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About Moonbird

  • Birthday April 22

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    People watching!

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  1. I have never got to test Sensodyne for effectiveness because on the 2 occasions that I have used it, the pain in my teeth was terrible, all of my teeth felt as if I had chewed on a million ice cubes, I actually bought it again because I began to doubt that it could really be the toothpaste...it is, I have looked online and this also happens to other people so be aware. Colgate sensitive (not the sensifoam one) is a lot better no problems at all and it helps the sensitivity a lot.
  2. http://jillswaggywalks2.simplesite.com/
  3. If you have face book, have a look for Friends of ferals, Cat ching and Rainrescue, I'm sure that one of them will have or know of cats suitable for you, let me know how you get along
  4. I just saw this, thank you for your reply Graham, I did find out a bit about Glynn from a Lady from Underbank chapel, I did buy my picture of Bradfield post office from the post office it wasn't bank breaking really, I also ended up buying another bigger painting of Bradfield from the Lady from the chapel I love my pictures 😀 so all in all I am a happy Woman.
  5. Sheffield cat shelter, Rainrescue, RSPCA.
  6. I just wonder how the dog is getting along? I have not stopped thinking about it since I read this, if the OP gets in touch I am sure that there are people that I can think of that will be able to give some good advice on this problem.
  7. Why not message Rainrescue then Janus? they need fosterers I am sure Basically the animal stays with you and you care for it until it is ready for a new home, it may need medication, trips to a vet, help with confidence or none of these things, basically it is giving the dog a home experience. All medical treatment will be covered by the rescue, probably food will be provided though obviously this is something that you need to discuss with the rescue. Message Rain and see where it goes if you cant get in touch let me know and I will for you if you're really interested, it is such a worthwhile thing to do, but can be hard and sad when they go.
  8. Dogs take things at their own speed, what kind of dog is she? it sounds to me that she is used to being around dogs but not so much people and she needs to learn to trust and to work out that people can do good things and be fun, she may have been punished for "having a personality" previously, and if a stray she has probably been beaten and chased away, some people just want dogs to be quiet and not bother them and in some countries dogs never come inside the house. Does she have places to hide away in the house? it might help, it might also help if she has a dog friend to help to show her to trust.
  9. Did you find out about this Janus?
  10. I do believe its right that anyone going shopping at the moment should primarily be buying food, but if there are other things available to buy then if people are happy to stay in the shop for longer then I dont see why they shouldn't buy it, just my own personal opinion...I cannot see why shops would have things on sale then be surprised and complain when people buy it.
  11. Found yesterday 15th Jan, on the field of Beck rd school. Please contact me for details if it is yours.
  12. That is absolutely shocking, I hope that the police were informed?
  13. I always make the Family Christmas pudding, it is a days job and takes hours of steaming but so worth it, so much nicer than shop puddings, also make some mince pies and lemon tarts usually, they never last for long.
  14. Ferret found 2 weeks ago on St Johns Road Rotherham, now with me. If it might be yours proof of ownership is required.
  15. The first pet has to be the worst to lose I think, but your time together will always be special matter how many more you may have one day. I find some comfort from having the ashes of my dogs with me back home and safe where they belong, and next to my bed where they loved to sleep. Yogi will be back where he belongs soon x
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