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Everything posted by CrazyDaisy

  1. You're not answering the question though...... How do you know that the 'WAGs' don't donate to charity? I'd say that you don't know, and are merely speculating that they don't. I don't know what you donate to charity - nor do you know what I donate... Where's the difference?
  2. How do you know that the 'WAGs' don't donate to charity? I don't know if you donate to charity, or the next person who posts on this thread donates to charity....so why the assumption that they don't?
  3. Awww bless him. I'm a parent of a teenager myself, and I can only imagine how pleased you were! Can you tell your lad to tell my lad to do the same?! I get the odd grunt of "I've tidied my bedroom for you" - but a nice bunch of flowers would be fab!
  4. The most embarrassing work incident that I can recall is from years ago when I was a mere Saturday employee at a florists.... I used to love sitting in and listening to the brides-to-be discussing the wedding flowers with the florist - deep pink flowers to match the deep pink bridesmaid dresses etc... One lady had a rather bulbous tummy, so I asked her if the baby was due before or after the wedding - to be blunty told that she wasn't pregnant! Never again have I ever assumed anyone to be pregnant!
  5. With respect, surely the stores/banks cannot be blamed for offering credit? That's like saying that there's a pub on the corner of your road, so therefore the landlord was enticing you to get rip roaringly drunk every night and become an alcoholic? Isn't the ultimate responsibility on the consumer - be in credit or alcohol - to act responsibly and within reasonable boundaries? I used to work in an industry that offered credit, and the common refusal from people involved the line "oh no, that gets you into debt"..... No it doesn't. The only person that gets you into debt is you yourself. As I say, isn't it all about taking some responsibility for your own actions?
  6. Never pulled a pop star, but did go out with a well known local footballer several times last year. We had a laugh and still stay in contact through email, phone and texts.
  7. I'm an avid Magpie saluter! (though I do try to make it look like I'm brushing my fringe out of my eyes if I'm on a train etc..!) But, I was recently in the car with a friend of mine, and when she spotted me saluting a solitary Magpie, she told me that she does the same, EXCEPT "when seen through glass, you should let it pass...." Is she right?! Or will I suffer bad luck if I don't salute them when I spot them through glass..??!
  8. My personality mistake is befriending friendless people because I feel sorry for them. It's happened recently, whereby someone I felt sorry for then attached himself to me and I ended up having to make a complaint about them to the relevant business. It's sad really - I've got the time of day for all people, but because of this experience, I shall be very guarded against people now.
  9. I first went to Florida as a 9 year old, and the 2 places that I can recommend from a 9 year olds perspective, are SeaWorld and Busch Gardens! Disney was great, but I preferred SeaWorld! Busch Gardens is almost like a theme-park coupled with a safari park - absolutely brilliant, and if I ever went again, as a 36 year old, that would be where I would head! As a 9 year old, I found Epcot totally boring - it went way over my head, and was bored. Have a fab time!
  10. I've not exactly been through one similar experience, but I have, and am, going through two slightly different experiences.... I was adopted when I was 3, but I always knew that I was adopted. So I can completely see where you're coming from in calling your Mums husband Dad - because he HAS been your Dad for years. I wouldn't dream of calling my Mum and Dad anything else but Mum and Dad because although they might not be biologically connected to me, they are connected to me in every other way that parents are! The other situation that I'm in, is that my son's father has never wanted anything to do with him - my son is 16 now - but he has suddenly sprung up out of no-where, wanting to 'make up for all the years he missed out on' - through his own choice I add. I can understand that there might be a lot of 'he did this, she did that' going on for you right now - believe me, I feel very resentful that my sons father has just decided to announce himself, BUT I have managed, through gritted teeth, not to slate him to my son. Your parents really shouldn't be slating each other off to you - I can perhaps see why they are - justification, and perhaps a little bit of defensiveness - but it's not helping you really is it? If I were you, I'd ask them both to let go of the past, and just try and make your own decision about your 'sperm donor' Dad - people change as the years go on, and some people DO learn from their mistakes. Take him at face value, and try not to over-analyse things too much if you can. Little comments can often be taken totally the wrong way. He might not be perfect - none of us are - but give him a chance. As for your half sister - speak to your 'sperm donor' Dad and be honest about how you feel. If nothing else, you will always know that you tried. Good luck! X
  11. I think its because nowadays we buy them in plastic bags - well mostly we do. If you get them in a sack, you rarely see green ones.
  12. I was under the impression it was down to them being stored in daylight that turns them green.
  13. I'm not sure if this is classed as 'off topic' because it's not regarding Sheffield, but I witnessed an awful accident today and I'm just wondering if anyone from the Doncaster area might know of any further news.... An elderly lady fell down the entire length of the escalators in the Frenchgate centre today and I cannot shake the noise out my head. It was horrific. She lost her footing as she stepped on at the top. She was very quickly attended to by the security staff who in turn obviously called an ambulance, but she was clearly in a bad way. The paramedics were attending to her for quite a while before taking her into the ambulance. I've been talking to the girl who tried to grab her to stop her falling and she is in bits at not being able to quite reach her. Any news would be gratefully received. And if anyone knows the lady involved, I truly hope she makes a full recovery.
  14. I live at Crookes, and have done for 7 years. The houses on the road I live on, aren't really big enough for students, so I've never really had a problem with them. Until my next door neighbour bought another house due to his wife being pregnant, and he then rented next door out.... He just rents on 6 or 12 month leases, and in the last 3 years there have been 4 changes in the tennants. 1st couple - young professionals - great people, no problem! 2nd couple - young professionals - great people, no problem! 3rd group - 3 x Spanish lads - great people, no problem! Current occupiers - 2 x students - and they make enough noise for 22 people. Why is it an alien concept to supposedly well educated people that screaming and hysteria at 4am almost every morning is unreasonable? It's all well and good saying that if you buy a house in a student area, that you should expect noise..... How about saying, if students rent houses next to family houses that they should keep their mouths shut at stupid o clock in the morning instead....?
  15. Anyone who is not on a fixed price deal with their current suppliers, really ought to consider opting on to such schemes. You do pay a surcharge - between 4 and 9% I believe, but that is far better than facing the potential 40% increase which is due in the new few weeks according to the press and media. I went onto British Gas' 2010 scheme a few years ago, and I thank my lucky stars I did because I am still paying 2005 rates.
  16. I did actually move house to get my son into a better school so I can completely understand where Rainbow is coming from. My 2 nephews are currently at King Ecgberts and one of them is being bullied horrifically. So much so, that at the age of 12, he is medically depressed. It's heartbreaking. Ironically, King Ecgberts was my catchment school - many years ago I add - and I was eventually moved to Silverdale because of being bullied.
  17. I live at Crookes too, and I can recommend it here! It depends whereabouts in Crookes you live as to where the majority of students are. The road that I'm on has very few student houses. Best rule of thumb IMO is, if you can imagine walking along the main road at Crookes - aptly called just Crookes! - the roads that slope downwards (towards Walkley) have more student houses than the roads that slope upwards (towards the Bolehills). If that makes sense!
  18. The days of 'no noise after 11pm' are long gone..etc... If it is a nuisance to you, then providing you are not being completely unreasonable, you have a right to complain about it. I'm not sure that complaining about BBQs would fall into that category though! It's summer; people like BBQs; give them a break - we don't get much summer! Burning rubbish might do though.
  19. Does anyone else watch this?! I'm completely addicted to it! I'm pained to say, that Jodie is by far the best contender to 'be Nancy' but she has a real irritating annoyance about her that makes me want her to be kicked out every week! I love Ashley and Samantha though. Who do you think should be Nancy?!!
  20. Try Floral Design at Crookes - Katie is the florist and she is superb! 0114 2666263
  21. Pritt Stick, do you actually have proof that this 30k has been depleted? And do the mortgage payments and utilities that she paid for actually equate to 30k? Even if they do, you must surely think about deducting her living expenses - which is what I'm saying about halving some of what you are offering. Whether she had been living with you or living alone, she would have had to pay living expenses anyway - that's the point I'm trying to make. If she'd been in a rented house for 2 years, she couldn't ask the landlord for her rent back when she moved out - not a great comparison I know, but you get my drift...? I personally think you are being too nice about things, and as others have said, you need to think of yourself and your son above anyone else.
  22. If he gives her 30k, wouldn't that mean that she has lived in a house with her 2 children and gone on holiday with her 2 children for absolutely free? I agree he should give her the money back for the kitchen and bathroom, but everything else, I would halve.
  23. I've just started a new job where I have to wear a uniform, and the question "when am I ever going to wear all my clothes again?" has already crossed my mind!
  24. If her 30k paid the mortgage for a year, paid 10k for a new kitchen and bathroom and paid for a holiday, then if I were you, I would give her the 10k for the kitchen and bathroom back, half the cost of the holiday and half the cost of the mortgage repayments for that year, plus half of any equity rises since she moved in. The reason I say half the mortgage payments and half the cost of the holiday is because she lived in the house too and went on the holiday too. She can't expect to live somewhere and go on holiday for free - which if you give her ALL of those values back, is essentially what she would be getting.
  25. I was having a cig at the back door this morning, when I heard a sound that I've not heard since I was a little girl! The periodic 'whooshing' sound was instantly recognisable as a hot-air balloon, and took me right back to when I was little and you used to see them all the time floating over the houses! I'm in Crookes and it was heading over to Hillsborough I think.
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