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Everything posted by DeathAxe

  1. What a flux capacitor in software form in windows 9098?
  2. Last year a man was arrested for "exposure" in his own home. A woman with her young son walked by his home at night. He came down to get a quick snack in the night in the buff. As that was in the UK, just have em arrested for exposure. Problem solved?
  3. People still watch/listen to BBC stations? do yourselves a favour and stop watching crap TV.
  4. We have a Tory in the house. What's better that, or a place full of mindless robots (aka the Tory dream) As for the uniform, stupid idea as it is to begin with; rules are rules. Those are not black... they are black and silver! and she paid way too much just for a pair of cheap looking trainers. Great money maker for schools that though. The whole thing is a scam. They enforced the prison mentality even more years ago when they started giving kids prison trays to eat off.
  5. Wang Bao is best chinese in Sheffield, but I don't think they deliver to the ops area. Sucks for him :-P
  6. More than likely America stepped in because Israel ordered them too.
  7. Tried to buy online, and they don't deliver to Sheffield. Bloody useless.
  8. They won't be showing anything liek that on challenge. It's full of gameshows like family fortunes and golden balls..... and from flicking around today it's also used to advertise sky. I'll stick to my HD advert free shows... and I can watch whenever I want. Downloads all the way. Now if HULU was available via subscription, I would go for that. Unfortunately it is USA only. Badgerramble: the next gen DVDs are very cheap now, just go and buy them.
  9. Not as funny as the USB sex toys on sale in Japan... that also work with pc games...... crazy.
  10. I'm not buying his sky, I can just download shows. Not paying for adverts.
  11. Actually it is the American TV stations that pay for the shows I watch. It is why rations are important for the advertisers to keep giving their money. After sales to such as sky, DVD sales etc are secondary. So Don't think you are doing ME a favour by subscribing to adverts... er I mean sky as that is only lining the pockets of An aussy tosser.
  12. Er lets not let this topic turn into another tv licence thread please. As for your question, that is a bit of a gray area.
  13. So apparently Rupert Murdoch bought out all of virgins TV channels and now virgin 1 (or channel one as it was renamed) has been closed down. So as well as buying most good American TV shows, he is buying whole TV channels that we have for free, and closing them down. Is the BBC next on his list? I download all my TV these days, and you can see the reason why. You sky subscribers really are suckers.
  14. What about all the money they are going to make from the new parking fees?
  15. All up at Shiregreen again where they? Tax money worth spent! ;-)
  16. Dunno about the staff, but the quality of the food is absolute crap. the buffet pizza is worse than a tesco value pizza, and the normal pizzas are always undercooked on top and swimming with grease on the bottom.
  17. I read "fox news" and stopped reading. Anything from Fox news corp should be ignored.
  18. OP post translated as: WEHHHHHHH they don't pay that tax and I do WEEEHHHHHH they have more money than me WEHHHHHHH. Suck it up.
  19. More to the point: how should we execute people that come up with such ideas? (and any other Pc brigade member) Firing squad? Stoning? hanging? the chair? death by 1000 cuts?
  20. Just get a net book. You don't need a tablet "pc" to do all of those things. You could even get a decent second hand laptop for about £150. And you certainly don't need to fall into the Steve Jobs reality distortion field like the people that actually think their ipad is worth a damn. With an actual computing device, you can choose an os and a browser and it doesn't need to be pre approved and then crippled by Mr Jobs. I would go with windows though, as linux has some issues with flash (slowdowns and whatnot.)
  21. Hi guys, was in carfonewarehouse helping my mum to get a new phone. She is new to to this whoole thing and on advice from the guy in store got her a REALLY cheap lg. Was about £3.50 + had to buy a £10 topup that comes on a new virgin sim pack. very nice and easy to use phone it is too! The guy told me they where cheap as the network was giving the discount. Phones are all unlocked, so as she already has an O2 sim with money on she is using that. (phone was £44 without the topup, but how does virgin make that money back if their sim isn't used? very weird! but never mind, got her a cheap phone out of it) So sat at the desk taking her details (the couple sat at the side of her was giving details on type of house, rent, place worked... wtf I would NEVER give out so many details to them!) so name address and simple things like that. What I am wanting to know is; is it the phone that is regged to my mum, or is it the sim, or is it both? Wanting to know as she wants to flog the sim and doesn't want the buyer to be dodgy and have the sim linked back to her if the buyer turns out to be a criminal later on or something. Anyone know?
  22. Yes there where allot more games released on those consoles, but not as much shovel ware as the wii ratio wise.
  23. 1. It's over priced for what it is/does 2. I have a DS lite, and even with my m3 cart, I hardly touch it and I don't need another one. 3. I am not willing to pay full price for a hand held game with a small screen. With such a screen size, the games should only cost around a tenner. 4. Not interested in this 3D fad. 5. come on Nintendo, another gimmick? is this what they need to sell a games machine these days? and re releases of zelda AGAIN?! What Nintendo consoles lack these days are decent games. Even third party publishers are unwilling to make good games for Nintendo consoles. And of course the only way Nintendo can sell a games machine now is a gimmick. This will have the same old shovel ware released week in week out, and only 1 in 50 games will be decent. Same with game cube, same with wii, same with nds. I'm no hater of Nintendo... I'm just sick of waiting for good games for consoles I spent allot of money on. Only thing the wii is good for at the mo is the ability to play old game cube games, which are mostly at a nice price. With these you can usually guarantee a good frame rate too, unlike most wii games I have tried with slow downs/frame rate loss all over the place. To summarise: I'll give this over priced rubbish a miss.
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