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Trouble on London Road


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London Road has long had the propensity to be a very rough area, it used to be white Sheffield sparring land, it has now gone totally multicultural, these days you can be beaten up, stabbed or shot by folk from sevaral ethnic groups.


It has far superior eating houses than Ecclesall Road, unfortunately it's not the place for a pre/post meal stroll. It's a great shame, there is great potential, unfortunately it is a police free zone.


Police free zone?!?


What nonsense. There are no areas in Sheffield that are 'Police Free Zones'. The rougher areas are precisely the areas where police presence in maximised.

And I wouldn't call in and around London Rd that 'rough' anyway.


I lived in and around the area for nearly 10 years and the only trouble I encountered was on Queen's Rd and it was minor stuff.

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I take your point @LeMaquis. I think "Beirut" it's just a saying, but you are right. I have lived in the vicinity of London Rd, for 15yrs on and off; all through the 70's and have just moved close by last year. As a kid, in the mid 70's, I used to do my "Christmas shopping" on London Rd always on Christmas Eve and it was a very different place back then, with only a Chinese chip shop and possibly a few Italian restaurants (or they may have come a little later in the late 70's or early 80's. The Chinese restaurant close to Highfield Library was there in the 70's (at least from mid 70's onwards), not sure about the Chinese at the bottom of London Rd, when that opened, but i think that might have been there at that period of time as well. I can't recall any asian shops/businesses or any other apart from Chinese and maybe Italian back then. London Rd is now very different and as a kid, I always remember feeling safe on there at night when I was about 12 years of age after coming home from cubs and boy scouts (went to 137th Cubs and Boy Scouts on Cemetary Rd at the Baptist church and Merlin was our scout leader, who actualy did look like a "Merlin", with his longish white beard. :) HAPPY DAYS they were too.


I don't feel as safe these days though and am wary when I walk in this area at night.

Edited by Joe9T
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I take your point @LeMaquis. I think "Beirut" it's just a saying, but you are right. I have lived in the vicinity of London Rd, for 15yrs on and off; all through the 70's and have just moved close by last year. As a kid, in the mid 70's, I used to do my "Christmas shopping" on London Rd always on Christmas Eve and it was a very different place back then, with only a Chinese chip shop and possibly a few Italian restaurants (or they may have come a little later in the late 70's or early 80's. The Chinese restaurant close to Highfield Library was there in the 70's (at least from mid 70's onwards), not sure about the Chinese at the bottom of London Rd, when that opened, but i think that might have been there at that period of time as well. I can't recall any asian shops/businesses or any other apart from Chinese and maybe Italian back then. London Rd is now very different and as a kid, I always remember feeling safe on there at night when I was about 12 years of age after coming home from cubs and boy scouts.


I don't feel as safe these days though and am wary when I walk in this area at night.


That is why London road is unsafe, and a lot of people are scared of walking down there at night, due to the huge rise in 'multiculturalism' and people say this is a good thing...? why is it when it has changed what used to be a nice safe area to a rather un-safe area especially at night.

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That is why London road is unsafe, and a lot of people are scared of walking down there at night, due to the huge rise in 'multiculturalism' and people say this is a good thing...? why is it when it has changed what used to be a nice safe area to a rather un-safe area especially at night.


Say no more my friend, this multi-cultural dream is not working, and will eventually turn into a nightmare for ALL of us.

Noticed that there is never any trouble from the large Chinese community around that area !

Have OPEN BORDERS, and this is what you get im afraid.

Oure politicians of both persuasions are to blame.

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That is why London road is unsafe, and a lot of people are scared of walking down there at night, due to the huge rise in 'multiculturalism' and people say this is a good thing...? why is it when it has changed what used to be a nice safe area to a rather un-safe area especially at night.


It was a lovely area London Rd back then, and Sharrow, although poor in many ways, it had neighbourlyness and almost everyone kept their 'fronts' clean and tidy. Sharrow Lane is dirty and the old primary school is boarded up and also the Methodist church. The area needs TLC and the people who live their also need to show a bit of pride too, but I suppose when you have buildings such as mentioned now empty and decaying, pride asnd respect in an area just falls away to nothing. It's very sad, but I once loved this area so much and it holds sooo many happy memories for me.

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That is why London road is unsafe, and a lot of people are scared of walking down there at night, due to the huge rise in 'multiculturalism' and people say this is a good thing...? why is it when it has changed what used to be a nice safe area to a rather un-safe area especially at night.


Say no more my friend, this multi-cultural dream is not working, and will eventually turn into a nightmare for ALL of us.


Well that's news to me, if 'multicultural' is the reason for anti social behaviour I must have missed those cornucopia of cultures in Parson Cross, the Manor, Chapletown, Shiregreen, Low Edges and Hillsbrough Corner then.


How thick can some people actually be?

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