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sugar cain

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Everything posted by sugar cain

  1. actually i have to also recommend guy (madcreature) hes an absolute star!! amazing at custom stuff and by far one of the most entertaining people in the world to talk to. quite a nice ass too!!! hehe
  2. the best person ive ever seen at this type of stuff in the u.k is mr heath at something wicked in lincoln. the guy is amazing and friendly unlike a lot of places ive visited in these larger cities
  3. try really putting your back into when whisking, add a little milk and cook in a pan thats heating up untill the underneath is browning, then stick it under the grill untill its risen up, then fold and enjoy!!! also i put cheese on the top after folding and stick it back under mmmmmm
  4. they are supposed to be a breed with a lovely temprement, i cant help but melt at any cat tho
  5. reminds me of a joke "thought i saw your name on some bread today in tesco but then i looked again and realised it said thick CUT"
  6. im liking the way rock is going too. enjoyed airborne even if on a personal level they are a bunch of arrogant midgets. it good were stepping away from emo rock should be loud and fun. gonna keep an eye on this thread. my music taste got stuck somewhere in the early 90s and havent liked much new since then, so whats top of your list?
  7. i used to do legit escorting years ago, never did extras tho it was tempting once with a very handsome rich young man who wanted to start "seeing" me regularly. but alas i was young and scared my mum would find out. made some good money tho and had lots of fun dates i think nowadays you could only earn money from the other type of escorting, people want a little more its the same as lap dancing clubs the only girls who make money are the ones known for going a bit too far. if it was good money and there was no special man in my life id probably do it tho dont see why not. i stil think it should be legalised and regulated it happens anyway so why dont the goverment make it safe and earn some taxes from it?
  8. not the first time i have had that suggestion
  9. hehe il take a box with me on my next night out and i do find one of the advantage of liking alternative music and 50's gear.. i can dress my man in platform creepers and new rocks. i like a tall man. my mum always said were all the same height when lying down. mind you when a rich men that wasnt too kind on the eye fancied me she also said you dont have to look at the mantle piece while poking the fire. filthy lady!!
  10. im 5ft 11" and have some of the nicest feet of any girl i know from having never worn heels. would like to be a bit smaller seeing as i have stupidly long legs and can never find trousers, and men up here in yorkshire seem to be short and its no fun kissing down.
  11. they are neither use nor orniment. i am registered disabled and was being kicked out of my old place due to my tennancy being up )i had been pestering the council for about 6 months previous to this and been on the list for a few years) they basically said its 12 weeks to decide if im homeless and disabled (what the hell? isnt that what you got me to bring my entire lifes history to this meeting for?) and then could be 4 to 6 months after that to get me a place even if i was granted priority. i just gave up and went private
  12. well im from lincoln (about to move back there in a few weeks) and have been in sheffield for 9 years. the point is te type of crime that happens, i no longer feel safe in sheffield there are too many random attacks and muggings making it an unsafe place to live. i moved out of one area(sharrow) because i constantly got sexually assaulted by men. im now in a better area but still have to be cautious when coming home at night as there have been a lot of attcks around where i get the tram from town. there is a drug problem in lincoln as there are in a lot of rural areas (nothing much else to do) its mostly weed and resin smokers and a lot of pills go through lincoln on their way up north bcause its not as closely guarded as nottingham. the thing about this is you can choose not to get involved in it i go home regularly now and even on a frida and sat night in the city centre i feel safe enough to go to the takeaway alone. sheffield has also lost its charm it was once a friendly and bright city with a lot of good music venues supporting up and coming bands and with a wonderful sense of community and pride. its now turning into another leeds, up its own bum and full of people who dont respect anyone or anything. most of the decent places have shut down and its now over priced. so im heading back to my small friendly city with its nice pubs
  13. nowadays its changed there is a 3rd party that "hold" the bond for both parties, when the lease is up if all is agreed the 3rd party will release the bond if any tisputes arise its now a lengthy process so not as easy for the landlord just to keep the money, but my advice is when you move out of a place never give cash for your final rent make sure theres an electronic trail of the money. and get a camera that has a date mark on it and take detailed pics of everything, also get a reciept for the keys you hand over. landlords will try keep the money just make sure you cover your arse
  14. waitrose garage on london road does it. i knew being friends with fire breathers would come in handy one day lol
  15. well i actually came from a poor family but both my parents worked and once my father left my mother worked all she could she did claim several things for familys on low incomes and that i am not arguing with help with childcare and such like for people on minimum wage is a good thing it encourages people to look after themselves. ok maybe means tested was a bad way of putting it. more of a capabilty test, for example a 15 year old gets pregnant if she has a family (i.e whatever parental figure she has maybe even a sister or brother) willing to help and support her and the child untill such time as she can be in full time work then that would mean her capable of supporting herself and the child. the only thing i think should stop is handouts, by all means help in times of crisis is necessary but people cpapble of work who just have kids for the money should not be supported, as i said before a working family who hits hard times should be entitled to help untill they get back on their feet. and what i said was if an injection or a way of temporarily sterilizing peolpe were possible then i was up for it. if a family could prove they could suport themselves i.e what the law currently says people need to live on wich is very low as im sure many people would agree then they should be granted the right to have kids. as well as the financial side i also believe a psychological evaluation should be necessary. people may think me harsh but i just dont think giving peole everything on a plate has done anything for our country so lets try a new aproach, i myself had one parent with a mental illness this illness however did not prevent him from taking care of us properly so there was no problem. people need more support from their community and family then the state wouldnt need to hand out so much if there was still the mentality that was around that you took care of your own and you live as a community was still around the cycle of help would be there and people wouldnt end up alone and unable to take care of their children and work. all this is obviously my opinion purely theoretical and im am fully aware a total dream as most of the world is happier to take all they can rather than give a little to recieve a lot.
  16. i may upset some but this is a subject that really bothers me, i am all for involuntary strilization, if there was an injection people could have that was guaranteed to work in stopping pregnancy either on the male or female side id be all up for it! i think having children should be means tested, if a family that has been working then come into difficulty by all means have critical care (as in the states) but no long term hand outs. i think if the handouts stopped a lot of these unwanted children would stop being born. a lot of them arent properly cared for and end up just being more drains on society,i hate the way someone who has chosen to have children will get favouritsm from the govourment and councils over someone with a disability wich is obviously not a situation they chose to be in. if you get yourself into a mess get yourself out is my opinion.
  17. try AVG free if your on xp or sygate on vista these are the two most recommended free ones by my friend who is a computer technician
  18. well all i can say is they work for me and many others i know, and if your as strange as me you can open them after and see what was in your ear its sometimes very gross!
  19. they work for me, been using them for years if your ear is very blocked it might take a couple of goes (done over a few weeks tho) i have a very bad ear from years ago and used to need syringing every winter. not in the last 2 years tho since i discovered the candles. holland and barret sell them.
  20. hey its looking a bit scetchy today. im hopefully off shooting a dead beehive later so should be fun.
  21. Manager (or Director of Madness, perhaps) Customer Service Currys I would like to draw your attention to perhaps the most bizarre and distressing forty-five minutes I have ever undergone, not only in an electrical retailers, but during my entire life, which includes long periods experimenting with LSD and 'Magic Mushrooms'. Oh, and also the small matter of contravening Data Protection My mission was simple. Enter your Crown Point, Leeds Store, November 26,2000; To purchase a Nokia (please remember that) ON Digital Pre Paid set top box, and also take advantage of your offer to spend an extra £20 and receive a 14" colour television. Having made my way to the Television area I was met with someone that I could only describe as being like my eighty-two year old Grandmother. She seemed disorientated and confused, had some difficulty in communicating in a way that would make other people understand… a series of low moans and clicks that meant nothing to me. Having described the product I would like to buy, she wandered off in an aimless fashion to return approximately ten minutes later, with an "agreement" form. At this point I made clear that this purchase was a gift, that I would pay but that details should be in my girlfriends name. After ten minutes of messing around, and childlike laughing from Grandma, my girlfriend had to take the agreement form off her and complete the tricky 'Name', 'Address' and 'Postcode' sections. We were then motioned towards the front desk, where Grandma stood looking hopefully at the assistants stood behind, who ignored her. One of the assistants later told me that they did this on purpose, because Grandma" was, purely and simply, "a liability" Eventually we were ushered towards another desk (at this point it is important to understand that we had been told that the warehouse had a stock of six Nokia receivers.) Grandma now attempted to do something with the computer but again seemed unaware of her surroundings and once more laughed when she failed to enter our details into the PC. In the 'Surname' field, Grandma, for some reason, entered my girlfriend's middle name. At this point we asked that another assistant took over the transaction. Grandma was despatched to the warehouse to pick up our Nokia receiver and was replaced by a corpse who informed us that, on no account did they have any Nokia receivers, but they had some Pace receivers. OK, I thought, and agreed that this would be an acceptable substitute. Mr Dead changed the details on the screen. Seconds later grandma returned, with a Nokia receiver. I gestured towards the sizeable 'Nokia' branding on the box and asked Mr Dead if he was sure that no Nokia's were in store. "Absolutely" he replied, without a hint of Irony. "But are you sure?" I asked, this time tapping the box where it said Nokia in big letters, hoping he would grasp this last opportunity to redeem himself. "I am sure, I checked earlier, none in stock" At this point, my girlfriend left, knowing she would be unable to keep her temper, to stand in the foyer where she met another customer who had spent a total of 90 minutes trying to buy a playstation, before giving up, fearing for her sanity. I asked Mr Dead what the five letter word starting with N and finishing with A might be, fearing I had become dyslexic overnight. "Nokia" he said. "Do you then, have some Nokia receivers in stock?" I asked. Mr dead mumbled incomprehensibly, but I did catch what appeared to be a strange description of "special jellies with crab meat". Nothing by way of an apology In the meantime, Grandma had now started doing something with the PC, and told me that I would have to undergo a credit reference check to continue with the application. Unfortunately, as I had already explained, the details had to be in my girlfriend's name in case she wished to upgrade the package. Grandma was undeterred and was keen to continue with the reference check even though my partner had left the store, had not been advised at any point that a credit reference check would be made and had to be present by Law to agree to this. As you will agree, this is a serious breech of Data Protection that I intend to refer to the Data Protection registrar. Grandma then asked me if it was my name and address on the form, even though she had "supervised" my girlfriend in completing the form, and I am male. At this point I asked Mr Dead for the agreement, which I destroyed. I would like to make it clear that at no point did I loose my temper, put pressure on any of your staff or become abrupt. I am a Planning manager for a very large customer focussed organisation and can recognise when people have not been given adequate training, which was clearly the case for grandma. She lacked the confidence to deal with the general public, had no product knowledge or any ability to work any of your in house systems. Your cash desk staff ignored her, one of them admitting that he would never become involved in anything she did, because it would just "f### up". Mr Dead was merely an incompetent buffoon, who made no attempt to apologise for his stupidity. Perhaps it was all the formaldehyde? I then asked if I could give some "constructive" feedback to the store manager. "Something you should take up with Customer Services HQ sir." implying that you did not have any Customer Service in your store. I was also posed the question "would you prefer to be seen immediately or wait for an hour?" Instead of taking the opportunity to listen to a customer about how you could improve service, you antagonised. "No, my idea of Customer Service is to be ignored for a couple of hours, and occasionally assaulted by a member of the sales team. I also like store assistants to imply that I am stupid and to be misinformed about all products and services offered?" Turning this on its head I probably did have to wait an hour before I had been convinced beyond reasonable doubt that I would never again enter one of your stores. For the record and I will be surprised if anyone has read to this point in the letter, I will also never use another Nokia or On Digital produce through association. I will consider making sure that these two companies are aware of the Customer Experience you offer.. On the positive side, I really did have a good laugh when I got home, such were the extraordinary and fantastic levels of stupidity on offer. Plus, I have told all my friends about it. I also intend to post some of this letter on our intranet, to cheer people up. Thanks! this is a genuine letter foreward to me from my friend who works for them. there are many more this is the only one i have on email tho, il get some more sent to me later
  22. blimey is gemma still going?? me and my friends once had a bet on as to weather she way a boy or a girl (this was about 8 years ago) shes approached me many times over the years and i have pointed out recently that she could have walked to burton on trent many years ago if shed hav set off when she first asked me in 2000. as for the crying blonde girl scam, theres another point peolpe should make. that is not only will the police take funds at another station but if you go the transport police inside the train station ( there should always be an office in a station) they will let someone go to another train station and pay for the ticket i know this as i have been genuinely stranded a few times and my mum has done it for me. and forgive me for not knowing but isnt begging illegal anyway, they have constant announcements at the station about people asking for money and that you should report it please dont tell me that after years of hearing these announcements they dont actually do anything when people do report it?? does anyone know the law on begging? these people disgust me as i myself have been homeless and know many people who have genuinely been in need, all of whom usualy go and get a buskers licence and offer a little entertainment for your hard earned money.
  23. oh and i havent totally checked my diary yet, but im an amateur photographer and would love to get some pictures of this. i shall let the alternative models and photographers know too, all will add to the turnout.
  24. i think you should read up before you start shooting your mouth off. there are tonnes of different "factions" of alternative people many of whom totallly diagree with each other i know many hippies who would hate to be shut in a aroom with a skinhead and visa versa (even amongst punks there are rival "tribes") i myself have encorperated many different styles into my look not because i want to be alternative just because i think i should be able to wear what i like, one day that may be all out punk the next i will be dressed like a 50s starlet i even wear suits and nice shoes. and its usualy only the people under the age of 18 that do the whole i hate chavs thing (sorry to pigeon hole but this is just what i have seen growing up in the "scene") as all teenagers do they pick what they like and hate everything else its just part of the extremist movement that is teenagers we all need to figure out who we are we just tend to act like crazy people while it happens. as for saying we all hate coca colaand the bnp again i think your talking about hippies. i know a lot of skinheads who are fully paid up badge wearing members of the bnp. and i by no means hate chavs in fact i have many chav friends we even go out together i "dress them up" to come to my clubs and they "dress me up" to go to theirs none of us feel compromised its just what we have to do to spend time with the people we love wich at the end of the day is what really matters.
  25. oh this has spurred me. i love writing these kinds of letters (especially to inept police departments) however there may be one or two letters id like to add to this (with OP permission dont want to hijack a thread) i have many friends who work at capita and they regularly bring me copies of complaints they get and some are absolute genius, if a little worrying. I am also with everyone on here, i am waiting for my local "walking abortions" to make an appearance just so i can shout at them.
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