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Everything posted by dutch

  1. What goes up must come down. The intensity and energy used to jump is not going to keep them in the air forever. Just be patient, history is full of examples from similar cases we have now forgotten. What tesco does is normal human behaviour in search of power and control over the whole market. They are not doing it honestly, they lie, put people under pressure, anything to get to their goal. Just be patient and see what happens in the long run. They look for a satisfaction in winning control but this satisfaction is an illusion, I know. The closer they come to it the bigger the dissatisfaction and waking up to what is the point of all of this? They will never find what they really want in live because live is not tesco. Even if every street has a tesco and they go to the moon people can wake up and take their illusionairy power away. In future students will be taught from their mistakes from the old days. Many other places I have found "exact" same products cheaper than in lying tesco. Still use tesco, but just little little bit for few things.
  2. England is an island. If a supermarket don't look like disneyland they think it is shabby. They have never lived in germany, their only foreign experience is getting drunk and or staying in tourist areas. Dont get me wrong, love sheffield but as far as shopping is concerned, they get fooled by presentation and appearances without seeing they are paying too much for the show. If you have lived/seen germany you learn to go a little further and for quality.
  3. It is such a strange place for an accident. Did she lose consciousnes while driving or did someone jump in front of her and she reacted? Does powersteering sometimes malfuntion and you lose control? If she went uphill there it must be something very rare that caused this horrible thing to happen.
  4. http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/woman_injured_in_bus_collision_1_4251454
  5. http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/woman_injured_in_bus_collision_1_4251454 Horrible. Wonder what happened, she was going straight uphill. Too late now, whatever caused it it has happened. Wish everyone well, all the best nowills. I still have drivers license now but 10 years ago had epileptic blackout while driving. A very similar accident happened but I was not aware while it happened, suddenly everything blacked out and accident happened 30 metres ahead in opposite lane. Could drive now but happily take the bus, you never know, it could happen again.
  6. Go live in germany couple of years. English people don't know what to do and feel so helpless with emotions and other things. In holland the driver would have called the police and it would be in the paper next day. If you decide to do nothing then don't be a hypocrite and get upset about it. When you get angry tell those people right there and then, don't come to forum to cry over it. I was not there when it happened on the bus but when a young girl threw garbage on the street I approached her and said you are going to pick that up are you? She did and said sorry. Can take a lot worse without crying over it all the time anymore.
  7. She was not stealing. She was not conscious and could not remember how it all got in her bag. Stealing can only be done when you are conscious and aware. That is possible that she was unconscious about it! But than she can't do her job either. Lots of medication was missing around the place she worked.
  8. If some virus or other little animal explodes in numbers out of proportion we call it a pest. When humans explode out of proportion we don’t recognise ourselves as a pest to this earth we live on. We are destroying and ripping this earth to peaces because we want it all and think we are god. But if a little bug infests an area we panic in fear a pest a pest an infestation. Look in the mirror and see yourselves
  9. It does not matter. People never have enough, never satisfied, they always want more. Ten pounds for this person or a million for a banker only difference this person gets sacked for the tenner. The nurse was not very well. She was under influence and not conscious of what she was doing, that is dangerous, she could make big mistakes at her job.
  10. You are a big big idiot. Aldi is a german supermarket. Germans are far ahead from britain in development of science quality and technology. BMW, Volkswagen are german makes as well. German quality of food and products is superior to those of british supermarkets by far!
  11. It is certain that some medication can wipe memory and people live in the present moment. Sometimes just a part of memory goes with medication. Her claim of not being consious of how it all got in her bag is believable if she took medication.
  12. It is all illusion. Do you believe in modern economy like people used to believe in church and god. People did think god really exist 100 year ago now we laugh about it, it was just a dream. Wake up and it is all over. No dreams no worries no lies.
  13. Let her what is the problem? When you die that land aint coming with you!
  14. You never know what could happen there, scary scary scary. Was there yesterday, girl on express till was doing nothing for a while so gave her a little to do. Will tesco be first supermarket on the moon when people settle there? Would tesco be last supermarket to close if a virus wipes out 90% of population. When are they going to sell their own make of cars? They tried to take over local market there as well, don't think locals will appreciate nor support that and locals don't shop there much either.
  15. Large supermarkets use major psychologist and experts to use the most refined techniques to program your mind without you being aware of it. Lot of people think tesco is their friend and there to help them but are not aware the sneaky ways a supermarket uses to make you like them. They throw a lot of money and professional expertise at this. Lot of people follow their supermarketgod like a guru and don't even know how it got there in the first place. They wil get angry and devensive to protect their god and badmouth others that go elsewhere. Tesco is the worse of them but not the only one out there that does this. The more angry and offended people get by this the more effect it has had on their unconscious!
  16. Tesco are greedy selfish where every little helps replies to a little more for them and less for you. I spend £5 per month there. Will not support these type of bussines trying to take over everything with selfish bussines practises. Most people are too blind unconscious or fanatic to see it. Trained dogs sheep that run after their tesco cause it has trained to follow them like an animal. They are very good at that if you live half asleep like most people in this society.
  17. If your gas meter is in one of those exterior boxes any idiot with pliers can get to it.
  18. Don't hate them, will never ruin my own good live if there is a sneaky lying supermarket. Just don't use them or even worse use them only a little bit so they never get much money from me but think I am a customer. They used to sell 750 gram thornton chocolates for £7.50 and brag about it. All of a sudden the box stayed the same but the quantity became 550 gram. I almost did not notice it. No respect for this type of business. Bragging about colgate on sale if you buy two. It was the normal price boots sells them at. Tesco are liers, still use them very little but watch my back for their bad deals and tricks.
  19. I only tried two of them. They do sell many different ones there so anything is possible. They are not cheaper than other places and there is not any more on them either.
  20. Tesco's own pizzas are worst I have ever had in my life (tried them twice). Pizza's from aldi are ten times better and a little cheaper. Got good celery from aldi for 50p and tesco had crap almost outdated celery for 99p Tuna is worse an pricier at tesco, eggs are smaller and you only get them normal price if you buy 100 of them. I can go on and on. It is certain they only give "normal tade prices (not better)" if you buy commercial quantities. Do shop a little at that wicker tesco for few little things and dont hate them. Just go elsewhere for better prices and quality. Has been 3 weeks since my last visit and will go if I need to but I can live without them.
  21. Does not matter if DNA on Gstar top is matched, it was stolen that afternoon. How do you know it was "scum", do you know him/her/them personally? If you want respect and less theft, start with showing everybody equel respect and a chance to come back on equal grounds. You could have a pint with them in near future thinking "they" are great people. Anything is possible.
  22. If you don't know what a real mess really is how can you ask the question? A mess is a completely different situation that sheffield people never have been in, ever! If you take the whole world and sheffield, sheffield would only be what a grain of sand is on a whole beach. Worry worry worry that sheffield is a complete mess is for depressed confused people, start cleaning up by enjoying life a little more and invest less in silly stupid mindgames.
  23. I am no fan of theft, don't support them. There are greedy people that do it legally and greedy people that do it illegaly. Got less respect for the legal ones cause that is false hypocritical pretension. Politicians, banks, realestate and people working for two while others are looking. Theft is older than koran and bible. Do not support theft but if society closes doors, opportunities, decent wages for selfish reasons it will happen. Get angry all you want, taking thieves lovingly on board and show them other options is not going to happen cause people are selfish and greedy while pretending they are right and others wrong!
  24. Poverty is homemade. One person works hard with little personal life left and leaves nothing for others. Others got nothing to do and told they are scum and left with no work no respect no pleasant life either. Burglaries are home made, manmade by society. Neither the working nor the poor are to blame cause it comes from an inballance that asks, no screams for this to happen. Bigger the inballance bigger the problems. People with jobs and money are burglars too!!!! They steal from others the room and space to develop equaly and do it legally in this society. Burglars can't develop positively cause their chances have been stolen by other greedy people so they develop another way. Invite some of these burglars to come and work with you for similar pay and opportunities to develop instead of moaning that what you stolen legally is taken back illegaly.
  25. Just throw all money in the world in one big pot and devide it equaly to all the people. When you die not one penny, house, car or television comes along. Have fun keeping it all for yourself. Burglaries are as old as history, older than the bible and koran.
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