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Everything posted by Lolly84

  1. Was trying to find out about the spray painted foxes up London/Abbeydale road, and the magpies on Antique shops? Did try and follow a thread that says was posted yesterday, but get a lovely error message that it doesnt exist! Is it a stunt? Talented artist? Or to scare off foxes?
  2. I don't know how/why people rave about Dhanistas? my experience- very small, cramped, was only 1 other table in & was given a very bad seat with no room between the 2 of us. Majority of food arrived cold :S :S Chose a wine- was told NONE on the list available, only a more expensive option, & only ONE to choose from at that! - result.Bad wine, very piney & watery. We did visit when it first opened, i have visited tripadvisor since out of curiosity wondering myself how the heck it stays open. I was surprised to see another few complaints of cold food. & on the opposite side, people giving it 5stars on everything going raving mad... :S :S
  3. if the original question is still open, people I used to work with temporarily that visited here for a week, travelled to the Peak District. Just on the border of ?- if you're willing to travel. For the opposite type of people, centretainment & meadowhell.
  4. modelmayhem & purestorm is more elite, & many models will expect payment. try netmodel.com for plenty of local models- I started out on there, lots of togs & models looking for TFP easily.
  5. I'm 28.. officially old !! Great... I will just toddle along with my camera on my own & my walking stick... now for a bit of knitting.
  6. There's one near me, what I've used for industrial shots. I'm planning on taking a model for some gritty urban shots- just be careful! It's full of broken glass on the inside, sensible shoes needed. If it's a "she" your model may be best changing shoes nearer than tottering around in high heels. At Abbeydale Road, where the large tesco is- when you pass on foot you can see it- if not, head straight left as far as you can if by car. There is an abandoned factory that is accessible. This place is often full of skateboarders, but they have never caused me any trouble, & i'm a young (late 20's .. maybe not then... lady. Harmless teens just out to skate at the far end. I believe it's the old Jacobs factory..google "Old Jacobs factory sheffield" & you will see it. Marvelled with graffiti.. hope that helps
  7. still pretentious as anything, same staff, same owners..
  8. what was fellicinis/ now "mudcrab diner" on ecclesall road hire out for free.. if you bring enough people
  9. The Art & Of ..Derelicte by SmallTownGirll, on Flickr Once Upon .. by SmallTownGirll, on Flickr Through The Panes (of Times) by SmallTownGirll, on Flickr
  10. Expat owl: love the clouds.. but then I am a cloud junkie in photographs.. def needs a little straightening, easily done in simple programs, windows live gallery is magic and does most the work for you Jediw: Im no expert, but these look suspiciously like what my camera on my phone would do... if took with a camera, don't be afraid to do be a editing, or be brutal & just post your best pictures. A bit of curves brings out the best in your pics.. I like to make some of my sunset pics HD, but be careful as can make them look too over processed. here's mine. Like i said lol, I'm no pro..i'm VERY new to this photography lark & sadly haven't taken any pics in quite a few months due to ill health. Poor camera.. First Light of Many by SmallTownGirll, on Flickr
  11. gorgeous!! love the tones ! Also prefer the 1st one- completely stands out above the rest
  12. Next to large Tesco's at Abbeydale road , is the Old Jacobs factory- extremely interesting but take some very good footwear. Its an open, abandoned factory with smashed windows for good viewpoints & full of graffitti- everywhere- you can go inside & out the whole complex and get an array of very interesting photos . In better weather may be some teenage skaters- no trouble at all. On an occasion I went down there was a couple of other togs too. Its a small hidden delight.
  13. Hi guys, Sorry if in wrong section (couldn't really find where to put this..) But I have a disgusting problem I need some help with . .. Long story shirt- I'm a long term sufferer of my next door neighbours dog. The poor thing is constantly left on its own and has one of those deep, lasting howls, & normally can be heard non stop all weekend ("AROOOOOO" - Hmm must be the weekend then- ) - so no rest for me. The neighbours also a nice habit of generally never being in, and Poor dog also howls late at night. Previously it got to 1am & I had to be up at 6am for work.. I ended up putting a nice note through with a smiley face explaining was 1am & me and my partner work shifts. They never answer the door if its the daytime on constant howl & my partner has been working nights If i go round to politely ask them to see to him.. & you get the idea ... the dog is never let out. New problem...They ARE letting the dog out!! At last!! The howling is still imminent upto the early hours.. so sometime in the very early hours they must be letting it out... to poop on my back garden I had a BBQ last week on that glorious day we had, noticed piles and piles literally of dog poop littered everywhere, and on their little garden too My partner had to scoop it and bin it- As we have a little one /I'm expecting - on the way. Again... woke up other day to more, very large piles of poo I could see from the patio door, all over our back garden. Surprise .. surprise... they don't answer their door.. ever.. and either they are very ignorant or can't read as my polite note through the door has gone ignored. So .. my question is.. I have been searching net what the heckers to do from here. I am considering playing Dog Poo Golf with a large stick & hitting it back over their side, what is crawling in poo, then forking out for a fence... But my mum went mad when I rang her & suggested this & said THEY can call the police on me for doing it.. hmm.. I don't have a dog and If they don't see me & are ignoring my polite calls & notes?? :S * I've checked web but all I can find is reinforcements against this... just in America. Thanks for helping peeps, its a nightmare
  14. I read her article & she instantly branded/ dismissed ANY form of criticism as being "jealous". I can tell you that before today I have never heard of her.. and when I opened the article , ..was not what I was expecting. I'm not in no way in total honesty being as she would instantly dismiss me as being "jealous" but.. What's with the nose?? It looks plumpous, and disfigured slightly to me. The most feature that immediately stoodout. She looks as plain as day and like any other button In the box. I honestly cannot believe all the things she has wrote about captains sending her free champagne and random strangers rushing over to pay her cab fare as soon as they saw her. I do not believe in fame but used to work in the theatre/stage business professionally. THERE i have seen so much natural beauty.. in both old & young ladies alike. And I can say that women like beyonce, halle berry... they are naturally beautiful to me. This woman is egotistic, I would no way like to look in the mirror and see that face... What a sham/ load of madness...
  15. wow.. somebody has actually paid £80 for that tree photo.. WOW as in people are always telling me to license or sell my images, as they are same quality to what's printed on canvas/what people like... LOL please tell me more.. Overall regards your site, agreed, I would have preferred an open gallery to view the full lot of the photographic work, then you could click on image to view bigger- medium thumbs?? Don't like being forced through trawling of images.. boo & YES be more selective !! Only chose your BEST work , don't be sloppy. Imagine each page was going on exhibit- you wouldn't want repeats or bad examples, would you? If your'e not sure- leave it out.
  16. Very, very, amateur here, hope i'm not imposing if I join the challenge. Hopefully by using the camera more often I will learn. Photos are pants but we all start somewhere & I'm on the bottom rung, lol. Got two for this week before I head to bed. Sorry they are a bit Big & in your face.. I'm still learning... ANd my macro.. damn flower at front got blown in a freaky bit of wind. Or might have just been the moment when some smart person round me threw a lovely snowball at said self. One or other lol. Either way, I'm enjoying the vignetty- effect , so here it is. Will keep to one photo in future posts . Cheers all.
  17. good suggestion, get a model & get some outdoor shots done
  18. I agree that camera is only as good as the person behind it. I read a Great Quote that has stuck with me & makes more sense. If you give Tiger Woods a golf club costing £10, 000 does he deliver the same service /great Putt if you give him a golf club worth £1, 000 ?? The answer is Yes. The skill is in the person, how he takes the swing, not on the equipment. Many people complain who get the new range of DSLR's that are more compact & cost in the thousands just because they arent large & believe more money "shows off" their skill. No , it shows you have a better job than me that can buy the equipment. The skill is in the eye of the beholder, the person innate that can capture & take any ordinary scene into art. Give a well known photographer who has several grands worth of equipment your point & shoot for the day, & he WILL get amazing results as the creative eye is within the person. Your being a little bit closed minded. I use a point & shoot, what cost me several hundreds of pounds. I have still managed to achieve nearly everytime (the nearly being MY own fault) amazing, top quality images that have got several national UK competition invites, got me several favouries, comments & friends from people I have never met in my life (i.e unbiased) on flickr, & I use the Manual setting more than often to gain total control rather than the internal settings inside the camera. This is like the pixel myth! (More pixels on a camera, the better the photographs.. Oooh better get that 16MP camera not that crappy 12MP...) As reguards to DOF & IQ I get the results just fine ,Absolutely Beautiful in some occassion even & where necessary there is Photoshop to finish off the results from the raw images.. . Just because its called a "Point & Shoot" & cost as much as my Wages allowed me too inbetween paying for my own bills for my own house & living costs, its only "Point & Shoot" if YOU the photographer are sloppy & don't take time to compose the image & think about whats in the frame...
  19. You must be kidding youre a pro, Was your work featured for sale at the Sheffield Art Show in Botanical Gardens a few weeks ago perchance?? I am sure I have stumbled across your work before when I googled what my competition was , Erm, I mean, what the other local Photographers had & honestly found your work stood out. & then I am Sure It was the same work in an indoor tent at the Art Show.. .. Either that or there is somebody very similar to you out there! Either way your work is breathtaking & inspirational. Gorgeous. Lots of early mornings & sunset shots, you lucky thing.
  20. You need to imagine that youre showcasing your work, & that people will be chosing to buy. You dont need multiples, YOU do want interesting, & you DO want quality. Now re assess your photos, what would you put up from those on pbucket?? * A lot of your photos just don't have any focus!! Sorry mate, got to say them- put then down/ hit the damn delete!! If your new to your digi cam heres a tip. Press the shutter button halfway down. Then holding it steady, press again the fullway. The half press will have focused on your subject in front of the viewfinder. * rest your photos- amateurs trick- don't take the photos looking down. Its what everybody sees. Get down to the flowers level. Take it underneath looking up, getting in that detail & the sky. If you are going macro - get in CLOSER!! - you are just not close enough. If its blurring do the shutter technique. * Flat photos- again, don't always just take the objcet as it is, take it from the side. Angle the flower in your frame to the left or right once you have zoomed in. Be Objective I often picture my frame as a Potential postcard - just DON'T always put your image slap bang in the middle of the frame, biggest mistake. * lighting- the best time of day is either very early in morning or dusk. For flowers, the best day is actually on a cloudy or overcast day as the clouds act as a natural filter against the sun, & the petals look naturally more brighter. Go after a rainstorm- or- Cheat - take a spray bottle with you & get in close ! & finally join flickr. You will meet great people for support & see some truly amazing & inspiring work. x
  21. * just deleted my rant at People picking spots on People offering work * ><
  22. bit blurry on my monitor.. must be my monitor, but i look at detail &house looks blurry & general quality quite low.
  23. brew plenty of wines & licquers from kits, all the time my fella tries to make golden syrup licquer .. & failed so far all months :S so yeap, big fan, can't go wrong
  24. chezz you are the most polite person under the most abrupt answers & comments, I have to say when my old canon died, it would cost me as much to get a new one as the battery,. i loved & swore by it & bought a new Fuji. skeptical at first , but never go back. I'd take it to jessops , & see how much new batt would cost, & at same time you can peruse if a better model takes your eye. with technology always changing there is so much out there, even in a year and half it wont be a Bad thing if you do have to get a new one. Newer models do portrait enhancing etc if youre using it just for casual trips kids etc, its worth ist to print or for the memories. most basic point & shoot do wonders these days., so i say take it in & price up, go with gut feeling & dont feel bad window shopping.
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