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Everything posted by jeanjeaney

  1. My dad from what i can remember worked there all his life til he was made redundant at 60. He worked for Firth Brown as well. He was an engineer and one memory I have of him taking me to work, for the unveiling of a telescope they had made parts for. Just had a look around and found it on Wikipedia. All I can remember is being so shocked at how big the place was.
  2. Yes, children grow up thinking its normal and more likely to smoke themselves. (Most not all)
  3. I used to work in a SM and have seen some nasty accidents caused by kids out of control. I rarely took mine shopping but when I did, I didn't have to sit them in the trolley to make them behave. They knew their would be trouble if they caused me embarrassment.
  4. dont know if it is still there, lane that runs off top of fargate opposite the church
  5. No didnt have any problems yesterday, in fact never do, love 02
  6. My biggest win was 4 numbers and won £112, but it had to be split 4 ways
  7. I do, and you got a letter if you had them. And no I didnt get a letter
  8. Ive been using her stuff for years. Favourites are the Toner, Cleanse and Polish and moisturiser. C & P you can rub into your eye makeup and your not screaming with pain. When I have an eczema breakout its the only stuff that will calm it down. You can also use Cleanse and Polish for shaving with. Stopped buying the moisturiser now as the price has gone up a lot. Used to be around £10 but as its got more popular the price has shot up.
  9. Why dont men just sit down to it then the toilet seat wouldnt have to move, men like sitting down dont they?
  10. I fancy the new FOCUS COUPE CABRIOLET in the colour of Grenadine, its so sexy looking
  11. People who give you the impression they are your Mate, and they are stabbing you in the back at the same time - why?
  12. Mine is set at 20, but comfort zones are all about humidity not just temperature.
  13. Post is rubbish at the moment, all my birthday cards came a day late, they were posted days before first class
  14. Im grateful for health, having people to love and being loved.
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