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Everything posted by Lexi

  1. IF you're not happy I would seriously cause a hell of a lot of fuss, nursing homes don't like it when people do that, I know because I used to be a night carer in one. IF you feel the level of care isn't good enough the I would really suggest looking elsewhere because chances are your gut feeling is right. The one I used to work at charged a lot for the room and it was run by someone very snooty who in my opinion didn't have the residents best interest at heart and that to me is disgusting. Ask to see their careplans, if you're not happy cause a fuss, tell them you want something done or you'll be getting social services on their backs. I've also worked as a home carer and did the occasional 3/4 calls a day to clients and even then we had one morning found a lady who fell 10pm the previous night, we got there around 8 in the morning and she was in such a state and no matter how much we told her family about her falls nothing was ever done, we recommended they got night carers in and a system in place for that button she can press in emergencies (the name has totally slipped my mind) so don't feel bad about having to make the decision for her because at the end of the day you need 2 do what is best for her and falling is such a big risk of someone of that age. Maybe a full time carer may be the answer.. but if you feel she would want her own space then warden monitored accommodation?? We used to visit some clients in places like Anchor care homes and they to me look fantastic, one of the best places I've seen for elderly ppl. They got a full range of activities going on and they each have their own little flats which look very nice and of course staff on call 24 hours a day and people who come and do your shopping/cleaning etc. maybe that'll be another option?
  2. :hihi: I love how they've even detailed ribbed on the first one
  3. Sadly you cant trust people nowadays and even if you live in a little village where you know everyone it only takes a stranger to be driving through at the right time. I wouldn't leave my dog outside a shop ever, They could slip their collars, be stolen or have another dog come up and attack them. I wouldn't put my dog in a situation where you leave them open to people to steal them. You hear so many horror stories about this happening yet people still do it.
  4. I got 3 lovely temperament rats from the petshop near primark in Rotherham town centre, the owner handles the animals from a young age to get them used to being picked up.
  5. This girl has been playing on my mind! I saw her running through the genal up near turnshaw avenue, I tried to stop her but she was very spooked and soaked through the poor thing I was trying to catch her to put in my house until I got back from my call, I'm a carer so I couldn't miss the call but I thought if she's in the house at least she's safe rather than being on the loose. I came home and told my boyfriend all about her and I kept saying " I wonder if that springer is ok" it's really been playing on my mind, I'm so glad she's safe now
  6. :love: I'm so jealous, What a gorgeous dog.
  7. Speaking to someone earlier this week, Was told they got a very low quote for their car which is quite new and worth well over what they got paid, as mentioned before I think this site is mainly for ppl who are desperately seeking quick money.
  8. He had no problems being served in Bluecoats in Rotherham, I was on the table in front of him on Wednesday having some lunch, Only realised it was him when I saw the photo in the star.
  9. I would imagine a lot of delays would be due to the weather we've had recently, I bet there is a huge backlog of parcels and letters and probably not enough time in the day to get them all out in one go, Give it a few more days and chase it up again.
  10. I think it's down to what proof of birth and certificates people keep hold of, I've seen a lot of people saying they've had pets live longer but nothing in concrete proof.
  11. http://www.apprenticeships.org.uk/ - That site is pretty good but it can take a while to get a response so if you're looking for something quicker it might be best to call up a few places and ask - Good Luck
  12. I'm not expert on the internet but I know how to network and make and promote group on facebook (I'm an addict sadly ) so if I can be of any help I'll be more than willing, I'm already on Rain Rescues group page. If I can help out at all let me know
  13. I think when you're out on a date or meeting for a meal with friends you should have your phone off or on silent so you can screen who's calling without interrupting the flow of conversation. I would be very hacked off if someone answered a phone call in the middle of a date, Its just bad manners and unless it was very important I would be really annoyed!
  14. Wouldn't a champagne be better to be aged in this situation? Maybe see if you can contact a wine expert who can guide you in the right direction? Google vintage wines and see if you can contact someone. I think it's a nice idea, I hope you find something suitable for you
  15. I'll be interested in this too, I'm looking to start NVQ in care, I've got a job in a EMI care home but would like to start training asap but unfortunately the care home isn't funding this so I'm stuck with trying to find a cheap way of doing it by myself which hasn't been easy.
  16. http://www.apprenticeships.org.uk/ - Very good website
  17. Despite the backlash I'm probably going to get here, I'm going to voice my personal opinion. Firstly if I had a child who wanted an monkey I would put my foot down and say No, I personally believe that you can't keep an animal like that happy in a home environment unless you are willing to build a very big enclosure which in some way can substitute their natural environment. Also are you prepared to house this animal for it's entire lifetime? They've been known to live up to 45 years. What happens when she goes off to college/uni/moves out? I would imagine that a you would need to find a very specialist vet to deal with a monkey too and I'm almost certain vet bills will be through the roof, As for vaccinations I'm not sure if they are needed or not. I think it's one of those things that need to be a definite decision for you all to agree with because if you're just buying for your daughter can you guarantee that it's not one of those phases that kids go through? - an animal like that needs constant stimulation and unless your whole family are able to take on that responsibility It's really not fair on the animal. Good luck with what you choose to do, It's good to see you're doing your research before jumping in and buying on right away.
  18. My fiance wants to start baking his own bread. I love the smell of freshly baked bread so I hope he does
  19. There were no bread or milk at local shop here either
  20. Where can I get Helmans burger sauce? The white one it makes burgers taste just like a bacon double cheeseburger from burgerking etc I cant seem to find it anymore all I can find now is that red one or rubbish reggae raggae sauce!
  21. http://www.firstgroup.com/careers/?category=ukbus Good luck with your new career, Hope it all goes well for you
  22. Depends really, If people have children who cant go to school and have no other option then I think that's a good enough excuse to stay at home, Also if people aren't confident to drive in these weather conditions I think that's a good enough excuse too. I know my employer will phone up during the day to see if we are in for our night shift that night and if we cant make it they offer to send out a taxi for us - Which makes it easier for us. I know if my friend doesn't drive that day then I don't get into work, I rely on her to take me for my night shifts as no buses run that time of night, I'm very grateful she does and I wouldn't expect her to drive in bad conditions and would tell my employer the same thing.
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