested and are being questioned in relation to a number of alleged offences.

"There will be a meeting early in the week between police and the licensing authority to discuss the next step in relation to these premises."

Niche, which opened 11 years as an "all-nighter" venue, has previously been on the wrong end of headlines.

In June last year a man in his 20s took a bullet in the stomach in a drive-by shooting outside the venue.

And in 1998, then Niche boss Michael Baxendale - brother of the club's present owner Steve - was fatally stabbed outside the same building.

28 November 2005

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Originally posted by Fingers

I wonder if the raid in question was recorded for a future edition of P***head Patrol or whatever other fly-in-the-cop-car TV shows South Yorkshire Police frequently star in.


not many people in the niche are ******.........stoned and off their tits but not ******

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And stuff like this is exactly the reason I wouldn't touch nightclubs with a 10 foot bargepole... It is NOT anything to do with the likes of Fuel being gay clubs...


My sympathies go to the family of the murdered owner.

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Originally posted by Rich

And stuff like this is exactly the reason I wouldn't touch nightclubs with a 10 foot bargepole... It is NOT anything to do with the likes of Fuel being gay clubs...



Stuff like what? Whilst Niche has a reputation, the evidence is that only 12 people were arrested for relatively minor offences. As has been stated, you would probably find more than 12 people carrying somthing they shouldn't in most pubs at a weekend.


I think this is possible a "show of force" by the police, given that it was the first weekend of the new licencing regime. Perhaps they wanted to demonstrate that they were willing to use their new powers to close "problem" clubs.

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The Police don't do this for no reason at all and they would have been acting on intelligence gathered before the night.



As to only 12 arrests, I'll bet that there was an awful lot more 'substance' on the floor, just like that night when 'Crasher was raided. Anyone with small 'personal' amounts will more than likely be told to go on their way.


The Police would have been looking for dealers, and it sounds like they caught them. It will be interesting to know who / what the arrested people were.

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Originally posted by Andy

Stuff like what? Whilst Niche has a reputation, the evidence is that only 12 people were arrested for relatively minor offences. As has been stated, you would probably find more than 12 people carrying somthing they shouldn't in most pubs at a weekend.


I think this is possible a "show of force" by the police, given that it was the first weekend of the new licencing regime. Perhaps they wanted to demonstrate that they were willing to use their new powers to close "problem" clubs.


Yeah but at least if you stick to local pubs, with the odd exception you're pretty much garaunteed a peaceful night in most pubs in the UK with the only thing bad happening is if someone complains about not getting head on their beer.


Might be a bit boring I'll grant you that but I'd much rather that than a pub full of coppers attending to violent episodes.

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Originally posted by kirky

not many people in the niche are ******.........stoned and off their tits but not ******


I don't think the programme makers are that bothered whether members of the public are ****** or stoned just as long as they're off their head and preferably falling over and ideally getting stroppy with the police.


I've warned you about swearing already and if I hear you swearing again then I will arrest you.



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Originally posted by Fingers

I don't think the programme makers are that bothered whether members of the public are ****** or stoned just as long as they're off their head and preferably falling over and ideally getting stroppy with the police.


I've warned you about swearing already and if I hear you swearing again then I will arrest you.




Programme makeres? :confused:

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Originally posted by spyro2000

Programme makeres? :confused:


South Yorkshire Police are one of the more popular forces for makers of fly-on-the-wall TV programmes about the police. If I remember rightly sometimes SYP have starred in two programmes in an evening such as "Traffic Cops" on BBC1 and "Crimestoppers" on Yorkshire. It wouldn't be surprising if the many officers involved in last weekend's raid were accompanied by a camera crew who may stick around to cover the Sheffield derby too (although they had better not blow the cover of any of their colleagues trying to pass themselves off as hooligans).


Crime definitely pays if you work in television.

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