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Everything posted by HATHER-SAGE

  1. sounds like they just need a clean..a build up of dust will make them do this...mick
  2. hi give me a ring with your reg and then i can give you a spot on quote;;mick
  3. he was at the fiesta with marty cain in the 70s
  4. its going to be a hilton hotel.google it .as i have seen the plans..they are keeping the main building
  5. ring me as i have all the tools you need
  6. hi give me a ring ill come over and do it at your home,,,,send reg and ill quote you a price,,,mick
  7. service and test..165 and your book stamped,,mick
  8. Hi it will be a fuse ,,if you need any help ring me ,,mick
  9. hi give me a ring..in sheff tomorrow...mick
  10. a1 viaduct...brimmington.chesterfield...25-30 pounds
  11. you may have to drill out the security cover rivits to get to the rods
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