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Everything posted by anarchist

  1. Get in touch with the local councillors and MP. Let's get this nipped in the bud.
  2. Hey that's fine. If they want a site near to Graves Park they could always have a word with Bishop Jack. The old church halls are about to be demolished and the site sold for development. Perhaps the Cof E could give the site to the hospice if they don't feel the need to sell their own land at top dollar.
  3. I am afraid it is now their problem. Having spent 12 months trying to convince everyone that every site other than the Nursery was unsuitable , it would require eating lots of humble pie to admit that they were wrong and one of the alternatives was suitable. Unfortunately they don't seem to have accepted that Norton Nursery is the property of another charity and simply not available. They are the ones that are disadvantaging their patients. They can't blame anyone else.
  4. I don't suppose saying you want it stopping at 22 floors is going to make any difference either. The idea of a poll is to guage public opinion, and thinking that this structure is inappropriate is as valid a point of view as any other. Are you suggesting that only people of a certain view point should be allowed to express opinions?
  5. That is all very well but unless people know who might be getting into bed (metaphorically of course) with the party they intend to vote for they could be electing a coalition that repels them. It would be rather like voting Labour on the promise from Blair that he would serve a full term and finding power had been handed over to a useless idiot like Gordon Brown instead.
  6. The poll options are not too helpful. Where is the one for people who would like it demolished before it is complete.
  7. There has never been a pub in Sheffield named Spring Hill Jack
  8. Every time they change a tax they need more civil servants to take the money off us. Everytime there is a backlash and concessions like we have just seen they need more civil servants to administer the changes. A huge amount of what we pay in tax is to pay the wages and INDEX LINKED pensions of those who take the money from us. Gordon Brown was responsible for hundreds of these stealth taxes whilst he was Chancellor and can't help interfering now he isn't. The abolition of the 10p rate of tax was a last hurrah for Brown in his attempt to get a headline about reducing the 22% band. The tax payers of Britain picked up the tab for Brown's headline and now we are going to pay again as the Treasury have to clear up the mess. I think I would take to the bottle in protest if there wasn't an above inflation tax increase on that as well. The sooner Brown is consigned to the dustbin of history the better. He gets my vote as the worst Prime Minister/Chancellor of all time. How could the Labour Party get it so wrong?
  9. Every time they change a tax they need more civil servants to take the money off us. Everytime there is a backlash and concessions like we have just seen they need more civil servants to administer the changes. A huge amount of what we pay in tax is to pay the wages and INDEX LINKED pensions of those who take the money from us. Gordon Brown was responsible for hundreds of these stealth taxes whilst he was Chancellor and can't help interfering now he isn't. The abolition of the 10p rate of tax was a last hurrah for Brown in his attempt to get a headline about reducing the 22% band. The tax payers of Britain picked up the tab for Brown's headline and now we are going to pay again as the Treasury have to clear up the mess. I think I would take to the bottle in protest if there wasn't an above inflation tax increase on that as well
  10. That is what postal votes should be used for. The forms are too complicated that I suspect many will be spoiled by the vulnerable. There needs to be a better system. I fully agree with those who say postal votes should only be available to people who can't vote any other way. They should not be available to folk who can't be bothered to get of the sofa. There also needs to be better methods of ensuring there is no coercion. We have mobile libraries why not mobile polling stations that visit the voters and allow them to vote without pressure from other family members or local thugs.
  11. Correct As it has been stated that people loosing out from the tax change will be reimbursed, it stands to reason that someone else must pick up the tab to pay for those who gained. That'll be us them.
  12. I have just been listening to Bottler Brown in the Commons yesterday. His claim that people are much better off due to New Labour rang a little hollow on the day they announced that personal debt had just passed the Gross National Product of the UK. Someone should tell Gordon there is a difference between wealth and the ability to raise the credit limit on a Visa Card.
  13. I am not sure why anyoneis surprised by this. Gordon Brown never did anything but increase taxes whilst he was Chancellor. Many were disguised "stealth taxes" such as the tax on pension fund dividends.. but they all had the same result. People went from having bank accounts with a positive balance to having credit card debt They went from having decent pensions to having to sell the family home to survive old age. There is not much left to tax and no money left in peoples pockets for him to steal. I read in Beer Matters last week that The Campaign For Real Ale predict that the above inflation tax rises on beer will lead to apint costing £6.50 by 2011. That's Gordon's Legacy to us, and we never voted for him as Prime Minister and probably never will.
  14. Just looking at thefollowing link to Andrew Coombes interview in the Star. http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/15000-support-St-Luke39s-park.3998780.jp It is receiving large amounts of comment including one from some calling themselves Redrobbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SURELY NOT!!!!!!
  15. The reason Graves Park is infested with rats is because folk keep chucking bread on the banks of the lakes thinking that they are feeding the ducks. YOU AREN'T YOU ARE FEEDING THE RATS.
  16. The council should not be funding both sides of the action. The Graves Park Charity would be taking the councillors to court as individuals in their capacity as trustees. The council would pick up any costs to the Graves Park charity but trustees who break trust (as laid out in the Charity Commission's brochure to trustees) whould be acting as individuals. Hence the Charity Commissions insistence that party whips CANNOT be employed on matters where councillors are acting as trustee. Hope that makes sense..
  17. I fully agree. Folk who can't be bothered to get off their backsides and vote at the polling station should not be allowed a postal vote. I don't agree with fathers who decide who their kids will marry and I don't agree that they should decide whow their kids will vote. This is as big a problem with the postal voting system as the bag loads of postal ballot papers that are filed for folk who simply don't exist.
  18. It appears that our unelected Prime Minister, WHO TOOK AWAY THE 10% TAX BAND WHEN HE WAS CHANCELLOR, has persuaded her not to resign. So that's all right then. The 10 million poorest folk in the England can fork out a bit more tax so that the folks in Grinning Gordon's own constituency can have reduced prescription charges.
  19. I think most of them work at the Town Hall during the day
  20. The foolproof way of holding a ballot is to insist people turn up in person and have their hand painted green.
  21. I suspect there are many households where 1 person votes for everyone who lives in the house. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they also voted for other who don't live there as well.
  22. I was digging the stones in my back garden and I found a bit of soil
  23. Aren't people in Sheffield interested in the actions of a Sheffield MP?
  24. Yes that new smile is about as convincing as his claim that removing the 10p rate of tax was a tax cut. You have to admire Angela Smith. She has at least shown she stands by her principles rather like Meg Munn on Graves Park. A pity the same can't be said for the party on the City Council
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