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Everything posted by bensonhedges

  1. Ah well, there's always Dempseys. Like the song says, it is what it is, but I quite like it.
  2. I get 44mpg with my new diesel. I was only getting around 28 with the old petrol car, so a few pence difference at the pumps is neither here or there.
  3. Again, a ridiculous assumption to make. Sheesh, you people...
  4. That is one of the most ridiculous and bigotted posts I have ever seen on this forum. Where's your proof, lady?
  5. Well that's tha age-old complaint, but how come they are 49p all of a sudden? 49p for little more than a mouthful....?
  6. What a strange thing to say - which news readers ever make personal comments when reading the news?
  7. I recommend Gary from FYTC - search for Fytc on here and you will find his thread with all his contact details and pics of work he has done. He just completed our bathroom and it's fab!!!
  8. Sometimes when I log in from my user account (shared computer), it hangs around for a bit, doesn't open my desktop and goes back to the accounts screen so I have to type the password again. What's that all about?
  9. Good point - well presented. I had high hopes for new labour after the thatcher years (and years and years) but now they seem even worse than Maggie's lot. The old saying is true - whoever you vote for, the government always gets in.
  10. Of course you can :roll: Start, control panel, add or remove programs, add or remove Windows components. I thought you had been computing since Bill Gates were a lad??
  11. You could also look up your hotel on: http://www.holidays-uncovered.co.uk/ http://www.holiday-truth.com/ or http://www.holidaywatchdog.com/Med-Beach-Resorts.html Lots of honest opinions on all of them.
  12. I have sympathy having lost cats myself. I only hope my passing is as peacful as your cats was.
  13. I would buy the licence just after I had lined up and shot the government who brought the legislation in. Then I would move abroad as this country is becoming a joke.
  14. It wasn't gay, it just helped us out when we were busy!! (Eye thang ewe).
  15. 153 views and only one taker - something of a record?
  16. The reason I originally came to Sheffield way back in 1989 was that I got a job at the head office of Bankrupt Clothing down on Nursery Street. It suddenly struck me that I don't ever think I have seen it mentioned in these pages and then I got to wondering if there are any other forummers who used to work for the great Paul Caplan? If not, then some of you must have got your Joe Bloggs baggy jeans from there - any memories?
  17. Naked all year round, unless I'm ill, then I have to have my pj's. Usually in pj bottoms and a t shirt around the house of an evening though. Also have to have the bedroom window open every single night, unless it's blowing a blizzard outside.
  18. BB'S is on Division St between the Forum and Halcyon, but you're right it is good - super food and very friendly staff
  19. Amazing stuff - I'm living on PictureSheffield at the moment!! I think it's all the more fascinating as I wasn't here when it was like this. Saying that, there's always been major (re)development in my time here - Meadowhall, Student Games facilities, Supertram etc etc. Isn't it strange that almost as soon as something is built, you can't remember what was there before. Thanks again PT for your research and memories.
  20. Thanks PT for your sterling research work. I find all this fascinating. The trouble is, answers just lead to more questions (in my case ). So, were St Mary's Gate, Hanover Way, Furnival Gate, Arundel Gate etc all there as streets before and just widened for the dual carriageway we have now, or were some created by pushing through old streets and buildings as the new section of the inner ring road has been around Shalesmoor and Nursery Street? Also, when was the bottom of the Moor blocked off by the (Manpower Services?) building, and, before that, could you drive straight down the Moor and onto London Road?
  21. Thanks PT - can't see no cobblers shop or view from St Mary's, but am I right in thinking that the flats ran down the side of Hanover Way, between there and Fitzwilliam Street?
  22. I never knew these flats existed (I came to Sheffield in 1989 so a bit before my time) and as I'm kind of fascinated by stuff that's no longer there, these interest me. I can't work out exactly where they were though - can someone tell me what street/building is there now. I've even looked at the photo-links but can't get any bearings. I'm also interested in what the inner ring road (St Mary's Gate/Arundel Gate etc) replaced - someone above mentioned houses where the "Waitrose" roundabout is now?? I also read somewere that Surrey St used to go all the way down to the bus station - true?
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