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Everything posted by gluedtopc

  1. I agree with Doom regarding training for cyclists. The roundabout on which the accident happened is in my opinion one of the most dangerous in Sheffield, it's too small to handle the busy traffic and I'm glad it's being improved.
  2. Thanks for that. I don't know how it can be re-stuffed as the cushions don't seem to be detachable from the sofa and there aren't any zips in them!
  3. Ours are sagging as well and they're just over a year old from Harvey's.
  4. What about getting rid of Decs as well?
  5. "Awesome" is an awful overused American type of word which is so overused that it has lost it's true meaning. People only use this word because they can't be bothered to think of a suitable description. Awesome rant over.
  6. We,re fancying a Chinese delivered tonight . We live in S5. Has anyone got the name/number of a good one? I've seen reports of some on Middlewood Road or thereabouts on the Forum but can't find them any more. Thanks
  7. I've seen that block paved path/road the other day and was wondering what it's for?
  8. Would make a good front page in the Star- can just imagine a glum looking Mum with her Sellotaped child.
  9. Blooming Foreigners coming over here and nicking all our coal .....
  10. OK let's re-open all the mines, then the Leftie tree-huggers will be wringing their hands because we are burning fossil fuels.
  11. Yes, as I posted, it's the going rate. No wonder some people would rather pack up work than pay the fees!
  12. It certainly is a lot, but you'll find that £200 per week is the going rate these days( she lives in Leeds) I think Childminders cost much less. As far as I know there is no breakdown of costs. Cheers.
  13. I don't know the solution, but the report is true, my Daughters Nursery fees for her 2 year old were over£800 per month. Now he, 3 I think they get 15 hours a week paid for.
  14. I'd rather watch This Week after QT- I like Andrew Neil.
  15. I saw that as well . Bit of an eye-opener , especially the Malaysian who bought Battersea Power Station and a bit of surroundings for 400 million.
  16. That's why Labour let all these people in, so they would get all these votes. If Cameron had any sense , he'd encourage Scottish independence and rid the Commons of a load of Labour MP's.
  17. As Andy said regarding guest beers. Many local breweries will be only too happy to drop you a barrel off.
  18. I think the OP has a valid point. If I go in a pub and buy a pint it's rounded up to the nearest penny .
  19. Why not wear a decent suit, tie and a pair of decent shoes? It will cost you less than £100 and you will look better than a generic Student.
  20. Thanks for that info. Regarding real beers, try getting in touch with the Toolmakers Brewery (I think they have a Website) which is just off Rutland Road. They have a good range of "session beers" and are near to your Pub . No , I don't work at the Toolmakers, but I've had loads of their beer.
  21. Where is your evidence of this?
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