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Arthur Bell

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Everything posted by Arthur Bell

  1. Nothing from Parsleydiva for quite a for quite a while. Is she still active ?
  2. There was a bit of a problem when the Italians arrived to work in the mines. The union did not want to compromise safety and those who could not speak any English were initially prevented from working in the mines. Some of them went into other types of jobs. I worked with two such men at Skelton's in Heeley I remember their names : Camelo Bagnoli and Angelo Giannacovo. Not sure if this helps but it is a start. These two men are probably dead by now. They would be in their late eighties.
  3. My wife (Brenda Bell) worked at Gowers on Chippinghouse 1957-1958
  4. Does anyone remember Barry Mawson who used to live at 618 Bellhouse Road ? He went to Owler Lane Sec Intermediate School with me. We left school in 1953 and I believe that Barry went to work for the Coal Board. If anyone has any information about Barry, I would greatly appreciate hearing about him. If he is still alive he will be 80 or 81 yeas old.
  5. Anybody remember the Bell family who lived on Tadcaster Road ? William (Arthur) Bell was a civil engineer who had an office on there. I am distantly related to them but am not in touch at all.
  6. One branch of the Blaskey family lived in Fulwood in the 1950's They had an au pair girl from Duisburg in Germany. Her name was Franziska Rottels. I went out with her for about a year. She told me that this branch of the Blaskey family spoke German at home. When Franziska first came to work in Sheffield, she could only speak German.
  7. Fantastic information Norrie. I was at Owler Lane from 1948 - 1953. Tom Corley lived in Wath and used to take the slop from the kitchens home in his car. I believe that he kept pigs. He was always looking for someone to carry the container and we used to take off when we saw him coming. I didn't see Mr Tring (ex Arnhem Paratroop veteran) on your list, who taught Science as well as math. Regarding Mr Smith, he had a nasty habit of approaching someone from behind who was not sitting straight and giving the boy a hefty punch in the shoulder. He did it to a lad called Keith Cooper (twice) Keith Cooper got up and dropped him with one punch. Cooper's father came to the school and the end result was that Keith Cooper was transferred to another school. Cooper was not expelled because Smith had punched him twice. I was in the lab when this happened. There are probably others still alive who remember or witnessed this incident. (I'll be 80 in September) Miss Snitch who taught art used to take the class to the top of Grimethorpe tip to do sketching .... Great days. She wore sandals all year round ! I've been in touch with a few of my peers. One of my best friends (Graham Cox) died in a fire about 18 months ago. He lived on the south coast in Poole
  8. I used to live in Aston near Swallownest. I remember 6 Vulcans flying over in 1965.What a noise that was. In 1965 we went to the Battle of Britain show at Finningley. I remember that they had a 'Darlik' on the runway which was bombed by a Vulcan using a powder bomb Great days ! Perhaps that there are still others alive who remember those multi plane flights. We were a young family then but I'm 79 now. ---------- Post added 12-12-2015 at 23:29 ---------- Forgot to mention that the English Electric Lightning fighter was also at Finningley in 1965. I remember it climbing out of site with its afterburners shooting out flames. About 5 minutes later it came back in an unbelievable dive it then flipped over upside down and flew along the runway at a height of 50 feet. A posh RAF voice then announced ... 'That was Group Captain Cox demonstrating the Lightning fighter." I remember the name because that was my best friend's last name.
  9. My father (William Arthur Bell) was a Civil Engineer and had an office on Tadcaster Road. I know that he did a lot of work for Joe Enoch. Joe owned quite a lot of houses in Woodseats and my father used to collect all the rents and do all the repairs to the properties. He also had some connection with the Brickworks.
  10. I think it's an Ullicopter on its regular run from Sheffield to Hull .... sorry about my sick humour !
  11. I lived on Stubbin Lane in Firth Park and went to Owler Lane School. Then my parents moved to Chippinghouse Road which meant a tram from Chippinghouse to C&A Modes and then another tram from C&A to Page Hall and then a 10 minute walk. I did this for a year and a half. I tried cycling it a couple of times but cycling through town was no fun in those days because of all the trams lines which were really greasy when wet. I bet I'm not the only one who came a cropper crossing wet tram lines.
  12. Hi Paul - As far as I can remember the doctor's office was on the left side of the road when you left Firth Park to go to town (same side as the library) but nearer to Firth Park. Interesting that your parents and brothers live in Canada. St Catherines is not far from where we live. My 3 kids were all born in Sheffield but are married to Canadians. I got re-married 25 years ago and my wife is German from Cochem. That's a great place to visit with lots of old pubs like there used to be in Derbyshire. I have a cousin who still lives in Bakewell
  13. It's quite possible that your teacher lived at 16 Stubbin Lane. My Dad sold number 16 and we moved to 212 Chippinghouse Road in 1952. I still went to Owler Lane school till I finished my GCE's The people who lived at No.14 ran a private dance school - don't ask me their names - They taught Tap and Ballet dancing.
  14. I lived at 16 Stubbin Lane from 1949 to 1952. Dr Pettigrew was our family doctor. I had a minor mishap on my bicycle riding up by the library. Like a lot of kids, I used to stand up on the pedals going up hill. Well the pedal broke off and I came down hard onto the handbar stem. I had a lot of bruising and my Mother ( God rest her soul) insisted on taking me to Dr Pettigrew to be checked out. I was about 13 at the time and was very reluctant to visit Dr Pettigrew and drop my pants for her.
  15. We lived right across the road at 16 Stubbin Lane from 1949 to 1952. I used to go to the Mikado for my hot Vimto. Great days. I remember there was a grocery store in the same block. One of the girls that worked there (Mary Brailsford) used to baby sit my sister. When sweets came off ration (I think in 1952) I can remember buying several bars of chocolate and making myself sick. Not proud of that - but it happened !
  16. If you can work out feet and inches, you can do shillings and pence. it's the same. For example, 80 inches equals 6' 8" and eighty pence was 6s and 8d (6/8) but shillings to pounds is another matter. Decimal currency is definitely easier.
  17. I lived in Wincobank from 1947 to 1950. We then moved to Firth Park. While at Wincobank we used to catch the train at the Brighside Station and go to Elsecar for the day. With regards to the bridge between Wincobank and Blackburn, a boy called Roy Wall who was hearing impaired was killed crossing the rail track there. That would be 1947-49 He went to our school in Wincobank.
  18. I am now almost 79 and I still remember the Blitz. We lived at 89 Burngreave Road at the time. My Grandmother lived at 34A Spital Hill behind the Butchers shop across from the Colliseum. We were at my Grandma's in an Anderson Shelter when the bombs fell. I have pictures of us standing outside the shelter after the bombing. There were 5 or 6 bombs which fell very close. Next morning we went back to our home at 89 Burngreave Rd. There were several houses right near ours on the street behind which had received direct hits. Our house was not destroyed but there was a lot of blast damage - missing doors and windows etc.
  19. I think the the Norton Aerodrome goes back much further that WWII. A lot of time has gone by - I'm 75 now, but I remember my dad talking to me about it being an aerodrome in the 1920's . My dad was a pilot in WWI. He started out in the RFC (Royal Flying Corps) which then became the RAF. Like a lot of you said, it was only used for barage balloons in WWII though.
  20. It's definitely northern, but I don't think it's just Sheffield. My Grandmother was from Chesterfield and she used to say it too.
  21. Does anyone remember the old News Theatre in Fitzallen Square? I used to love to go there as a kid in the early 50's. They ran a continuous show with cartoons and news reels. They ran stuff like the 3 stooges, mighty mouse and I remember seeing the clip there when Rocky Marciano beat Jersey Joe Walcott for the heavyweight championship. I left England in 1966. Last time I was in Sheffield was in 2006 and I got totally lost downtown. I enjoy reading the Sheffield Forum.
  22. I lived on Sharrow Vale at the time on Wayland Road. Our chimney got blown over and crashed through the roof into the attic. Luckily no one was hurt. I also remember a gable end losing half the bricks somewhere on Sharrowvale Road. There were so many damaged roofs with slates off. It was impossible to find anyone to fix it for us. A chap from Woodseats agreed to rebuild the chimney for me, but he couldn't do it straight awat for us. He dropped off some slates for me and showed me how to repair the roof and said he'd be back in a week to do the chimney. He was true to his word but we couldn't use our fireplace for a week. I had totally forgotten about the hurricane until I read about it again in the forum.
  23. Bernard Saunders and his wife Myra were friends of My Aunt and Uncle (Peggy and Don Sampson). My Aunt Peggy and Myra worked together at Grandby Garments in Bakewell during the war. The Saunders got their first pub in Great Longstone about 1947. I think it was called the Red Lion. Bernard had a set of false teeth with diamonds embedded in the two top teeth. They must have moved to Little Hucklow later. The Sampsons ( my aunt and uncle) kept the Industry Inn in Chesterfield.
  24. Blackpool was our favourite seaside holiday place. I remember going there in 1947 and again in 1948. My parents danced to Reginal Dixon in the Tower Ballroom. I also remember seeing Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan) at Derby Baths in Blackpool and we went to see Julie Andrews who was just a teenager then singing with her parents. I remember that her dad's name was Ted but I have forgotten her Mom's name. Great days ! If I remember correctly, Reginald Dixon used to play on the radio at weekend.
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